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Everything posted by Lost

  1. This is the most Billsy team to ever grace Billsyland
  2. Id rather see them only rush 3, bring in an extra safety spy or LB than to keep blitzing. They just arent getting home ever so its completely pointless. Especially against QBs who get rid of the ball quickly like Burrow. Even Mac Jones was getting rid of the ball in 2.5 seconds or less vs. us.
  3. He almost closed out the Bucs game too with the Offside to get them in hail mary range.
  4. Keep blitzing and never get anybsacks to show for it. The story of McD era D so far
  5. Bills have any stops on 3rd and long tonight?
  6. Has to be bad luck. I mean most of them are non contact injuries I believe.
  7. Two points to make on this topic. 1. Injuries have increased because the number of precautions have increased. There was no concussion protocol back in the 90s and the game was more violent back then. How many players probably had concussions and just played through them without ever reporting anything? A lot of players in general were just meaner back in the day and didn't really care about their own well being or others. They just went out there to annihilate people. 2. The league could go back to making players wearing slightly bulkier pads again to slow the game down a bit and maybe lessen some injuries that way. My opinion is players are getting injured at the same rate as they always have, just the amount of 'reported injuries' have gone up.
  8. Bills rush defense is bottom of the league too allowing 5.1yds per carry. The Bengals really have a free choice of how they want to move the ball down the field against our D. Burrow carved us up last year and I don't expect anything different this time around. The only question mark for me is if our offense can keep pace this time around or not.
  9. In the world of football, where the plays are grand, There's a lesson to learn, in this sporty land. It's about a coach, Ken Dorsey by name, And a play he called once, in a moment of fame. "Ken Dorsey," they said, "you're a football sage, But this one play call, it's like a page, From the book of strange choices, a puzzling decision, A Shotgun Draw Play, it lacks football precision." It happened on second and goal, from the one-yard line, A chance to score points, a moment so fine. But the call was quite curious, to everyone's surprise, A Shotgun Draw Play, with wide-open eyes. The quarterback backed up, the snap in his hand, The defense advanced, like a shifting sand. The running back took it, tried to make a dash, But the defenders swarmed, like a lightning flash. "Ken Dorsey," they shouted, "what did you do? A Shotgun Draw Play from the one-yard, it's true. You've got to be careful, make choices that fit, In this game of inches, where touchdowns are lit." So let this be a lesson to coaches, you see, In the world of football, for you and for me. A Shotgun Draw Play, from the one-yard line? It's a choice that may not end as divine. Stick to the basics, keep it simple and true, And your team will succeed, that's what they'll do. In football, as in life, the lesson is clear, Don't make strange decisions, let your choices steer.
  10. Looked to me that while Evans did get a hand on Poyer it was more a result of Taron Johnson running into him and tripping him.
  11. Cade Otton got absolutely mugged there by Benford and Rapp. Shoulda been a flag.
  12. I think Allen was just trying to draw the D Offside before the end and it did look like one of them jumped so Morse snapped it and Josh expected a free play. No flag was thrown though.
  13. Can we put Knox on the trade block please? Dorsey is going to force him back into the rotation once he is healthy and our production will fall off again.
  14. Bills must hold a record for giving teams their longest run of the season.
  15. TB with more plays in half a season than Tremaine has in his career so far.
  16. I know this isn't true because we only deal with the Panthers and Giants
  17. I'm really not ready to give up on Elam although clearly McDermott is. He didn't have a bad rookie season. How is it possible that he has regressed so much over the course of a year? None of it makes any sense.
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