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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. I can’t figure out if you’re describing Rich Stadium or Lambeau Field. People have signs that say “park and pee”? And the closer you get to the stadium, the prices go up? You dont say!? Certainly don’t see that on Big Tree & Abbott every Sunday. (I’m just kidding, that’s ALL you see). Maybe you haven’t been to the stadium since it was built in a cornfield in the 70’s. “You sound like a one trick pony who hasn’t seen enough to evaluate various options.” I can just about guarantee that i’ve been to more stadiums than you have. I went on a road trip where I went to nearly every stadium in the NFL recently.
  2. You just described Rich Stadium lol. PS, if I had a dollar for every time you posted “I used to live in X” …
  3. My suggestion - Dont take these grades seriously. They're done by a guy that was a radio producer 5 years ago. I don’t blame him for trying but I have no faith that he actually knows what he is seeing.
  4. I think Allen is vaccinated. I don’t see him in a mask in any photos of him in the facility, which is a requirement of the unvaccinated.
  5. Didnt miss a field goal in 9 of his last 10 games.
  6. Highlighted portion of the post you quoted.
  7. Feely actually said that Bass still should have made the kicks, but Bass didn’t help. The Feely video and tweet are still on Twitter. As I said in the post you quoted, Bojo did mess up a few holds. I’m simply saying it’s not as big of a deal as people made it out to be. We lost 0 games because of it. I don’t think it had anything to do with holds, because if my memory is serving me correctly, the Bills tried to re-sign him. Beane made a cryptic comment about how we want people who want to be here.
  8. The percentage is the % of punts downed inside the 20. You mentioned that he punted less and therefore that means he will have less. Percentage makes up for that. As for a link, I screenshotted the articles hours ago. I’m sure you can easily google them if you’d like. I don’t actually think Bojo was terrible at holding. I think it was a lot of nonsense that drove that idea. That’s not to say that Bojo never messed up. Just that it was overblown. This Tweet is how I felt at the time…
  9. The snaps were poor on field goals that game. On the first miss, Bojo had to pull it down and spin. On the third miss, wobbled out and Bojo had to get it down just in time. It wasn’t Bojo’s fault. People just rushed to judgment.
  10. Why would the amount of punts matter? Even when looking at %, Bojo is significantly better than Haack. As for the holds, a film review showed that it was the snappers fault. Not Bojo’s.
  11. I can’t seem to find hang time stats anywhere. Where are you finding them? As for the excuse that him not punting a lot is why he isn’t getting many punts inside the 20 - Consider this: He is T-25th for the % of punts inside the 20. So even accounting for him punting less, he’s still bad. .
  12. Haack is: 27th in average punt T-27th in punts landing inside the 20 28th in net punting average 31st in fair catches He is terrible in every punting statistic that I can find. As for last year…
  13. I don’t think that’s true. One announcer made a comment that maybe Crosby’s poor kicking day was because of laces, but I dont think Crosby every said anything. Upon review, the snap was bad by the LS and Bojo had to quickly spin the ball.
  14. Agreed. But I don’t think Bojo was a disaster. He made a mistake here or there but people overreacted to the few times he misheld a field goal. I would take Bojo back in an instant.
  15. Haack is terrible at punting. Glad he can hold a ball though.
  16. He’s racked up 13 pressures in two games against Miami, compared to only three pressures in his other five outings. Interesting.
  17. I just really don’t want him going to KC. They are really missing an intermediate threat to open up the middle of the field.
  18. Similar to the Titans game 2 weeks ago. We had more yards, more plays, more first downs, and the ball at the end. Still lost.
  19. I've noticed that a large proportion of downtown advocates are out-of-towners. They want to come to Buffalo, stay in a hotel, eat at a heated restaurant, and walk a block to the game.
  20. The portion you circled actually works against the downtown folks theory that a stadium and better infrastructure downtown would result in an economic positive. $53 million is peanuts. Without breaking out a calculator, I hazard a guess that it barely covers the interest on the money required to build it. When any positive is negated by a negative of equal size, its in all actuality comparing “nothing” to “nothing”.
  21. The added cost of these items is said to be around $300 Million more. Agreed. I believe Minnesota should be the blueprint. Not Seattle. I actually find Seattle’s stadium quite ugly.
  22. The Vikings built that stadium just a few years ago for $1.1B
  23. I really like what the Vikings did. It is so bright and airy that it has somewhat of the “feel” of an outdoor stadium.
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