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Everything posted by Billz4ever

  1. That's because unlike our unforgivable defensive play calls in the 13 seconds, the Fish weren't allowing our receivers to run free down the field like we allowed KC's receivers to do against us in those final moments.
  2. Because I'm telling you what I've seen in over 40 years of watching college and professional football. A bad snap in shotgun is far more problematic in a goal to go situation, since you will likely to be forced to settle for a field goal at best if you didn't turn the ball over.
  3. I mean whatever you want to call it, it was the wrong call. If your secondary is depleted with injuries, the last thing you want to do is give the opposing QB time to find a hole. The way you do that is with pressure, which is supposed to be a strength of this team this season, but when you're only rushing 3, I really hope they weren't expecting any sort of pressure that would force Tua into an early/bad throw.
  4. My take is the same as yours. He maintains control when both feet touch the ground. At that point, it's a touchdown since both stills from the replay shows he had already tucked the ball away when his first (left) foot touches the ground and still has it tucked away in the same arm when his second (right) foot touches. I'm not buying that either. I would argue it's easier for a replacement center to snap the ball under center than in shotgun. I've seen backup centers snap the dang ball over the QB's head in shotgun formation and it results in either a turnover or a huge loss of yardage.
  5. Because they're gassed and barely even able to stay in the game.
  6. Miami's offense scored 21 points in 18 minutes. Pretty sure our offense is better than theirs. We killed our own O-line and receivers.
  7. Because this would've been a challenge of a play that puts points on the board and where replay clearly shows control and 2 feet down. What happened after the 2nd foot touched is irrelevant per the definition of a catch according to NFL rules. No different than if a RB fumbled the ball after the ball broke the plane of the goal line.
  8. LOL, the NFL had YouTube block it here. You can still watch it on youtube by clicking the link.
  9. When the announcers were even arguing that maybe a catch, when they certainly weren't cheering for the Bills in the game, should've been a clear indication there should've been another look at the play. In full speed, I can completely understand it seeming as though Gabe didn't have it, but that's why we have challenges and replay w/slo-mo.
  10. I don't agree. Their gameplan clearly worked against them. Yeah, they controlled the ball, but it completely gassed the O-line and the receivers. Conventional wisdom is that it's the Defense that would be out of gas spending 42 minutes on the field. It was our team that was gassed and when a team is gassed, mistakes are going to happen.
  11. You have an interesting definition of the ball being "tucked away" then if the ball clearly being secured in his left arm is apparent when his left foot touches and then when his right foot does doesn't count as exactly that.
  12. So your argument is that a catch that is tucked away with 2 feet down is not the definition of a completed pass in the NFL because that's clearly what it shows. And you're also arguing that on a challenge, the ref wouldn't be looking for the ball being tucked away with two feet in bounds, again, which it clearly shows.
  13. Control of the ball and 2 feet down. Definition of a completed pass. As soon as his right foot touched, that's a catch and a touchdown.
  14. Can't be anymore clear than that and when it's a play that would potentially put points on the board, you challenge that and make the refs say it wasn't a catch. Give some of the dumb challenges I've seen McD make and then to not challenge this one is simply mind boggling.
  15. You said he didn't tuck it away and on the replay you can clearly see he did. He also tapped both feet and a split second after he tapped the second foot, the ball came out.
  16. That is a catch. You make the refs say it's not especially when it's a play that would put points on the board.
  17. How do you know the challenge would fail? The announcers were even arguing he had 2 feet down before the ball came out and they certainly weren't pulling for the Bills in that game.
  18. I do know that giving a QB basically forever to find a hole against a secondary without both starting safeties, Dane and Tre is probably going to end worse than if you put pressure on the QB, which is supposed to be a strength of this team this season.
  19. I'll make a statement. Given some of challenges I've seen him make that I could immediately tell he was going to lose from my couch, the fact he didn't challenge the Gabe catch/no catch, especially when the announcers were arguing it appeared he may have had 2 feet down before the ball came out, makes zero sense to me. That is not the play you do when you have a secondary decimated by injuries. Period. You do not let the opposing QB sit back and find the hole in the coverage, which is exactly what they did. 3rd and 22 is when the pass rushers should be pinning their ears back and going after the QB with additional pressure. They did the exact opposite of what the should've done. If you get burned by the blitz, you say they beat it and made a good play. What you don't do is let the QB sit back there and throw a 40 yard completion. If they had brought pressure, Tua never has the time to make that throw most likely.
  20. Putting the ball in the air there makes zero sense anyway. Josh is bigger than most linebackers. If we can't get less than a yard in those situations running the football having 3 tries at it, we have problems. Being that close makes throwing the ball harder because the defense is compressed into a smaller area and the likelihood of an INT goes as well.
  21. I don't even want to see the injury report this week.
  22. Josh in the shotgun on 2nd and goal from inside the one isn't a problem for you? A 6'5" 250 lb QB can't get less than a yard on a QB sneak with 3 cracks at it? And given some of the stupid challenges I've seen McD make, to not challenge the Gabe catch/no catch is mind boggling. Even the announcers were arguing he had 2 feet down before the ball came out. That play potentially puts points on the board. It's not like it was just challenging some 5 yard catch at your own 30, which wouldn't even be a first down. 3rd and 22 with a 3-man rush is on the coaching staff. Having Josh in the shotgun on 2nd and goal from inside the one is on the coaching staff. Not challenging the Gabe catch/no catch considering some of the dumb challenges McD has done, especially when the announcers were arguing he had 2 feet down before the ball came out, is on the coaching staff. Making Josh throw the ball 63 times in a game is on the coaching staff.
  23. I thought he had it too, so that's another screw up by the coaching staff. They had the ball, it's not like Miami was hurrying to the line to snap a play. I've seen McD challenge some clear head scratchers where it's like you immediately know we lost a timeout. But here, it was like OK, on to the next play.
  24. 3-man rush on the 3rd and 22 was the play of the game IMO. Indefensible with a secondary in the condition of the what the Bills is. I don't think Von was even in on the play. That ranks right up there with not playing press man, jam them at the line during 13 seconds. It shows a clear loss of situational awareness, often described as choking when it matters.
  25. Great stat. Bout sums up why we lost when just about every other stat line makes it look like we should've won by a comfortable margin.
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