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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. I don't believe you.
  2. Speaking of CT, is there anything to do there (besides the two casinos)? I was thinking of taking a road trip there.
  3. My two main cards: CitiBank Dividend MasterCard - 5% cashback on gas, groceries, and drugstore purchases, 1% cashback on all other purchases. I believe the limit is $300 back a year. Discover Card: 1% cashback on all purchases, and then a rotating 5% cashback promotional offer. This month the 5% promotion is on travel expenses (airlines, car rentals, greyhound, amtrak). Recently I had stopped using my Discover card completely for several months. They called me and told me that I would get $1 back for every purchase in the next month up to $20. Nothing more satisfying than getting $1 back on a $2 purchase. I also have the AMEX BlueCash, but I stopped using it because I don't spend more than the $6500 required to get the higher rate of cashback. In addition, I have the Amazon Visa, but I really only signed up for it to get the initial $30 discount on a purchase. I don't like the idea of being paid in gift certificates, especially when I don't really buy stuff on Amazon.
  4. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8...60734&hl=en
  5. I agree. Great bookend to the series.
  6. This has been brought up here several millions of times, but I'm bringing it up again. If you go to the game, please be courteous to people around you. Remember, if you are standing up, it means you most likely are blocking someone's view behind you. Today a young man wearing a white Frontier High School sweatshirt was standing during the 4th quarter in my section (113). No one else in the section was standing. People kept asking him to sit down, since he was blocking their view. He refused to sit down, claiming that "I am just trying to enjoy the game." To make a long story short, tempers escalated, verbal threats and vulgar insults were tossed in each direction, and this young man was ejected from the game. All because he wouldn't sit down. His friend, who also stood and shouted vulgar insults, was also ejected. Everyone who complains about the Ralph not having the same atmosphere as it used to may be right, but if you consider "atmosphere" a stadium full of rude and obnoxious !@#$s, then I think I'm glad it is the way it is now. People that go to one game a year don't realize that there are people that go to every game of the season, and their main intention is not to have a good time (get drunk), their main intention is to WATCH THE FOOTBALL GAME.
  7. The Buffalo Sabres
  8. My friend's Dad who is separated was taken to the cleaners by a "woman" from Ghana. He was wiring the woman $200 at a time until my friend found out and put a stop to it. To someone who is internet savvy, it is pretty obvious who the fakes are. This "woman" sent a picture of herself that was clearly taken from a JCPenney's catalog or something. But these dating site scammers really know how to pick the desperate people. I personally never have had a need for online dating, but if I were to start I would only use it as a means to meet people. I wouldn't have a prolonged pen-pal-esque correspondence with someone I've never met in person.
  9. So we are a bunch of friendly, racist, drunks with crappy bars....but you're coming back? See how Buffalo grows on you?
  10. Of course they're not going to fight EVERY game. There are some situations where they won't, for instance playoffs or a close game or whatever. But I think for two Andrew Peters types, guys that only get like 5-6 minutes of ice time a game, if you just so happen to line up face to face with your enforcer counterpart at a face-off, they probably just figure "why the heck not get in a fight, since I'm not going to do anything else this game".....or as it was stated in this video, "You want to?"
  11. In those 30 years, how many times did you get in a drop-the-gloves NHL style fight? Fighting still remains apart of ice hockey, but only predominantly at the professional level. Fighting is not allowed at the collegiate or high school levels. In most NHL fights, I feel like it's just a tool teams use to motivate their benches. Danny Briere said something to that effect regarding the Peters fight two nights ago. In a situation where players are retaliating for something that happened earlier in the game, a fight makes more sense to me. In most games I've watched, however, where two enforcers who each get about 5 minutes of ice time a game just square off for no reason it doesn't even seem like there is any passion or enthusiasm in it.
  12. Because they're both enforcers. They probably know they are going to fight at least once a game if they are on the ice at the same time.
  13. After they play the fight, they replay it with the Laraque microphone audio. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zNUTSTRnz8&eurl=
  14. Visit China and see the Great Wall.
  15. Dishwasher, Damenti's Restaurant Mountaintop, PA
  16. The BK Heights Promenade is an awesome place to take pictures. I recommend taking a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, even if it is going to be freezing cold.
  17. What the hell was Kotalik doing? I see he was going to the bench, but he just let Ovechkin skate away???
  18. Is there any video out there of Ovechekin's hit on Briere?
  19. I saw it. I don't think he was taunting the fans. Merriman was taunting the fans. LT is a class act but Merriman seemed like a Douche with a capital D.
  20. What about Bono?
  21. Don't want to hijack this thread, but I think this is kind of related. Has anyone seen the pics of Britney Spears climbing out of the limo sans underwear? Talk about graphic. You can even see the scar from her C-section.
  22. The Texans are the best team in the league. That was a huge win. HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE
  23. This is the first time in a long time that I actually enjoyed watching a Bills game. JP is a future hall of famer.
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