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Everything posted by Billz4ever

  1. WHY Shotgun? 3rd and a foot? Are you f#&$#@ kidding me?
  2. Should've left Dorsey in London.
  3. Their QB is made of spun glass. They should be careful what they cheer for. Karma is a b****.
  4. The football Gods truly hate us. Why?????? We're nice people. Really, we are.
  5. I'm worried about the trip home at this point. Someone is going to trip going up the stairs of the plane and tear an ACL.
  6. That play call sucked. Should've been Harty running it anyway. Shakir caught it and froze.
  7. The instincts are there, the speed and agility just isn't anymore. He was never a real fast guy to begin with, but he was fast enough. Now you see why there was no teams wanting to bite for his asking price in free agency.
  8. I know it's still early, but it's starting to feel like the Hines/Cook situation last year. Beane drafts Cook and brings in Hines and talks about weapons in the passing game out of the backfield, then we never threw to the backs. I swear it seems like Dorsey and Beane are just not on the same page. If your draft picks don't match what you're trying to do, what are we doing?
  9. I'm beginning to think maybe we should be starting our second team defense. That way, after the football Gods are done taking their wrath out on us with injuries, we'll be back to the first team D.
  10. I just can't understand how this keeps happening. We had an unbelievable amount of injures on D last year. It was a good feeling to get away from last season and get guys back healthy. This season is somehow shaping up to be even worse if that's even possible.
  11. The schedule is brutal though. We can't afford to lose the games we're supposed to win.
  12. I didn't even see the Daq injury. Losing Daq is huge. He was playing at an elite level with Oliver. They compliment each other.
  13. Losing Milano is bad enough, but some people don't know how big a loss Daq is. He was playing as good as any DT in the league. The line isn't the same without him there.
  14. All he really is at this point is a loose shadow on a receiver who you just hope can make the tackle after the catch.
  15. Once again, the secondary is in big trouble. If we have to rely on Elam, every game is going be a shootout.
  16. Dorsey gives a master class on how to abandon what has been working. Josh under center running play action, mixing in the run and keeping the D guessing. His obsession with running out of the gun is so frustrating.
  17. Yep, you can always look back and there's always bad losses to teams we should've beaten.
  18. Losing is one thing. Losing and also losing key pieces of the defense to injury is just salt in the wound.
  19. Dorsey telegraphs his runs and running out of the gun is worthless. This team should be heavily leaning on play action with Josh under center with mixing in the run. They have to keep the defense guessing.
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