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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. I've seen this band about seven or eight times. They're from Toronto, the first time I saw them was in 2000 opening for Beck at Maple Leaf Gardens. I saw them most recently at Mohawk Place in Buffalo a few months ago.
  2. August = best picture ever
  3. Does your mother also hate the Galleria mall? Does she still shop there? Do you really believe that taxes are higher because of the mall?
  4. Can you prove that the town residents were against it?
  5. Why the heck would you resond to something like this? It has scam written all over it.
  6. Do you work for the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce?
  7. Thank you my friend. Very valuable information.
  8. ESPN does not broadcast NHL games.
  9. So if I want to watch the Sabres games I have to subscribe to Center Ice and pay for ALL the games? The man is always figuring out ways to stick it to me.
  10. I was just looking through the channel listings of DirectTV and I couldn't find MSG. Is the MSG feed of Sabres game broadcast on a different channel? I don't want to switch to satellite just for the NFL network only to find out when hockey season comes that I am not going to get to watch Sabres games. Also, how does it work with local channels? Am going to have to bust out the rabbit ears?
  11. That's Dick Dietrick!
  12. That guy must have had a real meltdown after the game. I know I did. I probably cried myself to sleep that night.
  13. Sorry, I just noticed this thread. I should have just posted this link in there.
  14. Time Warner taking over Adelphia This probably affects quite a few people on this board. I suppose I may have to switch to satellite.
  15. About as much as the construction of a water park in Farmington has to do with Rochester.
  16. There is a place like this in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Great Wolf Lodge
  17. Can you imagine finding out that you're not really the father of your own child, and that Superman is the real father? No way to ever measure up to that.
  18. If Superman was human when the baby was conceived, then wouldn't the baby become 100% human? I was not aware that he didn't develop his powers until his teens. I knew the thing about being exposed to our sun to get their powers, I should have factored that in. So when Lex put the Kryptonite up to Jason White and it had no affect on him, is that because the kid hasn't fully developed his powers, or because he is half human and therefore not susceptible to the negative effects of the rock? Collegeguy, why did you change your name?
  19. I finally saw Superman Returns last night (on the IMAX 3D). I had really low expectations going in, but was pleasantly surprised with the final outcome and really enjoyed it. I also realize that there have already been several threads on this board that have discussed this movie, but I am starting a new thread because I have a specific question about the movie. I always thought that it was impossible for Superman to impregnate a human. This idea has been thoroughly ingrained in me, based on the theories of Jason Lee's character Brodie Bruce in Mallrats. Brodie believed that if Superman were to have intercourse with a human, the force of his ejaculate would be so powerful that it would explode through Lois. Also, even if conception could occur, wouldn't the Superfetus kick a hole right through his mother's uterus? Since I am not a big comic book fan, I ask this question here. Was this concept thoroughly addressed on other Superman forums, or was Mallrats the only time it was ever brought up? I was totally blown away when it was revealed that Superman was the father of Lois's son. The shock was the same as it would have been if I had seen a theatrical release of Empire Strikes Back and found out that Vader was Luke's father.
  20. That's what you get for dining at the Old Country Barfet. The last time I had a meal there with my family my grandmother died two days later.
  21. My friend forced me to go to that show. Aside from his constant ravings about the band, I hadn't even heard one of their songs. It was on a Tuesday or Wednesday and we were driving from Buffalo on a pretty snowy night. When we got to the bar the power was out, so the start time of the show was delayed for a couple of hours. Anyway, the show was incredible and I definitely became a fan that night. Then we saw Sleater-Kinney at Denny's after the show. I think I've read in some of your posts before that you said you are a sound engineer or something. I love recording my own stuff with the cheap equipment I have. It must be awesome to do it for a living with real equipment....but does it pay the bills?
  22. The guy who produced that album, David Fridmann, is a professor at Fredonia. Sleater-Kinney's last album was produced by him and recorded in Fredonia. I saw them play some secret show at BJ's when they were there recording it.
  23. I thought Match Point was good as well. Along the lines of Crimes and Misdemeanors, which I also really liked.
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