I don't think anyone knew what to think when JA was drafted. Most were disappointed, I being one of them. However, it took next to no time for him to win some people over. The way he carried himself and his desire to win really shined through. Personally, the winning moment for myself was the hurdle over the Minnesota player to get a first down in his first season. From that moment on the potential was too hard to ignore. He said all of the right things and it wasn't hard to figure out the desire he had to get better. He has the heart to win and the physical tools to match his quick processing time. He is Intelligent, young and gifted. Other players want to be around a guy who leaves it all out on the field and that is how JA leads this team. It is who is and more than likely why he won the coaching staff over that drafted him.
He was the steal of the draft.
The Buffalo Bills were over due to get it right in regards to a complete QB and on that draft day in 2018 they did just that.