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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. I heard it was a racist comment about Zidane's Algerian heritage.
  2. Only seasons 1-5.
  3. I can't believe you fell for it.
  4. Is this actually a real story? This is exactly how Steve Sanders had his Corvette stolen on Beverly Hills 90210.
  5. Damn, I was just about to post this link.
  6. Lately I've really been enjoying your posts, but that one wasn't very good or original.
  7. I don't know too much about the Rockefellers, Fords, etc., but it seems to me that the original earners of those fortunes still left the majority of it to their heirs, whereas Bill Gates and Buffet have both stated that they don't want to leave it all to their kids. By leaving their fortunes to charities, Gates and Buffet are at least maintaining some level of control of what ultimately happens to their money. It's certainly better than giving it to the government who will just squander it away anyway. It's also better than leaving it in the hands of their heirs, who had no part in earning the money so they certainly wouldn't know what to do with it.
  8. I don't understand why there is so much animosity toward super rich dudes like this. If you read his bio, he earned all that money with a series of extremely smart/lucky investments. Why should he have to fork it all over to the government? I am a poor man, but if I ever become rich through hard work and/or luck I'm definitely not going to happily surrender my money to the government just because the working class envies me.
  9. I'm best friends with Martin Bibla.
  10. The picture in my avatar is me at the Hofbrauhaus reluctantly sipping my beer on a Sunday morning after an all night train ride from Rome. The Hofbrauhaus and McDonald's were the only places open at 10:30 AM on Sunday in Munich.
  11. Why don't they just start a "Saved by the Bell, The Bankrupt Years"? I would watch it without a doubt. I still watch the reruns. 8 AM everyday on TBS.
  12. The format is your typical 30 minute sit-com. Cheesy set, low budget production, set-up then punchline type jokes. The content however is crude and vulgar ala Married with Children only it's on HBO so there's no censoring anything. So basically, it's about a lower middle class family eeking it out and telling lots of crude and vulgar jokes.
  13. This pretty much sums up how I feel about any high risk activity. I ride my bicycle to work quite often. I realize when I do so I put myself in a more vulnerable position. If I were to someday be hit by a car, I wouldn't blame the driver. The moment I took my bicycle out on to a road with huge cars traveling with an unstoppable force, I accepted responsibility for any accident that could come my way. I don't get angry at cars for not being aware of me on the road. Statistically it is not in their minds to look for people on bicycles (and motorcycles), so drivers are not expecting me. No motorcyclist should ever expect a car to be overly aware of their presence simply because they are driving a dangerous vehicle. I don't really care about all the factors involved in this particular accident. I don't care if it was a confusing intersection, if it wasn't Ben's fault, if there was low visibility. I don't feel any obligation to feel sorry for a guy who is injured in a motorcycle accident, regardless of whether he was wearing a helmet or not. On the same note, I don't expect anyone to feel sorry for me if I ever get hit by a car while I'm on my bicycle. I accepted the risk involved in my high risk activity.
  14. Nashville's metro area has to have a higher population density than the super spread out Buffalo-Rochester metro area.
  15. You make me sick. Why don't you go ahead and cheat on your wife and then try to convince her that you still love her.
  16. I thought that he wasn't even traveling with the team due to the problems associated with air travel and post-concussion syndrome.
  17. How often do you hang out at Frizzy's? I go there on a semi-regular basis.
  18. Put in James Patrick.
  19. I thought that look was more like a "Luke Skywalker about to be thrown into the mighty Sarlacc pit" look. In other words, I thought they were going to stage a nice counter-attack and have Sayid throw them a lightsabre or something and they would all escape. Maybe that's how season 3 will start.
  20. Come again? Could you substantiate that statement with some data?
  21. http://www.driverightpassleft.com/ http://www.slowertraffickeepright.com/
  22. We must live in the same neighborhood. Sometimes I want to bump one. Not too hard, just enough to knock them over and scrape a knee.
  23. I'm so sick of that BS about spoilers. If you haven't seen the episode why the heck would you even be reading this thread? If you are reading this thread and you haven't seen the episode then I think you have no right being mad about being spoiled. In addition, who cares if you find out some sort of secret? If a show is good, it's good regardless of whether or not you know the final outcome.
  24. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what is so great about Adam Mair? I thought he was more of an enforcer than an offensive threat.
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