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UDFA (2/8)



  1. Keeping my streak alive. Haven't watched one since XXXII in 1998. Always want both teams to lose.
  2. Like a memorable Monday night game against the Cowboys years ago.
  3. Bills average only 2.9 opponents punts against per game which is the lowest in the league. High turnovers and big leads might account for some of that, but there is a lot of "bend" in our defense.
  4. I remember exactly where I was for that game - in a Dallas hospital room post surgery for my daughter. Was supposed to be at the game but then she got ill. Thankfully her prognosis had improved by that date, and she recovered completely. The nurses were definitely giving me the business at the end. The good prognosis helped me from feeling too bummed out. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory ... something like Hank Bullough might have said.
  5. We've tended to allow a higher than normal amount of onsides kicks to be recovered against us. I like the existing rules.
  6. I believe in the run up to his draft the Bills showed a lot of interest in Trubisky. Recall even Terry went to a workout somewhat "under cover"
  7. The Kaepernick comparison seems right on the money today (not the drama of course which likely derailed a decent 10 year career). Fingers crossed for more than that.
  8. Madonna is sort of old. Wouldn't Dez be more post madonna?
  9. You will want to call and ask for instructions. They initially put it on your credit card first then refund it when they manually apply it to your bills bucks card (system glitch). Not eligible for the season tix discount unless you can buy in person though.
  10. Well I guess I just evened out their silly policy. Ended my 30 year season tix. Never lived in buffalo that entire period. Only made one game the last 3 years as the flights are too much of a grind.
  11. Besides seeing a few minutes on a couple of them (as the game is on everywhere you go), the last super bowl I watched was in 1988 as my boss was a big packer fan (they lost to Denver). This one will be the 20th year missed. I will watch again once the Bills make it back ... if I'm around that is!
  12. My all time favorite you tube clip! The prank name release to the news station after the Asianic plane crash in san francico. I had to watch it again after seeing these names.
  13. Solved my own issue. Code works when I cut and paste it in from the email. Doesn't work when I typed it in (and I was careful!).
  14. Received an email for a free subscription (season ticket holder benefit I assume). I got a "invalid code" when I tried to activate. Anyone else get this issue?
  15. You need to get back to lot 7 - pig roast, the great igg, nafl and other historical artifacts!
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