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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying if you want to quit smoking at least acknowledge that's it more a behavioral problem than a physiological one. If I want to force myself to do work I don't pop some ritalin or adderall, I JUST DO IT. Taking a drug that helps you quit smoking is just prolonging the quitting process and giving you an excuse to keep smoking. Then if it doesn't stop you from smoking you can say, "Oh, well that Chantrix didn't work. I'm just going to keep smoking because there is nothing that I can TAKE to help me quit." Like Sketch said, if you really wanted to quit then you would quit.
  2. Why can't you guys just quit cold turkey? Just look at yourself in the mirror and decide to man up and quit. Then you won't have to worry about going crazy on some drug.
  3. I was thinking that maybe he should just find a better job. One that involves doing work that he enjoys, instead of one that involves plotting revenge against his employer.
  4. Some of the greatest Bills of all time were wife beaters. I think it indicates toughness.
  5. Two things: 1. My prediction is that the season finale will consist of Sayid killing Penny as a part of his contract killer deal with Ben. 2. I had the most messed up dream last night, and I think it was triggered by Whidmore's comment about keeping scotch by the bed since he started having nightmares. Anyway, I don't remember specifics of the dream, all I remember is that I was visited by a ghost. The ghost was a woman wearing a very vibrant green and red patterned dress (think the watermelon blow-pop colors) and she was rather heavy (looked like Mama Cass). She came up to my bed and told me to get up or something. At this point I lurched out of bed (literally) and ran through the transparent ghost figure. I ran all the way downstairs before I figured out what was going on. It was the most vivid dream I ever had, and I really think it was a ghost. I couldn't go back to sleep after that.
  6. That game is awesome, but I didn't know you could get it for NES. I only played it at the arcade.
  7. I enjoyed it. The first season is done and it was only 6 episodes. They are replaying them right now. I think you can watch them on the AMC website.
  8. I saw Wesley Willis twice in "concert". I bumped his head once. He was a nice guy.
  9. Stern sucks. It's been 15 years since he was funny. I hate him but I love to diss him on message boards.
  10. As of about a year ago, the Town of Amherst picks up everything without limit. We have been cleaning out my grandmother's house for the last 3 years. The house was full of garbage, literally. It was piled 3 or 4 feet high. We've put it all out to the curb in garbage bags. We called the town before we started doing this, they said no limit. It pisses off the garbage men, but they haven't charged extra and they've taken everything.
  11. I hate cell phones because it forces me to communicate with people I know. I love posting mindless drivel on message boards so I can stay in touch with a bunch of perfect strangers.
  12. Stern sucks. It's been 15 years since he was funny. I hate him but I love to diss him on message boards.
  13. It sounds like you're describing Sam Adams Seasonal Brews.
  14. No, it was a woman. I let her keep feeling it.
  15. I was on the phone with someone in St. Louis and they started feeling it while I was talking to them.
  16. They aren't for humans, but Trigger loves these. http://www.horseshoesonline.com/Horseshoes...red/mustang.htm
  17. Yes, the store I purchased mine from had the same return policy.
  18. Do not buy a specific brand of shoe. Go to a Running shoe store (not foot locker) that specializes in fitting people according to the type of foot they have. Look it up in your local phone book. There is nothing worse than getting discouraged because your shoes aren't the proper size/style. The extra money you might spend at a store like this is worth it IMHO. After the first time you get fitted you can figure out from there was kind of shoe is right for you.
  19. That's a really good idea. Have you ever considered running for office?
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