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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. Do you think the administration should build the football team up at the expense of academics?
  2. I agree with all of those except Minnesota.
  3. I don't know if this can be proven, but from what I was always taught by my elder football teachers (Dad and Uncle), Jim Kelly chose to play in the USFL because he knew he would not start immediately in Buffalo. It wasn't that he hated Buffalo or anything, he just wanted to start right off the bat.
  4. Jordan didn't really start to win championships until he did rely on his team a bit more.
  5. if you are a chemist and live in cincy, do you work for proctor and gamble?
  6. From this sitesite it's only 9.99 plus shipping.
  7. Another big mistake!
  8. You just ended a sentence in a preposition. Big mistake!
  9. I'd like to see you do better.
  10. If that what it takes to convince you nonbelievers, then maybe he should.
  11. I think I place most of the blame on the O-line. Drew is gonna turn some heads in two weeks.
  12. Amen to that ofiba. I like the way you think. You must have a smart older brother.
  13. You're the worst speller ever.
  14. Cases manufactured by Incardona Luggage are supposed to be good too.
  15. Actually it's interesting that you should bring that up. I don't remember if it was the second or third quarter, but the offense was using the no huddle. They did it for about four or five plays. It was working fairly well and the defense seemed to be on its toes, then Mike Williams stays down. He gets up quickly, but is clearly in some sort of pain, limping a bit. I don't know if they show this on TV, but I saw it at the game: Moulds runs over to him and starts yelling at him. I can only assume that he was telling him to suck it up and keep playing, because the no huddle was working. ACtually, I can't assume this, but I hope so. DId anyone else at the game see this or know what I'm talking about?
  16. I don't really think I was infringing on anyone's right to own a gun. I was just trying to understand why he needs one. I think most gun owners are able to provide adequate and intelligent reasoning to why they need guns, however I think what turns gun opponents off even more is when gun owners portray such a cavalier attitude about it with statements such as: There's just something fun about saying "grab some pavement, dirtbag." or SHOT gun time, actually. It's amazing how well people behave when they are staring at the business end of an 1100 pump and the native has an itchy trigger finger. Statements like these make you fit perfectly into the stereotype of a wild west guns blazing NRA member who is not trying to protect himself or his family but trying to act like some modern day Dirty Harry/action hero type. Now in this case, I am taking the statements out of context, since I think I detected your sarcasm, however I think this is where all the controversy starts to arise among those who would take your statements to heart. Anyway, I respect your right to bear arms and appreciate the debate.
  17. swede316, This link that you sent me provides anecdotal evidence of how home invasion is on the rise and the most recent story is from 2001. The link provides no statistical evidence that home invasion is on the rise, yet you claim "the truth is there". The truth is, in my case, that I live in Amherst, which is statistically the safest town in America. I have never once felt the need to carry a gun. I have also lived in the city of Buffalo, and I still never found that I was being physically threatened enough to go out and buy a gun for "protection." You also said it "happens in Pensacola time and again", however this is also an anecdotal account for you provide no guidelines to what you mean by "time and again" I respect your right to own a firearm, but please do not talk down to me because I don't choose to own one myself. My head is not in the sand, and the criminals do not own me. I try to avoid trouble, and so far trouble has avoided me. My response to AD is along the same lines. I live in a safe neighborhood. My car has been broken into twice in my life, both times while parked in the city of Buffalo. Owning a gun would not have stopped this, since I wasn't at my car when it happened. And I certainly don't think you would claim that owning a gun would have prevented the teenagers in your neighborhood from breaking into your car to steal your sunglasses. What I am really curious about is the actual circumstances of the times you had to draw your gun. What did the perps want? Were you alone? What was the large city where the two bangers ran away? Yes, there is a lot of crime everywhere, but there are ways to avoid it. For me, owning a gun would not make me feel any safer, because I think having to use it would put me in a lot more trouble than the actual crime I was trying to prevent would have put me in. Oh yeah, and what exactly is "hot breaking" a house?
  18. I'm not questioning one's right to a gun. If you want a gun, I don't really care. But I am asking you personally, why do you need a gun for home defense? I have never been to Alaska, but I can't imagine that there is a lot of crime, especially a lot of home invasions. Also, could you please describe the circumstances of both instances in which you needed to draw your concealed weapon. Include what town/city this took place in. And do you carry a weapon with you at all times?
  19. Couldn't you just use a beebe gun for target shooting? I don't understand home defense unless you live in a really bad neighborhood.
  20. Alaska Darin, I have no problem with your passion for guns. Your reasoning makes sense on why the recent ban has been lifted. I am just wondering, what exactly do you use your guns for? And what kind of guns do you own? I personally have no use for a gun. While I agree with you that too much money is wasted trying to legistlate against certain types of guns, I don't understand why anyone would actually need a gun unless they were a hunter, criminal, police officer, or person who carries lots of cash on them.
  21. It actually reminds me a lot of the movie Swingers, which is why I think I like it.
  22. It's on Sunday nights on HBO and I for one find it quite entertaining.
  23. There are so many fans who have no clue about what is going on during the game at anytime. They get so worked up and never used their heads. I was also at the game, and felt like the fans partaking in the wave while the Bills had the ball were like lemmings following each other off a cliff. Also, after the first Moulds fumble (the backward lateral) this guy in front of me kept shouting at the top of his lungs complaining that it was a forward pass and not a fumble. He wanted Mularkey to review the play, but clearly it was a backward pass. Moulds had stepped behind the line about 5 yards. But this guy kept shouting at Mularkey, as if Mularkey could hear him. He continued to complain well into the Jaguars drive, even after people were explaining to him that it was clearly backwards. AND THEN, this guy kept getting up for every single play, trying to tell everyone who wasn't standing was less of a fan. I can make just as much noise while sitting down, and frankly the only time I stand up is when someone in front of me gets up and is in my way. Why do people have to make me get up? I'm going to cheer and make noise just as loud as you, but I'm sitting. That's why I paid for the seat.
  24. I totally think the idea of "best wings" is completely subjective. The problem with these places is that they all have off nights. I have been to Duff's and the wings have been pretty bad and dry, but most of the time the wings are great. Same thing with Anchor Bar, it totally depends on the day you go. Sometimes they are great, and sometimes they dissapoint. I have only had La Nova wings once, and it was the La Nova on Main Street in Williamsville, not the one on the west side of Buffalo. Anyway, I was not impressed with La Nova's wings or pizza. I should probably try them again, but I thought the pizza was just plain bad. I think 9 times out of 10, I would take Duff's over any wings, but Anchor Bar is up there pretty high on my list too.
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