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Everything posted by Lost

  1. Allen trying to put the game out of reach on one play is never going to work against pats D
  2. Josh needs to be playing 1 step drop and throw behind this OL
  3. Are we freeing up Von's roster spot to bring OBJ in here on Friday?
  4. The winning strategy from here on out is simple. If we get in the red zone, josh needs to take a designed sack the next play to get us back out of the red zone. Then we can keep firing TD passes to Diggs with no worry of turnovers.
  5. I agree with this. I think a lot of us have a fear of McKenzie's consistency though. If he keeps having games like last week the detractors will fade away. I'd rather the Bills go after OBJ or another WR2 that can either get real separation or challenge contested balls vertically, especially in the red zone. Gabe is a decent route runner but seems to lack the other 2 qualities.
  6. I wish Beas never left. I certainly would like to have his clutch catching ability back but I worry that just as the RB position we're getting a little congested at the slot receiver spot if we do so. I mean I thought we were gonna have Hines line up in the slot on some plays but we haven't even managed to do that yet.
  7. Anti-hero is not to be confused with Villain. They perform good deeds although their reasoning for doing them is usually for their own self interest not for that of society. Hancock would be a perfect example as @transient pointed out in this thread. Here's an article from 2008 that specifically mentions the fictional character Hancock and Terrel Owens as anti-heroes. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/media-stew/200807/hancock-examination-the-anti-superhero However, as any sports fan can tell you, we do seem to love the anti-hero. What is an anti-hero? An anti-hero is an enigma in that he or she does not demonstrate the desired values or norms of society and yet still possess a fan following. The anti-hero is someone who feels that they do not need other people, they possess a "me first" attitude. In sports, anti-heroes may include, Terrell Owens, Dennis Rodman, Alex Rodriquez, Barry Bonds, Bode Miller, Kyle Busch, Jason Giambi, Randy Moss, and many others. Past anti-heroes include Pete Rose, Billy Martin, John McEnroe, and Tonya Harding.
  8. I say anti-hero because every time I see a headline with TOs name involved, I assume he's the agitator. But then I read the article I'm always pleasantly surprised to find TO doing a good deed.
  9. I did. The guy was harassing people in the store. He put a stop to it
  10. Something I've noticed is Josh Allen is far more accurate rifling those short passes into tight coverage than he throwing the easy layup passes out in the flat. Kinda bizarre
  11. This bugs me. This is exactly how the Bills game planned to beat Aaron Donald and the Rams week 1 and it worked flawlessly. They seemed to get away from it midway through the season for some reason but I would certainly like to see them get back on these long efficient passing drives. Bring in less blockers and spread receivers out to give josh options for the quick reads.
  12. Just about every insult or slur is going to be offensive to someone or some group in some form or another if we dig deep enough. It would be nice to live in a society where people didn't insult each other, but until we're all a bunch of drugged up mindless robots, fear, greed, anger, envy are all real human emotions and backlash is normal human behavior. Every one of us has said things we've regretted in life. Lamar said what he said, he then deleted the tweet. Forgive, forget and move on. The internet has become a little too preachy in my opinion.
  13. Is Lamar Jackson allowed to be offended if someone calls him trash?
  14. No, it's only problematic because "you" perceive it to be. I disagree. As I stated before, many insults and derogatory terms have been around society so long that they are universally applied and their original meaning has little relevance today. It's todays generations who want to psychoanalyze everything to find hidden offensiveness like how salt is racist. Some words/phrases do tend to universally agreed on by society to be too egregious and are eventually phased out. This usually happens over several generations however. I'd say the term "eat a d*ck" isn't quite there yet but probably on its way out based on reading this thread. As someone who grew up listening to 90's rap however, to me they are just words.
  15. The purpose of an insult is generally to accuse people of something they are not so it gets under their skin. Some insults have become so universally used in society that their original meaning has no relevance. Brits like to throw around the C*nt word a lot and use it indiscriminately towards people of any gender or sexual orientation.
  16. If we've become that hypersensitive and soft as a society than we shouldn't even be watching the sport of football(which to my surprise there's even some members on this forum saying that its too barbaric of a sport). Someone made a dig at Lamar, he responded with an insult. I don't think he put anymore thought into it beyond that. Whatever meaning you derived from the words he used is on you. But if we're gonna go down this path we should just cancel over half the members TBD for saying the any member of our team "sucks" or "blows" after we lose a game as those terms could equally be deemed homophobic.
  17. I'm gonna defend Lamar here. His original tweet certainly wasn't warranted and foolish but for a holier than though reporter to pile on and call it homophobic is absurd. In today's world the demand for racism, sexism, and any other ism far exceeds the supply that people are desperately trying to make sh*t out of nothing.
  18. It's funny watching a lot of games around the league this year, I'm frequently impressed the scheming and creativity in play calling a lot of teams are showing. Aside from week 1 and 2 this year I haven't ever felt that way about the Bills. On either side of the ball.
  19. Sick of these MDs pre diagnosing the worst possible scenario without seeing any MRIs Xrays etc. I swear some of them just do it for clicks
  20. The thing the Bills excelled at early in the season and especially against the Rams was the quick release short throws. Where are they. The Lions are currently picking us apart with the exact same gameplan we should be using.
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