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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. My 2003 Honda Civic was pelted yesterday with golf ball size hail stones. It has a whole bunch of dents on the roof, hood, and trunk door. I have comprehensive coverage with Geico and a $500 deductible. If I do file a claim and get it fixed, how much will my rate go up? I'm thinking it's not even worth it to get fixed, simply because I don't want to pay $500 for a purely cosmetic repair.
  2. I just got a chance to read this thread and it wasn't until this post that I started to get teary. He was probably the most famous living Buffalonian, and he goes and does exactly what the least famous Buffalonian would do: buy you a beer and talk about the Bills.
  3. Pooj, you started a thread about getting into a running a while ago. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=64839&hl= Anyway, several people told you to get properly fitted for a quality pair of running shoes. It sounds to me that you did not do this and it's easy to figure out why you have all these vague pains. Go to a store that specializing in running shoes and have a guy look at your feet and figure out what kind of shoes you need.
  4. What a classy dude, he throws a monitor at his coworker.
  5. Yeah, that was a pretty telling statement. If you can't get along with your own siblings then I don't know if I can relate to you.
  6. Fez, Good story. Did you have to pay anything to take the case to Small claims court?
  7. I own a 26" Sony Bravia LCD HD television that was purchased in December 2007 from Best Buy. It has developed a dark vertical line going down the portion of the screen that only can be seen in widescreen mode. The line exists regardless of what video input I use. The television is still under the one year Sony warranty. I have two options: Option 1: Redeem the warranty by having Sony send me a refurbished replacement no questions asked. I ship them my TV at their cost. Pros: I have continuous access to a television, I don't have to wait for mine to be repaired. Cons: I have to get a refurb. Option 2: Call up a certified Sony repairman and set up an appointment to have him come to my house. In this case, all bets are off. Pros: According to Best Buy customer service, if the problem is deemed too expensive to repair, I COULD get a brand new replacement from Best Buy. Cons: I have to deal with the hassle of having a TV repairman come to my house. I would be without a TV for who knows how long. According to my research, both of these options would be at no cost to me. Has anyone ever dealt with either of these two options? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
  8. I saw it and am very disappointed. Temple of Doom was good. "MONKEY BRAINS"
  9. Did you guys know Bill Gates owns Microsoft? I'm turning my computer off right now. I would never give money to that guy.
  10. Does it suck you underwater, or just suck you out into deeper water?
  11. My manliness is not defined by the car I drive.
  12. There has to be a better way to find employees than this. I hate the job descriptions that throw in stupid stuff like, "Must be a team player, must have good communication skills. Must be highly motivated." Aren't those criteria for any job? Has anyone ever put on their resume stuff like, "Not highly motivated, terrible communication skills."?
  13. Don't most private contractors just collaborate with the military?
  14. Yes I think so. I've never done that, but I think you can do it. It's in beta testing right now. If you want an invite just PM me your email address.
  15. www.grandcentral.com I have invites if you want one. PM me.
  16. Gas prices are going to keep rising continuously. Do I find it worth my time to complain as if I'm the only one suffering? No. If people would re-focus their energy from complaining to problem solving the world would be a much better place. It would also be a lot less whiny of a place.
  17. Why does everyone complain about gas prices? You're not the only one "suffering". Everyone is paying the same price. I'd say that makes us all even. STFU and GBTW
  18. I'm buying BigBearBernierWinsTheConnSmythe.com
  19. Stern hasn't been funny in years and I can't stand him, however I do like to bash him on internet message boards.
  20. I realize it's simplistic to equate the two. I also realize that it must be difficult to quit smoking. It's difficult to do a lot of things. I am firm believer in Dr. Emmitt Brown/George McFly's motto, "If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything." The mind should have the strongest will of them all.
  21. You could argue that every habitual action is an addiction of some sort. I habitually drink 2 cups of coffee in the morning. Am I addicted? I stopped drinking coffee from December until March, cold turkey. My 'addiction' was way more psychological than physiological. In the morning I don't "NEED" a cup of coffee, but I enjoy one. If you wanted me to quit just to prove a point I would. When I was a kid I habitually played sports video games with my brothers. At one point my grades suffered. I no longer play video games. Was I addicted? If you have an addictive personality then I don't really think "cutting back" will solve the problem. If you really want to stop doing anything, cold turkey all the way.
  22. Everything is legal until you get caught.
  23. WHAT does what you just said have anything to do with what I said? I am not denying the physiological addiction of nicotine, BUT, no one forced you to have that first cigarette. I refuse to believe that a pill is the silver bullet answer to smokers who want to quit. If you want to quit, overcome the addiction with some good old fashioned will-power. As far as your tirade about the society's economic burden, I really don't care about smokers as a whole one way or the other. It is their choice to smoke and I don't believe that it is the government's responsibility to get them to quit or not.
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