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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. I think I am going being that I am a Canisius alumni.
  2. What kind of man decorates a bathroom?
  3. I'd have to say that my brother John (MavBavButav) is definitely going to be the next big thing in Hollywood. I'm really banking on him making it big because I want to ride his wave of success and have roles in all his movies and live in his Hollywood mansion kind of like Johnny Drama does on the HBO show "Entourage".
  4. Personally, my favorite movie from MavBavButav's resume is the short called "Brotherly Love". I also really enjoyed the music video he directed entitled, "Joe Rage". His most original piece of work is definitely "Twosome".
  5. awesome man what channel?
  6. Check the subject of this thread. Isn't it "apologize" and not "appologize"?
  7. your posse is alive and well
  8. The Denny's is the one on the corner of Niagara Falls Blvd. and Sheridan. Personally, I think that movie is a must see for any Bills fan/Buffalonian.
  9. You can't do it online anywhere?
  10. Can anyone tell me how one can legally bet on the Super Bowl if one does not live in Las Vegas?
  11. Beastie Boys - "Paul's Boutique"
  12. I went to Canisius and know who Father Dugan is.
  13. I went to high school with current Atlanta Falcons offensive guard and University of Miami graduate Martin Bibla. My brothers and I played football with him in our backyard when I was in middle school and he was a slow fat kid.
  14. I personally think Sgt. Peppers is a good choice. Emo would be pretty conforming for a 13 or 14 year old kid. If you want a classic, Taking Back Sunday does not fall in to that category. If you want classic emo, I would recommend Weezer's Pinkerton, but you don't really want emo. Here are some good timeless classic rock albums: Rolling Stones "Exile on Main Street" Beatles "Revolver" Led Zeppelin I-IV The Ramones are also a good choice.
  15. Just like Biggie Smalls said, "Mo' Money more problems"
  16. Donald Trump gave $2000 to Bush and Kerry.
  17. I truly believe that humanity at its worst can be observed in a male public restroom. Any man who does the following deserves to eat their own feces: 1) Urinate on the seat 2) Urinate on the seat without wiping it off 3) Leave solid feces on the seat 4) Not flush 5) Not wash their hands after using the restroom 6) Talk to another man in the stall next to them 7) Touch another man while the other man is urinating 8) Look any way but forward or down while at a urinal If you do any of these things, you are probably also one of those people who hits parked cars with your swinging car door and tries to de-board a plane before someone in the row in front of you.
  18. How the heck are you a Bills fan if you've never been to Buffalo?
  19. I have an excellent concept of what fans do to support a team, being that I have attended all the home games this season. Home team cheering may tip the scales in favor of the home team, but will not ultimately decide the outcome of a game. What I meant by this post is that we are not members of the team. "We fans" can mean that the fans are a separate entity and not directly affiliated with the team. "We" as in fans, and "we" as in the team are two different entities.
  20. If the Bills win a game, "we" the fans do not win. "We" are not members of the Buffalo Bills organization. The only people who can claim the "we" status are those who directly participated in the game as a member of the team (coaching staff, players, GM, owner). Attending the game and cheering for you team still does not put you in the "we" category. Using this principle in regards to the Pistons-Pacers brawl, this statement is not entirely true: You cannot use the term "we" because you are not a member of the team. You did not contribute at all to the Pacers win. You are also not a member of the St. Louis Cardinals or the Buffalo Bills. If the incident had happened in Indianapolis and Ben Wallace went into the stands, would you be defending him? I doubt it. We are not professional athletes. We are fans.
  21. http://fromasadamerican.blogspot.com/2004/...ad-my-vote.html
  22. Where do you live now, and have you ever lived in the South? Do you realize that the moral majority lives everywhere, not just the South? There are also liberals living in the North. I have lived in California, Tennessee, northeastern PA, and Western NY, and all these places have people of drastically diverse political views. Anyone who agrees with an KzooMike and hateful site like this is not very open minded in my opinion. Try reading this site, I think it's a good counterpoint to "F the south". http://fromasadamerican.blogspot.com/2004/...ad-my-vote.html
  23. What I meant by, "are you even from Indiana" was, are you originally from Indiana? If not, how long have you lived there?
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