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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. I am intrigued by people who drive for a living. I recently started a 3 day a week job that is an 80 mile drive each way. I think I am going to get a bunch of books-on-tape. I imagine that is how the truckers do it. Or maybe they are really into meditation. Do you ever notice that NYC cabbies are always in the midst of an ongoing phone conversation on their bluetooth? They don't speak very loud, they just mumble, because I think technically they're not supposed to be on the phone while they have passengers. I wonder who they're talking to...probably other cabbies.
  2. I have been trying to clean out the cupboards/freezer and I have been coming across a lot of stuff way past the expiration date. I got daring a few months ago when I cooked up some two year old sausage that was in the freezer. Although it was a little tough from the freezer burn, it tasted decent and I survived. This week I've been eating some tuna with expiration dates from 2006 and 2007, and I really can't tell the difference between that and "new" tuna cans. A couple of years ago I put a post on OTW about how I just drank some beer that was in the basement for AT LEAST ten years. That definitely tasted skunky, but again, I survived. I googled "eating old food" and came across a couple of interesting articles. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/02/09/old_tinned_chicken/ http://www.wired.com/techbiz/media/news/2005/11/69447 I should also mention that this post was subconsciously inspired by stuckincincy's thread about whiskey a few weeks ago: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=95281 What is the oldest thing you ever ate?
  3. To be clear, I think that the kids should be punished. I hate vandals. If I were ever to actually commit an act of vandalism on a pro athlete's property it would be an act of civil disobedience. I would accept all legal punishment. I hope these teenagers were fans of Thoreau. If you think I would actually announce on the internet that I was going to commit said act, then I deserve double the punishment being thrown at me for doing something so stupid. Bragging on the internet about partaking in criminal activity is almost as dumb as trying to fight for extra meaningless yards on a kickoff return when your team is protecting a late-4th quarter lead.
  4. I hope Leodis learned his lesson. If he ever fumbles again while fighting for two extra meaningless yards then I will spray paint his lawn myself.
  5. Last time I checked Southwest has a direct flight from Buffalo to Vegas.
  6. Happy b-day and thanks for TBD.
  7. What kind of dogs? How old are they? I have made a 10 hour drive alone with a dog. It wasn't a problem for me and the dog, like Corp said, just make sure you take it out every time you stop.
  8. I love the Bills.
  9. I enjoy Kopp's as well, but will always be loyal to Anderson's as my favorite. What is your connection to Milwaukee?
  10. bump....Anyone goign to the game tonight?
  11. I once sat next to JP at an Incubus concert at UB. A lot of people came up to him to talk to him, and he was pretty nice. This was his rookie season when Drew was still here.
  12. Have you ever actually tried to sell old jewelry for cash? Factor in the pain in the neck factor and I don't consider jewelry an investment. A few months ago I was cleaning out my grandma's basement. In an old cigar box we found two gold capped teeth wrapped in cotton. My grandma said she didn't know who they belonged to, because my dead grandpa never had gold caps. Anyway, I dissolved the teeth in some acid and took the gold caps to Airport Plaza Jewelers on Genesee and Union along with two gold necklaces. I got about $70 cash for everything. No scientific testing was done on these pieces. The guy just looked at them an estimated the karat weight based on his experience and what was written on the necklaces. Could I have haggled? Could have I gone elsewhere? Maybe. But doing that would have been wasting my time. Now try to put yourself in that situation when you say your custom made jewelry is an investment. Imagine yourself going to jeweler-to-jeweler and explaining all the nuances of your ring to the guy and why he should give you xx price. You do that at two or three places and you realize that it's a major pain in the neck, and bottom line, you're not going to get what you paid for the stuff and certainly won't get more than you paid. They're just going to scrap it and make something new out of the metal and stones.
  13. I thought engagement/wedding rings depreciate in value. Who the heck would want your wife's used ring? WOMEN WANT THEIR OWN DIAMONDS!!!!!!!!!!
  14. In 2000 the Beastie Boys and Rage Against the Machine were supposed to do a tour, but then Mike D broke his collarbone. Ticketmaster wouldn't refund their fees. I even tried to do a protest thing with my credit card, but eventually they made me pay the fees.
  15. I received my PhD in Chemistry in December but have been looking and interviewing for jobs since March 2008. I still don't have a permanent full-time job, but I just took a position as a college instructor. Even before the market started to tank in September/October, I was interviewing and learning that companies are in no big hurry to hire, even if there are openings. Internal and 3rd party recruiters love to get your hopes up and give you the runaround, especially 3rd party recruiters. Pooj: I have had similar things happen to me. I agree with you that it is rude, but I try not to take it personal. As most have said, they have the power, and it is just the nature of their profession. Don't hate the playa, hate the game. Ramius and Big Cat: I have also had a similar thing happen to me post-interview. You're not rejected, but you're definitely not their top choice. In many cases, I don't think these companies really know WHAT they want. That's most likely why they're not responding to you. Over the course of 4 months, I had two on-site interviews with a company. During this time period, I received phone calls from 3rd party recruiters about this very same position. The recruiter gave me the job description and where the company was located. I told her, "I know what company this is, it's XXXX." She said, "I'm not allowed to reveal the identity of this company." I said, "NO, I know what job this is, I'm already interviewing for it." At this point I knew they were searching for more candidates, but I was communicating with the hiring manager and they told me I was still in consideration. About five weeks after the 2nd interview, I finally received the formal rejection email. When I called to follow up, I found out that they didn't actually offer anyone else the job. As far as I know, it's still open. So basically, even if there are openings, it seems like companies are being very selective in who they hire. Again, I try not to take this personally. Like Chef Jim says, get better.
  16. What's worse, one shot of whiskey, or 8-10 beers? If you can't just have one beer, I think that means you're an alcoholic.
  17. I have heard similar stories about him. Not as outrageous as yours, but certainly things that he would not want revealed.
  18. He says his net worth is $250k. Why didn't he just hire hookers if he wanted to get laid so bad?
  19. I will be there with a crowd of six more.
  20. Some guy did this on the 290 a year or two ago. He killed himself and the person he hit head on.
  21. Mike Salmon. I never would have figured that out, but now that I know I can rest easy.
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