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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. I think Brian Cambpell is friends with Brian Moorman because I once saw a video where Moorman taught Campbell how to punt. Also, Thurman Thomas was friends with Dixon Ward. Thurman confirmed the existence of this friendship at a hockey game interview.
  2. Adelphia will offer games 2, 6, and 7 on channel 71. Linky
  3. My DAD drives a Forrester, does that make him a lesbian?
  4. First of all, I hope you're not taking me TOO seriously, just as I was not taking your initial post about men driving Jettas too seriously. I was born and raised in Buffalo, both my parents are from Buffalo and my father, uncles, and any other man in my life taught me to cheer for the Bills, Sabres and anything else that comes out of Buffalo. I was taught to cheer in good times and in bad; to always remain loyal no matter what. Currently I live in Buffalo, but I have lived in other places and I have found that I have a hard time trusting someone who jumps on the bandwagon of a new team when their old team isn't playing well. I have no problem if you cheer for the Hurricanes, that's your right, but it just gets me when you try to explain how big of a Penguins fan you are, but since they aren't doing so well you just conveniently forget about them. You remind me of the kid who wore a Dolphins cap on Bills Friday in elementary school just to be different. Or the kid who told me he was a big Cowboys fan the day after Super Bowl XXVII when I wore my Bills sweatshirt with pride. The next year that kid was a Steelers fan. Or all the kids who became who Chicago Bulls fans just because of Jordan. It may seem frivolous to really care who roots for what team, but in my opinion it's a symbolic representation of one's ability to be loyal. If you can't root for one team in one sport all your life, then how do I know you won't ditch me someday when the going gets tough? According to my convulted rules of being a sports fan, if you were originally from Pittsburgh and you lived there at an age where you were old enough to watch sports, then you should have been a Steelers fan and stuck with them forever. I'm glad you're a Bills fan, but how do I know you're not going to ditch the team when they really hit rock bottom? Anyway, sorry to hijack this thread. Don't take this post too seriously. And I don't really care who you root for on American Idol.
  5. IIRC, Locke has called him Hugo because Locke has seen the flight manifest. He also has called Sawyer by his real name, James.
  6. This is coming from the guy who is from Pittsburgh, but is a Bills fan, used to be a Penguins fan but now cheers for the Hurricanes because the Penguins aren't up to his standards of excellence.
  7. Wikipedia entry concerning Priory of Sion in regards to The Da Vinci Code. I'm not an expert either, this just came from a quick Google search. There are entire books devoted to disproving the "facts" in The Da Vinci Code. The link I provided is just one example of how he changed some history to fit his story.
  8. First off, I read the book and found it entertaining. I think the first page of the book says something about how all historical information in the book is completely factual. From what I understand, that was actually a lie. He did indeed take a lot of historical information, but he changed a lot of facts to fit his story. Since the book "sounded" historically accurate, it is fooling a lot of people. I would describe it as pseudo-historically accurate in the same sense that a Michael Crichton book is pseudo-scientifically accurate. Anyway, I don't get what all the controversy is about either. What about the 8 million other movies that have questioned the beliefs of Christians?
  9. During the 1999 Cup run my brothers and I would write the number and last name of the player that we felt needed the most voodoo support for that particular game on our arms. My player of choice was usually "42 Dick" (For Richard Smehlik). In the first round it was usually just one player on the arm, but after each round the writing became more excessive. We wrote numbers on both arms, chests, stomachs, etc. By the time the playoffs ended we were covered in faded Sharpie marks all over our bodies. We've also experimented with wearing full hockey equipment during the game, if the Sabres are in need of a rally. I no longer live with my brothers, so I have not written anything on my body for this playoff run, and so far it's working. I do think the number writing tradition has continued back at home with the rest of my bros.
  10. It makes me want to puke. The only time I would stop being a Bills or Sabres fan would be if either team left Buffalo. I might still root for them, but it would never be the same. I have moved all over the country and I never stopped rooting for the Bills and Sabres. Stay true to your roots. If I moved to China, would I tell everyone I was Chinese and cheer for Yao Ming? NO WAY! I'd still be an American. Just because you leave WNY doesn't mean you no longer are a WNYer.
  11. How can you be a Bills fan but not a Sabres fan?
  12. These two statements do not match. If you became a big Canes fan, then you never loved the Sabres.
  13. So if all instant messenger correspondences are written in perfect English, they are ok with you? And I'm assuming you misspelled "grammar" on purpose.
  14. How is a message board any different? Most of these threads are just glorified chatrooms.
  15. I just read all three pages of this thread and I still haven't had my question answered. I don't care how we got here, I just want to know what the meaning of life is? Why are we here? Can someone please tell me? Evolutionists? Creationists? Scientologists? Fascists? Anyone?
  16. He was hit in the face with a puck during the pre-game skate of either game 5 or 6 of the Philly series.
  17. I have only read The Fountainhead. The writing was a bit mechanical, but I definitely dug the message. Is Atlas Shrugged better than The Fountainhead?
  18. From what I understand you're a Buffalo native who moved away fairly recently. How can you root for the team of another city? I find that blasphemous. It's one thing to root for them when they're playing non-Buffalo teams, but for crying out loud, it's like you've betrayed your roots when you root against a Buffalo team.
  19. Moe's has been in Buffalo for almost a year now. There is one in Orchard Park and one on Transit near the Airport.
  20. My grandfather was a manager at Loblaws for several years. Where was your Loblaws located?
  21. Say hi to Zack, Erik, Lauren, Bibla, Scooter, and Baab for me.
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