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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. I wholeheartedly endorse Nashville as an awesome place to live. In 2002 I graduated from Canisius College and at the same time my dad took a position in Nashville. As a Buffalo native, I was extremely apprehensive about moving to the "South". I was looking at going to grad school anyway, so I applied to Vanderbilt on a whim. I was sold on Nashville and Vanderbilt upon my first visit. I lived in Franklin with my parents for about 6 months, and only attended Vanderbilt for one semester. I ended up transferring to UB and moving back to Buffalo, but not because I didn't like Nashville or Vanderbilt, it was because I was having too much fun and not focusing on school. My parents still live in Franklin(15 miles south of Nashville) and they love it. I don't think they'll ever leave. The area is growing extremely fast and is very cosmopolitan. I met very few people who were actually native to the area. Nissan is moving its corporate headquarters from California to a brand new huge ass facility in Franklin. I would consider moving back to the area myself once I finish grad school. Also, it's really easy to get hockey tickets and they are dirt cheap in comparison to Sabres tickets. If you have any specific questions, PM me.
  2. So far, but I ask a lot of questions in the interview. 2) Have you ever falsely typed "lol" during an instant message conversation? In other words, have you ever typed it without actually "laughing out loud"?
  3. When interviewing for new friends, one of the first questions I ask is: Did you waste $200 on a high school class ring that you probably will never wear? If their answer is "yes", they don't get my friendship.
  4. I'm not nearly as well traveled as you, so I don't feel qualified to answer this question. Anyway, of the cities I've been to, I was most impressed with: Rome, San Francisco, New York, Munich, Toronto, and of course BUFFALO. Nashville is also really nice.
  5. Pete, what's your favorite city in the world?
  6. For my own frame of reference I need to ask you a few questions: 1) Is your wife a native of the Milwaukee area? 2) If question 2's answer is "yes", are you dumping on Milwaukee just to spite her? 3) What is your favorite Italian restaurant of all time? 4) What is Fezmid's favorite city of all time? 5) What is Fezmid's least favorite city of all time? 6) What does Fezmid like to do for fun?
  7. Geez, do you work for the Milwaukee chamber of commerce? But seriously, thanks for the advice. Did you actually live there or you've just visited quite often?
  8. I have a friend who is considering a relocation to Milwaukee. Does anyone on this board have any experience with this city? Wayne and Garth had backstage passes to Alice Cooper in Milwaukee, and that's about all I know about it.
  9. A few things I should have mentioned: Most likely it will be Monday nights. We don't need a goalie. There is a $18 ref fee per game per team.
  10. I am trying to get a team together and I need a few extra players. The season goes from the beginning of May until August (13 games plus playoffs). It's going to run you about ~$120 depending on how many people I get. If you're interested please PM me.
  11. I hate the Dolphins more. I don't really have a problem with any Canadian hockey fans that come to HSBC. Yes, they are loud, drunk and obnoxious, but I really think that adds to the atmosphere. As long as nobody attacks me, it's all in good fun. I can relate more to a guy from Hamilton coming to cheer on the Leafs than I can to a guy from where ever to cheer on the Dolphins. Half the time Dolphins fans at the Ralph aren't even from Miami, they're from Canada or some other crazy location. Whenever you ask a Dolphin fan at the Ralph where they are from, they always say something completely out of left field, like "Erie". I cannot relate to someone who would arbitrarily choose the Dolphins out of all the teams in the NFL as their favorite team. What was their rationale behind that decision -- I really love the teal and orange team colors?
  12. What about people who take shopping carts all the way to their house and then leave them in the middle of the STREET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I've been playing for ~6 years. I had been using a 12-watt crate amp which served me well. I just bought a Line 6 Spider II (30 watt) and really like it so far. If I could recommend something above all else, buy it used. I paid $60 for this Line 6 and it is only a year old.
  14. For me this award goes to Stevestojan, only because of all the TBD personalities his name gets dropped the most among my brothers and dad (also posters on The Wall).
  15. Have you decided on your major?
  16. Actually, to summarize the post I made above: I once made a college decision based on the wrong reasons and regretted it later.
  17. I don't really want to tell you what to do, because it seems like your mind is already made up, but I will offer you this advice based on my own personal experience. I have attended classes at several colleges and universities in many different geographical settings. I took classes at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, PA, received my BS from Canisius College, did a semester of grad school at Vanderbilt and currently I'm trying to finish my Ph.D. at UB, so obviously I'm a little biased. Don't discount a school until you actually visit the place and talk to the students. Also, it's really important to base your decision on the program that you're interested. When I was trying to decide where I wanted to go to grad school my parents were in the process of moving to Nashville. I visited Vanderbilt and really was impressed with the campus, facilities, and the overall fun-factor associated with Nashville. I chose Vanderbilt over UB because, like you I wanted to be down South in the land of milk and honey. To make a long story short, I had a great time in Nashville but found that there weren't really any research groups at Vandy that really interested me. I ended up transferring to UB the next semester and haven't looked back. When I was at Canisius I had the same attitude you do about UB, that it was just your average public school for the masses and that anybody can get accepted, blah, blah, blah. Ultimately what I've realized during my time here is that college is all about what you put into it. I have been a TA for the four years I've been here, so I've encountered a lot of students and I think for the most part it's a pretty good group. Yes, there are your fair share of idiots, but there are also quite a few really intelligent undergraduates. As a side note, the attitude that the undergraduates at Vanderbilt had regarding students attending University of Tennessee was much the same as the attitude that Jesus H. Christ has for UB. I know the rest of the replies in this thread are all just witty one-liners about how college is just one big party and you should only go to get laid, so I apologize if I ruined somebody's party with my preachy post. In response to those guys who are saying that: if you're majoring in science or engineering I don't really think you can have the party all the time attitude, unless you are a Good Will Hunting-esque super genius. Good luck with your decision and pending acceptance letters.
  18. In case anyone is curious, I drove from Buffalo to Mountaintop, PA (just South of Scranton on 81) on Friday night. A trip that normally would take me about 4.5 hours took about 6.5. Then I got up at 6 on Saturday morning and drove to Brooklyn. I just returned from New York. Throughout the weekend I continued to try and call US Airways, but I couldn't even get into their switchboard. All I kept getting was a busy signal. I can't imagine how pissed I would be right now if I had gone to the airport on Friday. Anyway the drive wasn't that bad because the visibility was fine. There was a lot of snow on the ground so for a good portion of the trip I was going 40 mph on the interstate, but really it was manageable. Thanks again to everyone who replied to the thread on Friday.
  19. Two great criteria when deciding where you want to go to college.
  20. well my flight was cancelled. I'm driving. Don't worry, I have places I can crash along the way (no pun intended).
  21. All I have to do is get there, I'm not worried about getting around. I'm visiting someone in Brooklyn so once I get there I'll just park my car for the weekend. Thanks for the quick responses.
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