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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. You know what I really hate about pedestrians, they have no respect for the fact that a vehicle could kill them. Don't even get me started on the idiots who like to walk in the street when there is a perfectly good sidewalk at their disposal. Then when you drive by them, they look at you like you're in the wrong.
  2. I advocate Gmail as well, but did you know that even Yahoo email has 1 GB of free storage?
  3. I enjoyed the performance and I also enjoy watching this, featuring Prince on guitar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILDGkKqFLoI...ted&search=
  4. My solution: Cancel all Italian soccer matches for a year.
  5. http://www.pbase.com/kjosker/buffalo_bars&page=all The bars of Buffalo.
  6. If you are referring to a 0.15 oz. tube of lip balm that is within the 3 oz. limit for liquids. I just flew with a tube in my pocket today.
  7. Did anyone notice that the name of his attorney is "B.J. Bernstein"?
  8. The people who allowed these pictures to be taken should be fired.
  9. How long does it take you to get to work? Have you ever been anywhere else besides Europe? I've been to parts of Europe, but I would really like to see China.
  10. Unless you are lying in your posts, you without a doubt the most interesting personality on TSW. Every time I read one of your posts I find myself scratching my head trying to figure out how you have the time to do all the stuff you say you do. For instance, what type of job do you have that allows you to take an entire month off to go to Europe? How the heck do you find enough time in the day to eat 10 avocados? You also find the time to bike 90 miles a day (hence your 17 inch calves). You are versed in every genre of music/literature/film that has ever been created, and you have tried every beer that has ever been brewed. You're either completely full of sh--, or you never sleep. If you are indeed not full of sh--, what is your secret? What am I doing wrong? It takes me at least 30 minutes to peel one avocado, so if I were to try to eat 10 in a day I would lose 5 hours.
  11. Dude, that's a great story. I asked the question because I figured if you're willing to admit on the internet that you were abused then you probably wouldn't have a problem going in to the details. So what is happening with your siblings and parents? Do you still communicate with them? How did have such a strong sense of self when basically both your parents are complete losers? Did you grow up in Akron? You're younger than me but you definitely have a lot more miles. My hat's off to you.
  12. http://www.msnusers.com/bisc-ctk2006pics/s...o&PhotoID=1 This picture was supposedly taken at a party a few hours after Sanchez allegedly killed Joan Diver.
  13. Ok, so how is a city supposed to create its "tall-building filled" skyline, by building several equally tall buildings simultaneously? The person that's building it is a private developer with private money. I say let him build it as high as he wants.
  14. Well, he's arrested now. If they need more DNA evidence, doesn't he have to surrender it?
  15. http://www.wgrz.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=44148 That's awesome. The picture of him looks just like his police sketch, except he's bald now.
  16. I endorse shaving in the shower as well. I bought a mirror that suctions to my bathroom tiles so I can see what I'm doing. I use a Mach 3.
  17. Wouldn't you consider them one person with two heads? That was crazy the way they pinned the telephone between their two heads.
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