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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. The difference between a wild card and a division winner is 1 home game. And as many dome proponents point out, our offense isn’t exactly built to play in snow. So i’m not sure losing the home game would even matter (as much as I as a fan would want to be there). To me, it’s #1 seed or bust. #2-#7 is all the same.
  2. Some would say that’s a great reason to question the Basham pick. This is how forums work. People pile on, so instead of having a conversation you have 10 straight posts of people criticizing the same exact thing. But if you had said something positive, like he is in great shape and was fast, you’d be getting likes and positive reactions. Aside from his weight, he really wasn’t a force at all. He played a little over 30% of the snaps and had 1 tackle (for a loss). Rarely saw him around the ball. I think there is a reason why he has been inactive most weeks.
  3. I must be going to the wrong Indian restaurants.
  4. This feels shortsighted to me. I’d rather the Pats beat the Titans. The Bills control their own destiny with two games remaining against the Patriots. Win those games and the Patriots have 6 losses (minimum). I don’t see the Bills losing 3 of their 5 non-Pat games remaining. Which is what it would take for the Patriots to win the division if we beat them both times.
  5. I really dislike any penalty (for any team) that has nothing to do with the outcome of a play. Dawkins tackling that guy mattered 0 to the play outcome.
  6. Forget the forum font, I just wish they would put a little spacing between the “edited by” message and the last line of the users post. One line of CSS would fix it. Happy Birthday Mrs SDS.
  7. The looked at the possibilities of what would happen if they let the Rams leave St. louis. Yet they’re still getting their hiney kicked in court.
  8. I agree, but there have been opportunities that they flat out missed.
  9. Position groups. If we are down to debating semantics then I suppose this conversation has run it’s course. .
  10. I think i’d rather pay the guys who are guaranteed to be good because they already have been, on the most important position (outside of QB) in the NFL. And then draft players at less important positions.
  11. Ok… Thats certainly an option but draft picks are not guaranteed to be good. You could (in theory) spend numerous picks on the line and then watch them fail as Allen runs away from pass rushers.
  12. Ok… What way would you go about building it?
  13. You can’t be serious. You seem to be flip-flopping timeframes a bit. Are we talking about who he is now, or are we talking about who he was when the Bills let him walk? When the Bills let him walk, he was 7th among all Guards in pass blocking. Right now, of course his pass blocking is not as good as his run blocking. His run blocking is the best of all players. His pass blocking couldn’t possibly be better. This year, through 9 games, he has allowed 1 sack. I agree that he is a better run blocker, but it would be disingenuous to say that he is a bad pass blocker. .
  14. 7th among all NFL G’s in pass blocking in 2018. With the Bills.
  15. As much as I’d like to trust HokieSports.com - lol. Here are more stats, this time including his regular season stint with the Bills:
  16. He was flashing that here. Thus the tweet I included in the post that you quoted. .
  17. And I gave my honest opinion in my first post. But when your honest opinion is disregarded by a response of only a vomiting emoji, you realize that you may have to work within the persons pre-formed mindset and framework in order to actually have an objective conversation.
  18. That’s just not true. As an example, you could put EJ Manuel in the very best scheme with the very best coach and with him working his tail off non-stop and he still wouldn’t be very good. The Bills missed on Teller. There is no reason to excuse that. Even with the Bills he showed excellent pass blocking abilities: And he was excellent pass blocking in college as well.
  19. You’re right about Allen. For some reason I forgot that he was a Beane pick, and not part of the McD inaugural 2017 class. He is the 1 dominant player Beane has picked.
  20. It’s not illogical, it’s debate theory. When someone is stuck within a certain mindset or framework you must work at least temporarily within that mindset or framework to have any chance of conveying your opinion. Its a commonly taught tactic in every debate class in every university from sea to shining sea.
  21. I was responding to a binary post. ”If Bobby Johnson gives bad information to Brandon Beane, it turns into bad roster moves.” That’s binary. So I responded in kind, using that framework. Stepping outside of that frame, Beane could certainly hear the OL coach advice and then do his own thing. But that would defeat the purpose of the posters quote and also of this thread as the “blame” would revert back to Beane. Oh I certainly believe McD holds some blame for the Teller trade as well. But again, the buck stops at Beane. Only he wields the power to trade. His signature adorns the trade paperwork that is faxed to the league office. Many Indians will raise a voice but only the Chief’s voice echo’s above all. .
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