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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. I am headed to LaGuardia tonight scheduled to depart Buffalo at 5:05 pm. As of now, my flight is the only one going to LaGuardia that doesn't have a "Delayed" or "Cancelled" status. Rather than sitting at the airport for 5 hours waiting for my flight to leave, maybe I should just drive. Under normal circumstances driving wouldn't worry me, but the Weather Channel has got me believing that the entire city is about to freeze over. Are these Weather Channel bozos getting their panties in a bunch and blowing it out of proportion, or is the weather really that bad? Would I be a fool to consider driving into the storm?
  2. I've crossed paths with several players just by living in Buffalo. I saw JP and Dylan McFarland at a concert at UB a few years ago while he had his broken leg. He seemed very polite. The nicest Bill I have ever known was Justin Armour. He was renting a flat for his girlfriend from a relative of mine, so we met him a few times. During the 1996 season he got me, my dad and brothers into the locker room after the Week 4 win against the Cowboys. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Armour was injured, so he didn't even play in the game. The first guy he introduced us to was his Stanford buddy, TE Tony Cline, who was sitting in front of his locker with nothing but a towel on. That was kind of weird. During the locker room trip we shook hands with that day's starter Todd Collins. Van Miller came in and was talking to Armour wearing a fur coat. We saw lots of other players, obviously. Anyway, we gave all sorts of merchandise to Armour, including a binder full of all of our Bills football cards. He returned it a few months later with pretty much every card signed, except for maybe the Jim Kelly cards. So in summary, Justin Armour is a really nice guy.
  3. Supposedly "Smells like Teen Spirit" was an accidental ripoff of "More than a Feeling". I think there's a bootleg out there of Nirvana playing a "Smells like Teen Spirit/More Than a Feeling" medley.
  4. I'm a pirate. Depending on the heist, I can make anywhere from 100 to 1,000,000 gold coins a week.
  5. I ended up choosing Shannon's Pub, located on Niagara Falls Boulevard. It was tasty.
  6. I'm in the mood for a fish fry for lunch. Can anyone recommend a place for me that is close to UB North Campus?
  7. So you if you're the fool you do the opposite of what you think you should do? Just like Costanza.
  8. I hear Krispy Kreme is good stock. I just bought 1000 shares.
  9. The term "torture" has really been thrown around loosely during this whole scandal. You can argue the mundaneness of daily life is torture. Many people would consider their jobs torture. For me, listening to Celine Dion sing is torture. I don't really come here that much, but I'm guessing that this whole debate over the magnitude of the 'torture' has been brought up plenty. I don't really want to get in to that. What bothers me so much is that someone thought it would be a good idea to take pictures of the whole fiasco. Whether or not it was illegal is irrelevant, it was definitely questionable and they had to have known that these pictures could potentially be scandalous. These half-wits have now become our international representatives. Some people could say that it was really no big deal what they did, and maybe those people are right, but why couldn't they at least do the 'torturing' with a little secrecy? Use some common sense. I think this "act like an !@#$ in public" mentality is becoming an unfortunate societal trend, and it's not exclusively occurring among the American military. Just read the headlines of fark.com to see what I mean.
  10. I wasn't really trying to bring up a debate about whether or not it was torture. I wanted to talk about stupid people.
  11. It's a documentary directed by Rory Kennedy, RFK's daughter. I haven't watched the whole thing, but it basically espouses the whole idea that the people who were implicated were just scapegoats and that Rumsfeld and Company are really the ones to blame. It actually has interviews with many of the soldiers who posed in the pictures. As I watched it, I couldn't believe how angry I was getting over the fact that no one seemed to address the fact that posing jokingly for a photograph with a dead body is an absolutely retarded thing to do. The documentary essentially sympathizes with these idiots who posed for and took the photographs. Regardless of the conspiracy theories and the violations of the Geneva Convention, why can't the media address the more fundamental question posed by this scandal.....WHY ARE PEOPLE SO STUPID, and more importantly, WHY DO SMART PEOPLE ALWAYS SEEM TO MAKE EXCUSES FOR STUPIDITY AND STUPID PEOPLE? I don't know about any of you, but I have absolutely no sympathy for idiots like Lynndie England. In the documentary they interviewed Sabrina Harman, another woman who posed with tortured prisoners, and she explained her reasoning behind posing for the pictures. She spoke like a brain dead idiot, with an unbelievable look of emptiness in her eyes. There really was no reason behind it, nor did she really seem to think that she did anything wrong. I did not feel bad for her in the least bit. If she wasn't caught doing this, she probably would be the type of person to be caught on a surveillance camera stealing powdered donuts while she worked the graveyard shift at 7-11. Or maybe the type of person who would post photographs of her and her underage boyfriend having sex and smoking pot on her myspace profile. Again, what really made my blood boil was the fact that this documentary was meant to try to make me feel bad for these bozos. I feel bad for the prisoners who were tortured, but I certainly don't feel bad for the people being photographed doing the torturing and I don't buy the excuse that they were just "following orders". Following orders to torture, maybe, but were they ordered to photograph every instance of torture? Were they ordered to have big, stupid, smiles on their faces while they gave the thumbs up next to naked prisoners? I DON'T THINK SO!
  12. A hockey jersey is an investment?
  13. Isn't Emery known as a fighter?
  14. $40 for a belt? Now I know why you have to download(steal) music.
  15. Why do you answer such stupid questions?
  16. I was definitely implying that you shouldn't be responding to HelloNewman's post if you are not a parent, especially since he asked if any parents have any suggestions to help his child get through the cold. I'm sure you have experience with children, and I'm sure a lot of people do, but he wasn't asking for advice about general ways to improve your child's upbringing. Nowhere in his post did he mention anything about how the child was or was not in day care. You just wanted an opportunity to complain about how parents are passing the buck by having day cares raise their kids. This generalized complaint about child rearing had absolutely nothing to do with how the child caught the cold and it certainly didn't have anything to do with how HelloNewman was going to improve his child's condition. I've never been golfing, but I have played a lot of miniature golf. Does that mean I am qualified to give people advice on buying a driver? If you are such an expert on children, why the heck didn't you just give the guy advice on how to handle the cold?
  17. http://x17online.com/celebrities/britney_s...ry_for_help.php
  18. Sounds like somebody is WHIPPED!!!!!!!!!!
  19. That was a good book. Can you recommend anything else by Vonnegut?
  20. The last time I was at Applebee's I ordered some sort of apple walnut chicken salad. I finished the entire salad and was down to my last bite when I encountered an overly crunchy walnut. I chewed harder than usually and realized that it wasn't a walnut. I then spit out a cube of broken glass. The waitress didn't believe me when I told her where I found the broken glass, but the manager gave me a free meal and dessert. I haven't been to Applebee's since.
  21. I actually have a job lined up there for the summer. Leon interviewed me and told me that if I lead the club's volleyball team to the championship he's going to give me a Mustang convertible and let me date his obnoxious daughter.
  22. I agree with that to an extent. This whole BS about Christmas tipping etiquette really gets on my nerves. Why, just because it's Christmas, is everyone entitled to extra money? I don't mind it if the person provides exceptional service and has earned the extra bonus, BUT when I have to start worrying about a building superintendent not even responding to my calls if I don't chip in a bonus, that gets me mad. What if I wasn't satisfied with their service in the first place, do I still have to tip them a Christmas bonus? There was a great episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm that addressed this topic of Christmas tipping. Now, in regards to tipping at a restaurant. As soon as you enter the restaurant you are agreeing to the whole societal tradition of a 15-20% tip. Waiters are paid less than minimum wage, and therefore rely on their tips as income. Do I agree with this practice? No. But do I realize this fact before entering the restaurant? Yes. For this reason I will usually tip 15% for average service and above 15% for above average service. Below average, obviously I'm tipping less than 15%. If you really want to be a rebel and protest the 15% standard for tipping, stop going to restaurants completely and stay home. I'm sure you and the waiters will both be much happier. FYI: I have never been a waiter.
  23. Post of the day.
  24. Showering at night makes you ~8 hours dirtier for your coworkers than showering in the morning. I shower in the morning.
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