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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. Your wife couldn't figure out who the "studio mogul" was until the credits???? Either way, I really thought the movie was quite entertaining.
  2. Yes. Had a bunch of other stuff done while he was there. For the record, stuckincincy was right, there was a hole in the sink drain basket.
  3. Thanks stuck, I knew I could count on you.
  4. I live in a 60 year old house. The metal slip nut attached to the kitchen sink drain rusted out completely. I went to the hardware store and bought a replacement nut and replacement PVC pipe extension because the old metal extension also rusted through. The rest of the drain plumbing was re-done by a plumber roughly 6 or 7 years ago so it's all PVC. I was thinking this would be a 10 minute job. I cut the pipe extension to size and re-assembled everything. It's LEAKING! I will try to make a long story short: I have spent the last two nights going through a bevy of washers, slip nuts (metal and PVC), teflon tape, and swear words trying to get this thing to not leak. The next thing I am going to try is to add some pipe dope, which I have not done yet because I didn't think it would be necessary. The thing that I think is the problem is that the male threads on my sink basket (60 years old, original with house) do not seem to be completely compatible with my replacement slip nut (new from hardware store). The diameter is ok, but there isn't enough depth on the nut to accommodate all the thread on the sink basket. Anyway, I am not necessarily looking for specific help, maybe just troubleshooting tips from other DIYers like me. If I can't figure this out I am going to have to call a plumber, but it seems like such a waste for something that should be a simple job. This link provides a walkthrough of what I'm trying to do, in case I wasn't clear with my text. http://www.hammerzone.com/archives/kitchen...nless/drain.htm
  5. Yes, I recommend this. Go online to the manufacturer's website and look up the service manual. This happens to my laptop a lot, it gets roughed up and sometimes something just physically gets disconnected from the motherboard. If you have a dell you can find your service manual at their website. The only tools you need are those small little screwdrivers.
  6. Can someone tell me a place where I can watch this video without having my browser crash? The nbcolympics site is way too bloated for my PC.
  7. The BUFFALO Bills should have a stadium in downtown BUFFALO. The University at BUFFALO should not have their main campus in Amherst. There is plenty of land downtown, just being occupied by abandoned structures. A small city like Buffalo needs a centralized, pulsating economic/attraction filled heart, and that should be downtown Buffalo.
  8. Complaining that Stern's act is old and tired is like going to a Rolling Stones concert and complaining that they played too many rock and roll songs. There are a lot things that haven't changed over the years, and I still enjoy them: beer, women, etc. If you don't like Stern, don't listen. BTW, Stern sucks and it's been 15 years since he was funny. I hate him but I love to diss him on message boards.
  9. Fact: I no longer find Chuck Norris facts funny.
  10. It's not very comprehensive.... http://www.criminalsearches.com/details.aspx?id=39108258
  11. Was there any ligament damage? Did the doctor suggest surgery? My 26 year brother had a type 4 AC joint separation a few months ago. He opted for surgery because he is young, although the doctor said if you're older it might not be worth it. In his case, with or without surgery the shoulder may never be the same again, but obviously your likelihood for a full recovery goes WAY up if you have surgery and rehab it.
  12. ...and never actually force yourself to do something outside your comfort zone. He's going to have to take the plunge sooner or later, why prolong the inevitable?
  13. I agree with this sentiment....DO NOT ADD HER ON MYSPACE. Do not be indecisive about your intentions. Don't say "I'm going to be at xxx, you should stop by." Then she isn't sure whether you're going for friendship or romance. Be clear with what you want. "I would like to TAKE YOU to this concert." Say it to her face and be a man. Women don't like being dicked around by indecisive statements. It doesn't matter if you flub the line and aren't super smooth. Just be a man about it and ask her out in person. It shows that you're decisive, you purposely are selecting HER as the person you want to take to this concert, and you're not a p*ssy. Let's say at this point she's neutral about you. You're a person that comes into her doctor's office, so by default she's friendly to you. Maybe she doesn't think of you in that way, BUT that doesn't mean she hasn't ruled it out yet either. If you do something indirect, like Myspace her or casually ask her to meet you somewhere, it will appear creepy IMHO and then you have relegated yourself to being THAT GUY in her mind. If you grow a set and ask her out with direct words then at the very least she will be flattered that you singled her out and selected her to be your date. If she says no, no big deal and I don't even see why you'd ever have to change doctors. It's not like you're whipping your dong out on the receptionists desk, you're just asking her to a concert. How often do you go to the doctor anyway? EDIT: I just read KD's post above mine, so I'm sorry if I'm repeating what he said.
  14. I'd be happy with this: http://shop.zubaz.com/
  15. Do you think the woman in your avatar engages in premarital sex?
  16. Luke Russert and I are both Bills fans because our dads made us do it.
  17. fatwallet.com I personally don't want miles or points or gift cards. I want CASH. COLD HARD CASH. Discover is a good one. Chase Freedom. AMEX Blue Cash. Citi CashRewards card is currently offering 5% cash back for first three months of the card, with NO LIMIT on the amount of cash back you can earn. The ones in bold are my two main ones. If would agree that if you do want points, AMEX membership rewards is a good program to get in, especially for their travel redemption program. You can book a flight directly through their travel website, which is basically travelocity. 1 point = $0.01. The only reason why I had that card was for a sign up bonus of 25000 points.
  18. This is where my brain goes into Catch-22 mode. I grew up in Amherst, moved around a bit as a kid, and wound up in Buffalo again for college in 1998. I am still here now. When you grow up in Buffalo and you have seen the Niagara Falls (the actual waterfall) from both sides of the border about 8 million times it doesn't really excite you anymore. Before the casinos were built (American and Canadian), I don't really remember getting too excited about any other attractions in the NF area. I'm not a tourist so I'm not going to get amped about a wax museum. The first Canadian casino was built right around the time I moved back to Buffalo, and I remember actually being EXCITED about going to the casino when I turned 19. I would say that in the past 10 years I've made 40 trips to Niagara Falls, and I'd say about 35 trips I made a stop at one of the casinos. I'm not a tourist, so I have no reason to get excited about going to Niagara Falls (especially if it hasn't changed since the last time I was there). But hey, did you hear they just built a new hotel attached to the Seneca Casino? I hear that buffet isn't half bad. I hear they serve free drinks. I hear they have live music playing on weekend nights. It's SOMETHING TO DO. I most likely would not make as many trips to Niagara Falls (American side) if there wasn't a casino. I do not waste my life savings when I go. If this casino ends up being built in downtown Buffalo then it will be SOMETHING ELSE TO DO, SOMETHING TO STIMULATE ME. I realize it's not a silver bullet solution to solve the economic blight. I realize that a casino alone will not attract tourists to an area, but I'm sure it can't hurt. When is the last time you were going on a vacation and you said, "Oh, I can't go to XXX because they have a casino there. I am SO MORALLY OPPOSED TO THEM."? Opponents of casinos frequently say that they attract the "wrong type of people". I am assuming by "wrong type of people" they mean degenerate gamblers. I would wager that most degenerate gamblers would be degenerate something-elses if it weren't for the casino so easily at their disposal. Those people would be blowing their money on lotto tickets, OTB, etc. There will always be someone who can't control their vices and they won't appear or reappear with the existence or non-existence of a casino. Before the casinos opened you saw the same people at Wal-Mart, etc. So in conclusion, what's the BIG DEAL? I don't think the casino will make Buffalo THAT much better, but it certainly won't make it worse.
  19. So basically this letter is just testing to see if they can dupe him into getting his own insurance company to pay for it?
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