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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. I love this. Strongly agree in sending a message - If that is what this is.
  2. No, I wouldn’t. New Orleans is a disgusting, villainous city with an insanely high crime rate. Modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. .
  3. You have written numbers (that are laughably wrong) and stated facts that are incorrect. I was simply correcting those items. There are NO legal options that are not subject to contract negotiations that could lead to a temporary loss of channels. Zero. Zip. Nada. None. He can shop around if he likes, but no service won’t have these problems.
  4. It would be astronomical if they did not engage in hardball negotiations with channel providers. There are hundreds of channel providers. Multiply large increases across all of those contracts and you would see an astronomical price increase. Dish’s profit margin ranges between 12% to 20%. Not 500% to 800%. You’re wrong in nearly every facet.
  5. Indeed it is. And the astronomical price is driven by channel providers that charge Dish, DirecTV, cable, YouTube TV, etc to broadcast their channels. Dish is missing channels right now because Tegna, which provides some of their local channels (perhaps among others) want a large price increase. If Dish were to submit to their demands, the customer will need to pay more to offset the cost. Dish is pushing back on this. But this happens with ever tv provider. All of them.
  6. Contract negotiations leading to coverage outages happen to every paid television provider. Dish, DirecTV, Cable, etc. If they didn’t hardball negotiations, the cost of a tv package would be astronomical.
  7. New Orleans. Where you go to get mugged and watch football.
  8. Going into the 2021 season, Mckenzie had 4 muffs in 38 career NFL punt return attempts (that’s over 10% of all punt returns ending in a muff) and 8 fumbles in 124 career NFL touches. He also had 12 fumbles in college - once every 14.4 touches. Credit to Joe Marino. As for this year… - 4 days ago against the Colts (i’m sure you remember) - Two weeks ago against the Dolphins (link) - Week 3 of the pre-season (link) - He also had a couple bad decisions where he fielded the ball within the 10 yard line and the offense got pinned deep. This isn’t new. He has a propensity to do this.
  9. It would be sending the message that poor play will not be tolerated. Some talk as if Sunday was Mckenzie’s first mistake. It’s not. He routinely muffs punt/kick returns. He usually gets it back, and it’s not counted as a fumble because statisticians don’t consider muffs to be fumbles as the player did not securely gain possession, but it happens much too often. I realize that it’s a faux pas on this forum, but sending a stern message is one thing we could stand to learn from Belichick. His dog house is real, and he keeps players in there for a lengthy period of time.
  10. I do. But I don’t blame you as it’s an easy trap to fall into. If you ever are bored enough to read The Hidden Game of Football, you’ll see where my views on running come from. Running for the sake of running, because logically the defense has to account for it not to mention the physicality involved (the Chargers coach recently made this argument) is silly. Defenses don’t care if you jam square blocks into round holes repeatedly. That won’t make them adjust. Only a quality rushing game will do that and we simply do not have the horses for that game.
  11. “I’m going to keep trying to force this square block into this round hole. Just gotta find a way to make it work!”
  12. I give Buscaglia’s grades about as much merit as what my neighbor thinks about the game. I realize that’s its hip to look at the ALL-22 (I do too) and try to analyze an NFL play, but Buscaglia has zero credentials. He never played at even the college level. Never coached. Never assisted to my knowledge. He’s just another fan giving his opinion. Long story short, I advice everyone to take every grade and analysis from every reporter with a grain of salt.
  13. As for the running game, how long should one commit to something that clearly isn’t working?
  14. I don’t judge a GM based only on their history of drafting busts. I also want to see if they can acquire elite talent. Beane has not been able to do that. He has acquired “good talent”, sometimes, but not elite (outside Allen). He has also made one of the worst trades for the Bills in the last 20 years, if not longer. He also sat on his hands while the OL was being mauled. .
  15. Outside of poor clock management, he shouldn’t. Coaches put players in position but they can’t make them make the play. - Addison has Wentz for a sack and let him slip. He was in position. - Allen had the 1st down on 3rd down, but Ford false start. Players were in position. - Mckenzie fumbled without being touched. He was in position.
  16. Outside of poor clock management, he shouldn’t. Coaches put players in position but they can’t make them make the play. - Addison has Wentz for a sack and let him slip. He was in position. - Allen had the 1st down on 3rd down, but Ford false start. Players were in position. - Mckenzie fumbled without being touched. He was in position.
  17. Only need 4 more of those. And to score TD’s every time inbetween.
  18. Taron gets called for that hold, but this is ignored…
  19. In general, the vibe of this team is so drastically different from last year.
  20. You’re calling the game in a bubble. Not in the situation that currently exists (wind/rain).
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