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Everything posted by altleg

  1. Wish Mario put a clause in his contract to improve the Bills IT staff
  2. You are definitely on to something here regarding tailgating. I like to take the Bills Season ticketholder survey each year (despite its horrible construction) because there are usually questions that give you a clue as to what the brass is thinking. I especially took note as to how the survey mentioned the "priviledge of tailgating". I responded in my free form section that I did not regard tailgating as a priviledge and consider it a very important part of the game day experience. But the choice of words seemed interesting.
  3. My serious issue is that I honestly do not know how the flag is supposed to be flown. There are two "clips" at each end. Are you supposed to push a stick in some manner through the clips?
  4. Usually I can't wait for the schedule, so I can start booking cheap flights (from Dallas). This year with the strike/lockout issue and the $150 flight change penalty I think I need to wait for some sort of resolution prior to book. Home opener I'm guessing - Oct 9th - hopefully still warm out then.
  5. Even if Modrak is right and recommended the best pick to his boss every year, and his boss usually (always) ignores the recommendation, then you are still failing at your job as you are not assertive enough.
  6. Looks like it was a good week for Shawne. Wasn't expecting a Bloomberg News story. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-01-04/shawne-merriman-awarded-3-8-million-by-court-in-suit-against-laettner.html
  7. I assume you meant Levy's offer was to trade down into the 1st plus a 2nd and a 4th. Kind of depends how far the trade down was from 8th to really know if it made sense or not.
  8. If I was the insurance underwriter I think I'd charge him $8 million for a $10 million dollar coverage -- building in an assumption that a lockout is 80% likely.
  9. I have a real tough time thinking of the game vs. Chicago in Toronto as a "home" game. Maybe neutral site?
  10. This discussion sure brings back memories -- the last game I saw while I lived in Chicago was the shoeless Rob Johnson / home-run throwback game at Lincoln Station. Always prefered Lincoln Station myself given the food ordering ability and the calmer atmosphere. Got to admit that Delilah's had the best Bloody Mary I've ever tasted in my life.
  11. And when the stock market declines, these same top executives whine and complain and their Board of Directors re-price their out-of-the-money stock options to current market levels regardless of their performance.
  12. Advance single game seats went on sale for Club Seat holders today. Always buy two extra for the home opener and one other interesting game. This year Dolphins and Pittsburgh. Unlike the last couple years where the most costly (best?) choices were limited to Upper Deck (21 rows and up) there were choices available in the mid level (row 30) of the lower level corners (sections 116, 107, 129).
  13. lockout = most exciting Bills season in a decade
  14. With a sad heart I will continue to renew until Ralph passes and the team moves. Then I will finally be free.
  15. Highly implausible. But the ownership rule is a good as any of the other NFL rules that are dependent, in some way, on some ancient anti-trust exemption. A series of influential and like-minded politicians could make it null and void or pressure to do the same. If some type of public/private group came together with the highest bid, why shouldn't they be the "owner"?
  16. Gotta say, this approach will definitely improve my state of mind for coming to Buffalo this w/e for the game. Now if I can only fiqure out a way to keep my cool while watching the dreaded 3rd down plays on offense and defense I think I can last the rest of the year.
  17. Plug it into both my home computers and receive an immediate Blue Screen critical error message!
  18. Just saw that Duke made the Cowboys 53 man roster.
  19. A slight risk for the Pats - will there be a 2011 draft or will all college players be free agents by that time?
  20. Great, it doesn't fit in my wallet well. Can they select an even more awkward size next year?
  21. I just looked at my flyer about the tickets, looks like they allowed the Kelly Club level people in a day earlier
  22. I went in Wednesday @ 9:00. Never a great selection but the on-line went smoothly.
  23. Trading a #1 for next year is dangerous. I remember the next year's #1 traded to Dallas in the Losman draft pick deal. In the beginning part of the next season we had the worst record in the league and the possibility of giving up the 1st overall, before the end of year rally put it in the middle of the pack. Need a NBA like trade where the pick is someting akin to lottery protected and it pushes it a year back if you are in the top 10.
  24. Agreed, thanks inkman. I'll have to live with those from now on given their legitimate purpose. Makes me wonder what happened to all the "real" fan signs. I remember the old Aud was filled with them in the 70/80s for Sabres games -- many of them looked more professional then these official signs.
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