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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Ahh, so that’s why you like the downtown stadium. I suppose that’s fair. If I didn’t appreciate tailgating, I would be open to a downtown stadium too. I’m just on the opposite fence. I really appreciate the uniqueness of what we have. A few years ago a Boston writer tweeted about how the drive to the Bills stadium is unlike any other in the NFL because the team has to go through thousands of Bills fans to get to the tunnel. We would lose that downtown. Unless the team decided to take the bus a mile away through Ganison just for the heck of it lol.
  2. You’re talking about maybe HALF the amount of tailgating space. And to get to half, you have to spread out. Close to a mile away. Im assuming the city isn’t going to allow fans to tear up the park.
  3. Im not saying it’s like the end of the world or anything, but it’s definitely not preferable. Especially when you have a perfectly suitable spot in OP. Does the Michigan Ave bridge even have a sidewalk? Or are you envisioning people walking in the road? Maybe it does, I can’t remember. The downtown idea seems like something out-of-towners would love but many local season ticket holders would not think is ideal. I’d love to see a poll to see if my theory is correct or just nonsense. If it must be moved, I’d much prefer Niagara Falls than downtown. I don’t want NF either though. .
  4. It’s probably to save server space. I’m guessing the admins aren’t coders because a simple compression script after uploading would save a lot of hassle and space. It came out fine though! Maybe they drop 7-8 in coverage and let them run. Ala the first game last year.
  5. Preferably, right outside the stadium. I’ve never liked the “other programs do it THIS way, so that means it’s good” line of thinking. Im sure if you asked fans of that college team whether they’d park a mile away, or right next to the stadium, they’d pick right next to the stadium. Seahawk fans still complain about not having space next to their stadium.
  6. Ok, so you’re talking about tailgating in random pockets - some of which are not all that close to the stadium, including crossing a river. That’s even more ridiculous in my opinion. .
  7. 71% of wagers are for KC right now. You can take that one of two ways: 1) A large percentage of the betting public thinks the Chiefs are better and will win by at least a field goal. 2) Vegas doesn’t like to lose 71% of its bets and they’re comfortable taking that many because they think the Bills will pull it off.
  8. Those sound like things an out-of-towner would want to do. Who wants to throw a football around inside Pearl Street Brewing? Or watch Kenny get blasted with ketchup outside Southern Tier? Just my opinion. I don’t know how tailgating would work at all downtown. There’s no space.
  9. I don’t imagine most Bills fans want to hang out at Applebees before a Bills game. Having some hotels nearby would be nice though. First of all, no one goes to Sabres games. 😂 Second, what would going to a warm restaurant before a game matter if they’re going to build an open air stadium where you’re going to freeze your butt off anyway? You’re worried about getting 1 hour of warmth before 3 hours of freeze? Yes! I see so many “but other teams do THIS” responses. Why do we want to be like all the other teams? Why do you want to ruin our uniqueness? .
  10. Within the context of what we were speaking, I thought “the end” meant the end of the season. Where we are seeded. Obviously not the end as in the Super Bowl winner. According to Sanders, you may not be totally correct. He mentioned that the players still talk about that loss to KC and he said it was like a fresh bruise and they keep going over what they could have done differently. It sounds like this game means much more to them than a random W5 game. .
  11. I think maybe you missed my point. IF we can’t beat KC, then it likely doesn’t matter where we are the end, or where they are. Whether we are the 1st seed, 3rd seed, or 7th seed, we likely will have to beat KC to get to the Super Bowl. Seeding only matters in figuring out which round we have to play them. We need to be able to beat KC for it to matter. And if we lose Sunday, that’s 3 times in 12 months that we lost to them. Thats a lot different than 1991. .
  12. Eh. He really started playing well once the rain stopped.
  13. One could argue that it doesn’t matter where teams are at the end, if the Bills can’t beat the Chiefs. The road to the Super Bowl likely goes through KC.
  14. Saw that earlier. It was absolutely perfectly said.
  15. I truly hope Bills fans don’t turn into that. But perhaps you’re right.
  16. I used to feel the same way. Chiefs fans did indeed remind me of us. But now? Pfft. No way. They’ve turned into Patriot fans. Obnoxious. Arrogant.
  17. I’m surprised that you’re impressed by this. Everything you have described about a KC game is what a Bills game already is. Have you never been to a home Bills game?
  18. Shady really dropped some wisdom there. He may have a future in broadcasting.
  19. Im subscribed (for over a year now) but i’m still on the fence. Like most reporters, Buscaglia has no professional football experience. How do I have any idea if the way he is analyzing the film is correct? People bash PFF, who has analysts that watch thousands of hours of game film for every player in the NFL. Yet we trust local reporters that watch a few hours each week.
  20. For me, it’s not so much her voice, but rather her pacing. She talks very… oddly. There are pauses in weird spots and run-on sentences, and it’s just all so bad.
  21. Same. Maddy is absolutely terrible for this particular job. I have no idea who gave her this job but she is not qualified for it.
  22. Allen hasn’t looked good this season. I know people will make a million and one excuses for it but he just seems “off”. It’s frustrating. I really like Allen but he is nowhere near Mahomes level, and I fear that Herbert is surpassing him as well.
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