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Everything posted by Billz4ever

  1. Call it whatever you want. I personally liked his display of emotion. Showed me he's passionate about the game and cares about winning. I certainly prefer that over the nothing but constant clapping you get from McD and nothing else.
  2. Not sure when OBJ will be ready, but if we get more WR injuries, we are going to be hurting. He's looking more and more like a yes if Beane can swing it. Gabe didn't really look game ready yesterday either.
  3. And the hits just keep on comin'.
  4. Just in general, it feels like I've seen a big uptick in injuries happening all across the league so far this season. Hopefully the trend reverses itself, but so far, this year has been scary for a lot of players and teams, ours especially. Not sure what has changed or what could be causing it.
  5. No, because the free kick (punt) can just as easily be shanked and go 20 yards or the punter can out kick the coverage and the receiving team can ripoff a nice return.
  6. Needing a touchdown to win is a much tougher proposition than simply needing to get into field goal range. They had a minute and a half. Very doable.
  7. Still don't get it. Like I said, Homers can't identify the hypocrisy in their argument. The conditions in last year's game were within ONE DEGREE of each other with the same humidity. What changed? The temp/humidity? Nope. As already stated they were almost as identical as identical can get. What changed is last year, the Bills rolled Miami. This year they struggled, couldn't put the ball in the end zone on multiple drives into fish territory and their offense was on the field for almost the equivalent amount of 3 entire quarters. Now the heat is to blame. Not how the Bills played in contrast to last year mind you, it was the heat. The heat is to blame and it's unfair. The fact homers are too homerish to see the utter ridiculousness in their line of thinking is absolutely incredible.
  8. Wow, you really don't get it. Again, Bills play well, kick fin tail, you don't hear a peep about heat. Bills lose and the heat affects them because their offense is on the field for almost 3 quarters, now we can't have that. Sure sign of a homer is not recognizing the hypocrisy of their own argument.
  9. Once again, proving my point. When the Bills win, crickets about heat. When they lose...wait, unfair, unfair!!! That is a homer attitude and homer excuse if I've ever seen one. And this board is full of homers, so the fact there are multiple people spouting homer nonsense, doesn't help you, nor does it prove you right. Just thought you should know, K?
  10. Bad argument? My argument is bad? LMAO Your argument is to the effect of: the Bills smoked them quick last year, so it's OK. If we lose though like we did yesterday, now it's an unfair advantage. That is literally your argument. Too funny. Funny, it's most certainly is being used as an excuse, but claiming it's an unfair advantage rings hollow when the Bills went in there a smoked them in almost identical conditions last season. If literally the only difference is the Bills won last year and you heard crickets about heat, but now you're hearing it all over, it's definitely a homer excuse. I can't stand homer excuses even when it's for my own team.
  11. Oh, so the fact the bills offense was on the field for nearly 3 quarters had nothing to do with it? It was all the "But the SHADE!" argument? Tell me, where was that "But the SHADE!" argument last year when the Bills beat them 35-0 when the temp was only different by one degree? Blocking ignorance as deep as yours brings a smile to my face.
  12. Wrong, in Denver, the thin air impacts the vistors more than it does the home team because the home team's bodies have adjusted to having less O2. This is another physiological fact that you fail to grasp, just like heat acclimatization. Until you grasp some basic human physiological facts, you should probably stop talking because it's from a position of pure ignorance that you are. So when the Bills win 35-0 in the same temp, on the same field in the same sun, all good. When they lose, "But mua SHADE!!!" Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?
  13. So what? I don't understand the point. Denver has an advantage too since they are more used to the thin air. Is every team in the NFL supposed to play in a dome? This is really the first time really ever heard Bills fans complain so much about the weather in Miami and I can guarantee if they'd won, you wouldn't hear 1/2 the complaining you do now. It's an easy crutch to try and blame the loss on, but when you only have to rewind to last season when the temp was 1 degree off what it was yesterday and the Bills smoked them, those complaints ring hollow and can easily be seen for what they are.
  14. Your take: when the Bills beat them 35-0 in the same stadium a year ago in almost identical weather, I say nothing. If the Bills lose to them I will now blame it on the weather and it's not fair. Get out of here with that nonsense.
  15. While true, it would've been an insanely long FG attempt or a hail mary, so can't really blame it on that.
  16. No, it does not contradict. Both teams play in it. One team is simply used to it more than the other. Some stadiums are louder than others. Is that an unfair advantage too?
  17. We did all see it and when you go in with a game plan to chew clock with a bunch of players not acclimatized to that heat and humidity, the outcome shouldn't have been a big surprise. The heat was a factor for the #1 reason being the bills players are not acclimatized to that heat and humidity, followed by #2 being they were on the field for 42 minutes of the game. Miami has to play in the same heat and humidity, but their bodies are more acclimatized to doing so. This is not some unfair advantage however considering the Bills wiped the field with them last year in nearly identical temp and humidity.
  18. Geez dude, let it go. It was a tough loss but trying to claim it was because of the weather is a bridge waaay to far. Sometimes the answer is so simple it seems complicated, lol.
  19. Is there a block function? LOL, I must be looking in the wrong place if there is.
  20. You still make zero sense. So when the Bills win in blowout fashion in the same weather in the same stadium a year ago, it's not unfair, but if they lose to the Fins in the same weather yesterday, now it's somehow an unfair advantage Miami has? Are you even listening to yourself?
  21. Good question. I don't know. Typically, there are a few that are sucking the O2, cramping and trying to stay cool but I wasn't paying that close attention. It was a blowout last year, and as I said, I think it's safe to say the level of exertion in a 28 min TOS game where you won 35-0 isn't the same as a game where you're on the field for 42 minutes in a nail biter and trying to come from behind. I'm still trying to figure out what your point is. They were on the field longer this year. I have literally said that was a factor over last year. So what?
  22. LMAO, where's the block function. The dude denying science and the weather almanac and would rather listen to people that live and play in buffalo simply to satisfy his confirmation bias so he can claim Miami has an unfair advantage is claiming I'm somehow contradicting myself.
  23. Mahomes was throwing up yesterday too. There's too many different factors that go into what could cause a player to vomit. Level of exertion being probably the biggest. The bills cruised to a 35-0 win last season and were only on the field 28 minutes. This year it was 42 minutes, they were not having the same success, and Allen was often running for his life. Two completely different game scenarios to simply point to the weather, when I've already provided the actual weather data and it's quite literally within 1 degree of each other. Enjoy your denying of science because I'm done with this conversation. If you want to listen to anecdotes over actual weather data and the scientific fact that is heat acclimatization, that's on you, but I'm done trying to talk any sense into you. Also, enjoy blaming the sun for the loss when they won 35-0 in almost identical weather last year in the same stadium.
  24. Once again, you are denying acclimatization. If you no longer live and work in that environment, your body perceives it differently than it did before because your body has become acclimatized to where you NOW live and work. Putting you back in the other environment is going to change your perception because of that fact.
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