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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. They did this on AMC a few years back. If you went to SAP in your audio mode, it played Dark Side of the Moon. It was pretty cool for the first playing of the album, but then got a bit boring (in my opinion). I suppose it's cooler if you are stoned, but I was just sleepy.
  2. There needs to be a posting rule on this board. Do not post transaction news unless you have a link to prove what you are claiming. http://www.chargers.com Bobby Shaw did not sign with the Patriots, however the person who started the thread got a whole lot of people to believe that he did. Shame on whomever that person was. Same thing happened with Sam Adams. This board is a good place for finding out up to the minute transaction news, but it's annoying when people post stuff based on speculation.
  3. directly from the NFL rulebook: http://www.nfl.com/fans/rules/cointoss Coin Toss 1. The toss of coin will take place within three minutes of kickoff in center of field. The toss will be called by the visiting captain before the coin is flipped. The winner may choose one of two privileges and the loser gets the other: (a) Receive or kick (B) Goal his team will defend 2. Immediately prior to the start of the second half, the captains of both teams must inform the officials of their respective choices. The loser of the original coin toss gets first choice.
  4. According to the Buffalo News I was at the game but did not see OJ. I am surprised he had the guts to show up. Did anyone actually see him?
  5. Steve, I think it's been well established that you think the Bills suck this season. When you say it in every post that you make it kind of loses its effectiveness. It's rubbing salt in our wounds.
  6. Is that a challenge? I'll be all time QB. I want to see who can run the best post pattern.
  7. Very good point ofiba. Most of the complainers on this board can barely spell simple words like "ridiculous" or are capable of using correct grammar. I'd love to see one of you pick up a blitz as a blocking running back.
  8. I am pretty positive I will be voting for Michael Badnarik, Libertarian candidate for president.
  9. AMEN! I like how you think and believe you are an absolute genius.
  10. Todd Collins or Quinn Early?
  11. There's too much negativity around here. GO BILLS!
  12. Hey Mav, I'm still waiting for the playoff predictions.
  13. Nick in England, I'm curious to know how you became a Bills fan.
  14. that was a beautiful story
  15. This question goes out specifically to two regular posters (Nick in England and aussiew), but can be fielded by anyone who is not a native of the USA, or WNY for that matter: The question is, how did you become such passionate Bills fans? My passion for the Bills comes from the spirit that is ingrained in the youth of western NY. I was born in 1980, in Buffalo, and I was given the name of the starting quarterback of the Bills at that time. Although my parents claim that I was not named after Joe Ferguson the quarterback, I think subconsciously my dad named me Joe with some Bills fan intentions. Growing up with this name, and a family full of die hard Bills fans surrounding me, I had no choice but to love the Bills. During the glory years of the 90's, my passion grew stronger and stronger. After Super Bowl 25, I cried myself to sleep. My dad told my brother and I that it was only a game and we should not worry because we had no control over it. After tucking us in, he closed the door and we heard him screaming profanities at the top of his lungs. Due to this upbringing in Buffalo, I will always be a Bills fan, no matter how bad the team becomes. So how does someone, especially living in a country like Australia or England, become a football fan, let alone a Bills fan. I know that the most popular sport in either of these countries is certainly not American football, so how do you get to the point where you are so passionate about the team that you make super long road trips to go see them play? Along the same lines, how does someone living somewhere else in the USA become a Bills fan, especially when they're are so many other teams who have a better history of success to choose from?
  16. LINK October 2, 2004 -- A New Jersey public-school teacher claims she was bushwhacked by her principal yesterday when he ordered her to "get out" of the building after she refused to remove a photo of President Bush and the first lady from her classroom. So basically this teacher had a picture of the US presidents up in the classroom. Using normal teacher logic, she also had a picture of the current US president, George W. Bush. Several parents complained about this, and the vice principal asked the teacher to hand in her key and leave the building. If that isn't the dumbest thing I have ever heard, I don't know what is.
  17. I wouldn't go so far as to say "it sucked" I would give it about a 7 of 10
  18. I rented Swimming Pool yesterday. It was a mystery and it was a British movie. It also had a great deal of frontal nudity. I believe the version I got from Blockbuster was the unrated version. Good movie, even if you take out the nudity.
  19. I was at the game. The mood was pissed off. How else would the mood of the stadium be? I saw a fight between a group of Pats fans and group of Bills fans. People were extremely frustrated.
  20. I choose A without a doubt
  21. I will be at the game.
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