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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. Hey man, me too. Chemistry PhD student.
  2. It's time to round up the posse.
  3. Aren't you the same guy who is constantly harping on people to increase the security of their wireless networks? What is more important, tighter security on your computer or tighter physical security of planes/government buildings?
  4. This brings a whole new meaning to those "Michael Vick Experience" commercials.
  5. I would have to agree with that statement wholeheartedly. My father took a job there about three years ago and we had the same doubts about moving to "the South". One weekend visit changed my mind completely. Now I am still stuck in Buffalo and wish I could be in Nashville with them.
  6. Lot's of bars on Broadway and 2nd avenue that have live music playing for free, and not all of it is necessarily country. Tootsie's is the most famous of these bars, because it is right behind the Ryman auditorium where the grand old opry used to be. Musicians would go to Tootsies and jam all night after their set at the opry. Now it's a place where famous musicians go to jam after their concerts in nashville. Even if you don't like country music (which I don't either), it is a still an enjoyable place to go and a must see if you're in nashville. Printer's alley is a few blocks away from the main strip of downtown and that has a pretty good blues bar, I think it's called bourbon street blues bar or something like that. Also, outside of the downtown area near the airport is the opryland hotel, which is the largest hotel in north america outside of las vegas. More of a touristy trap type place, but you still walk around it for free just to say you've seen it. There are also a lot of pseudo hipster/trendy places around the neighborhood where vanderbilt university is, if you are in to that sort of thing. Also recommend drivng down music row, which is three or four block stretch of a street with all recording studios and music publishing companies.
  7. Let's keep this thread on topic. This is the thread where you can pledge your allegiance to stevestojan.
  8. car service. unlike a taxi it's a flat rate to the airport.
  9. I can assure you, I didn't start this thread with the intentions of tearing you apart.
  10. Although I don't post regularly, I visit TSW on a daily basis. Along with fark.com, this message board provides me several hours of quality procrastination time. The most entertaining and interesting part of this message board is not the topics discussed, but rather the characters who are doing the discussing. No character in message board history is more famous (or infamous) than stevestojan. Of the handfull of people I know personally who post on TSW, they all admire (or pity) stevestojan's uncanny ability to post at such a prolific rate. Looking past the quantity of his posts is when you realize his true genius. Never a dull thread along the likes of "Bills just lost...nm" is started by Steve. He always keeps his posts unique and interesting. His avatars constantly keep his fans guessing, ranging from pictoral tributes to small screen legends such as John Stamos, or cleverly timed placement of sports team logos. It is for these reasons that I have always been intrigued by the man that is stevestojan. I have asked myself, "What would he be like in person, would he have an answer to everything, would he always pose interesting thought provoking and conversation starting questions?" Unfortunately, to this point, meeting stevestojan would be difficult since he lives so far away from me. Recently, however, he informed the TSW community that he would be moving back to the region that many of us, including me, call home. That region of course is Western New York. Now, fantasy has the chance to become reality. I want to be apart of stevestojan's posse. I want to travel through the streets of Buffalo, fighting crime, drinking beer, finding women, and cheering for the Bills alongside TSW legend stevestojan. I am proposing with this thread, that stevestojan starts a crime fighting, Bills fan only posse. Since I will be the founding member of the posse, I naturally will have to be second in command behind stevestojan himself. This posse of course will have to be based in Buffalo. Anyone else who lives in the area is welcome to join. Who's with me?
  11. From what I gathered from that website, most of those buildings were intended to be temporary anyway. The only one still up is the Buffalo Historical Society building.
  12. I guess I will have to watch out for 15 year old kids the next time I fly in a Cessna 172.
  13. The only reason I mentioned McVeigh was because I was responding to Fezmid's comment about Oklahoma.
  14. When I originally contributed to this thread, I was simply expressing my disgust with the way people behave in an airport. That was what the thread was about. Then somehow or another this thread got twisted into a debate over the nationality of terrorists. I participated in this debate, while still trying to keep with the theme of the thread, which I thought was, "Frustrations involving airplane travel". When I suggested that all terrorists were Muslims, of course I meant all terrorists who hijacked planes in the US and crashed them into buildings. REMEMBER, I was trying to remain within the confines of the theme of the thread. Somewhere during this debate, the freaking thread got moved to PPP. Now the thread is about this history of terrorism, preventing terrorism, and not stereotyping people based on religion/ethnicity. All I ever wanted to do was complain about people who annoy me on the plane.
  15. In light of this thread, yes they don't count. The thread is about air travel. And I would have to say that those attacks don't even come close to the number of deaths from 9/11, so I would say that even though 9/11 was one incident, it's weighted.
  16. Do you have a link for that data? I'd like to know what the acronyms stand for. And how many of those attacks involve hijacking airplanes.
  17. Those are all examples in the UK and do not involve hijacking planes. Those do not affect my life directly and definitely do not apply to the discussion that this thread originally dealt with. Is it unfair to say that all terrorists are Muslims? Obviously it is. The point that I am trying to defend is that I don't think someone should be criticized for skeptically watching an person of Arab descent while on a domestic flight in the U.S. Maybe it is a bit discriminatory, but when is the last time a redheaded Irish guy flew a plane into a skyscraper in the U.S.? When the thread is about flying on planes in the USA, then I think you should be able to say without any ridicule that most terrorists who hijack planes are Muslims.
  18. To keep within the context of the discussion, I was referring to attacks on US soil.
  19. In the past 30 years, besides Tim McVeigh, name the other non-Muslim terrorists.
  20. I am not married, but I will make sure when selecting my wife that she will possess certain essential survival skills, such as the ability to abstain from going to the bathroom for long periods of time.
  21. Along those same lines, why is it that people seem to love to use the bathroom on airplanes. I understand if it's a long cross country flight, but not if it's a short one or two hour flight. Can they really not hold it for an hour? Usually it's like ten minutes into the flight. Couldn't they have gone before they got on the plane? The last time I used the bathroom on a plane was in 1988 on a flight to San Francisco from somewhere in the northeast (I think Pittsburgh). I was only 8 and I just had hernia surgery, so it felt like I always had to go. Anyway, the point is, can't people hold it? Is the novelty of going on a plane that is so amusing?
  22. I believe that if you want to observe humanity at its worst, go to an airport. A seemingly normal person will transform into an impatient, rude, whiny, obnoxious and inconsiderate person the moment they enter the airport. A few of my air travel pet peeves are: 1. People who try to deboard the plane before someone who is in front of them. 2. People who try to hog the overhead compartment all for themselves, especially with an item like a jacket that can easily be stored in a more compact location. 3. People who try to sneak in front of you in line when they are boarding the plane at the gate. 4. People who ask the airline attendant for a drink before the plane even takes off. Like they can't sit for ten minutes without a !@#$ing treat. 5. People who take forever to sit down. Go to your seat, sit down so the people behind you can get past, and then worry about putting stuff up in the overhead compartment. Don't hold up the whole line just because you need to get your headphones out of your bag and you need to make sure the zippers of the bag are all pointing north before you close the compartment door.
  23. Make sure you do not charge extra for the bleu cheese and celery. Do not bake the wings, they must be deep fried. Any hot dogs/hamburgers/sausages served must be grilled over charcoal. If you fry them they will taste like barf to any self respecting Buffalonian. I would also recommend that you serve the Chicken Finger sub, which is something that I have not seen outside of WNY.
  24. http://www.cocktaildb.com/
  25. Canisius College '02 BS in Chemistry
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