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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. http://joeferguson.blogspot.com/2006/10/oc...ffalo-snow.html I live in Eggertsville and am still without power. This is the most unbelievable thing I have ever seen. So many trees down. Luckily I know people who currently have electricity.
  2. I missed the first 5 minutes of the episode and I just watched them. Sun is starting to look pretty evil. When she's a little kid, she lies about who broke the ballerina, which gets the maid fired. Then she drives her lover to suicide, while at the same time forcing her husband into becoming a hitman. I think what Ben said to Jack last night is going to be very revealing for the rest of the series. He said something along the lines of getting Jack to change the way he thinks. It's turning into some sort of demented group therapy.
  3. How do you know that someone else didn't return it to the island?
  4. My mom went there and got her degree in Elementary Education in the late 70's. She gets mad when I refer to it as a "high-school with ashtrays". Right across the street from Amherst High School.
  5. GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Do you have any data to support this theory? I mean, statistically speaking can you prove there were less murders back in "the good ol' days" than there are today? And then, can you directly attribute this to the to the morally liberal philosophies of today?
  7. To anyone who attends more than one game a year but is not a season ticket holder: We never pay more than $10 for parking. When it's warm, we park in somebody's front lawn for $5 on the corner of Southwestern and California Road. There is also a Car wash on that corner that charges $8, and that's where we usually park in the winter. If you don't mind the extra walk, it's quite a savings over the course of the year. Also, if you park a little ways away from the stadium, you're not going to have delays trying to get out of the lots. Next topic, your route to and from the stadium: If you attend at least two games a year, and every year you get stuck in traffic using the same route, why wouldn't you use a map and find a route that doesn't utilize expressways? Use backroads to get away from the congestion, and then hop on the expressway later. Obviously, when 70,000 people are trying to get home, and they're all using the expressway, it's going to be a bit crowded. If you're headed back to Rochester, you could take Union Road, (277) all the way north until you hit the 33, and then get on the 90 from there. It will probably only take you about 15-20 minutes on union, and if you ask me that's better than sitting in traffic. There are several other alternative routes you could take, just look at a map. I live in Amherst, and always take Harlem Road (240) and can get home in ~20-30 minutes. Summary: 2 tickets @ $47 each: $94 Parking: $5 Two Steak and Cheese subs: $15 Total: $114 for two people
  8. I have no problem if you leave the game early, just don't complain about the fans not being rowdy enough for you. There is a season ticket holder who sits behind me who was complaining yesterday early in the 4th quarter that the fans were not being loud enough on 3rd downs. Then the guy leaves the game with 5 minutes left. I wish he'd make up his mind!
  9. They blocked my route to the Men's room at the end of the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really had to go, I wet myself because of Bill and Hillary...WTF.
  10. Because I'm sure he's such a huge Bills fan.
  11. I have some updated news regarding the Moosehead I drank last night. The bottle of '93 Moosehead was in a gift box my dad got for Christmas. The box was titled "Beers from around the World". There was also a bottle of Bass, Dos Equis, some Pilsner Urquell, Harp, Guiness Gold, Kalibur(non-alcoholic) and another bottle of Moosehead. I tasted the Dos Equis tonight, and it did not taste anything like the Dos Equis bottles I've had before. In fact, it tasted almost exactly like the bottle of "Moosehead" I had last night. Then I cracked open the bottle of Bass....did NOT taste like Bass, tasted a lot like the "Moosehead" from last night. The other three tasted like "Moosehead" as well. As I was dumping these bottles, I also noticed that they all had the exact same color. Apparently the "aging" process turned them all into a generic cidery tasting liquid. The only one that actually tasted "bad" was the Kalibur, which had completely skunked. This means that I have to do my taste test all over again!
  12. All sarcasm aside, I really did enjoy the taste of the Chimay. Actually, I drank the Chimay first in its entirity, and then drank the Moosehead, so it wasn't a side by side comparison. When you say you serve your beer at these temperatures, do you actually put a thermometer in the beer to make sure it's the right temperature? Another thing I was wondering, how long is the shelf life after uncorking the 750 mL bottle of Chimay? I'm definitely not going to drink that much in one sitting. Finally, the Moosehead really didn't taste that bad, considering it was so old.
  13. I don't consider myself a regular poster on this board, but I certainly do consider myself a regular lurker. I'm not sure what reminded me of it, but for some reason I was inclined to resurrect this thread. On my way home, I stopped by Premier Gourmet on Delaware (as per KRC's suggestion) and bought myself an 11.20 oz. bottle of Chimay Grand Reserve (blue label) as well as another bottle of Chimay Premier (red label). At $5 a bottle, I was really expecting an orgasmic experience with every sip. I figured the most scientific way to taste test this beer was to simultaneously compare it to something really awful. I decided to drink two beers this evening: my recently purchased bottle of Chimay Grand Reserve, followed by a bottle of Moosehead Beer. Now some of you may be saying to yourself, "Wait a minute, Moosehead Beer isn't that bad." You might be right, but this particular bottle of Moosehead has been sitting in the basement since Christmas of 1993. Don't worry, I did a little research and learned that old beer won't kill you, it will just taste terrible. Now let's discuss the beer flavors. I must say, the Chimay Grand Reserve tasted a lot better than the 1993 bottle of Moosehead. Based on taste alone, Chimay wins. But is the taste difference worth the $4 price difference? Not in my opinion. So to all you beer snobs who insist that you'll only drink something brewed by Trappist monks, I ask you, what was I doing wrong? Am I supposed to stick my nose deep in the mug before I take a sip? Am I supposed to be chanting in a monastery to truly enjoy the flavor? Do I need to cleanse my palette with ginger after every sip? Should I not mix Chimay Grand Reserve with a meal of hamburger and baked beans? Finally, where did you get all the extra money to blow on high class beer?
  14. Threads like these pop up at the beginning of every season. The Ralph is not as tough of a place to play as it used to be. I don't put that on the fans, I put it on the low quality of the teams and the lack of winning. If your team is not winning, screaming at the top of your lungs isn't going to will them to a victory. If you want to create a "rabid" atmosphere, you first have to put up some W's. Now to the whole, "Am I a better fan if I stand up on 3rd down argument?" I have season tickets with my uncle, who has had them since the Ralph opened in 1973. Over that time he has probably missed 10 games total. He is one of the people who does not get up and scream on every defensive series. He doesn't necessarily mind if other people do it, but if someone in front of him is standing the whole game, blocking his view, he gets a bit agitated. For those of you who attend one or two games a year, I understand that you want to make the most of the experience and scream like a maniac the entire game, you have every right to. At the same time, try to put yourself in the shoes of a 30-year season ticket holder who is sitting behind you. These people have paid good money to simply sit and watch the game and are not going to get drunk and intimidate the fans of opposing teams. I get up and scream on 3rd downs, but if someone points out to me that I am blocking their view and ruining their experience, I will stay seated and try to respect other people's enjoyment. I can still scream and clap just as loud while sitting. I'd also like to say that my uncle and I never leave games early, no matter what. To those fans who left early, and are mad at people like my uncle for not standing up on 3rd downs, I say you are hypocrites. To all those fans that stayed, I applaud you. Right after we recovered the onside kick, the rain really started coming down. The crowd started roaring, and it brought tears to my eyes. All of those people are the true fans.
  15. If you have problems motivating yourself, then you need to pick an activity that actually sounds fun to you. IMHO, running/walking on a treadmill is the most boring and mundane activity ever invented. Go outside and walk or run. Play a sport. You work at Circuit City right? Be like Steve Carell in 40-year old virgin and ride your bike to work. Then you don't even have to think of it as a workout. It's your transportation to work. From personal experience, I find it is a lot easier to stay in the routine if I force myself to go to the gym before work in the morning. At first it's hard to wake up, but once you get in the routine it's easy. Plus, you'll sleep a lot better and be energized throughout the day.
  16. If anyone is a current SUNY @ Buffalo student and interested in playing intramural roller hockey this semester, please PM me.
  17. They no longer meet at the Embassy Suites in Franklin. Just got this email a few weeks ago from their president:
  18. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
  19. The music really had to accomodate the fact that he can't really project his voice at all. It makes for a very dull listen, IMHO.
  20. I consider myself a Bob Dylan fan. But he has so many albums, and a lot of them I don't like. This is one of them. I particularly do not like the production of it.
  21. I bought this album. I find it boring and bland.
  22. Grad school my friend. It's been 8 years since I was a college freshman and I'm still in school! It's good you only stayed for 5 because I was sick of it by year 6.
  23. who is that in your avatar? Is dylan good live?
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