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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Football has become soft. Back in my day, we would have kicked the old geezer for wearing the opponents colors in our stadium. This is just a joke, just in case that wasn't clear. ..
  2. Any specifics on what he did that was so terrible? I would think most famous coaches at a football clinic would act like they own the joint.
  3. What do you do that brings you into close proximity with celebrities and sports players so often?
  4. I once read that it looks like a bunch of giant stacked CD’s and now I can’t unsee it.
  5. Wow! Didnt expect that response.
  6. This court battle is ramping up! For those just joining us, a judge has ruled that the NFL can not force the case into its rigged arbitration system AND the judge refused to stay the case pending appeal by the NFL. As long as an appeals court doesn’t overrule the judge, we will see discovery and evidence and perhaps even subpoenas begin. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2022/10/20/judge-declines-to-stay-jon-grudens-lawsuit-against-the-nfl-pending-appeal-of-arbitration-ruling/
  7. Apologies. I must be thinking of a different poster. I don’t know soccer well.
  8. Some posters inability to cope with any statistics that isn’t overtly positive is truly fascinating. A study should be done on it.
  9. 1) I don’t think owners give a crap. I made a list of the head coaches (in an earlier post) with anger issues. 2) If we are judging whether something is right or not based on what a random billionaire would do, we are very lost as a society.
  10. That open field tackle by Milano was incredible. Oddly enough he was one of the lowest graded Bills this week.
  11. Dorsey is expertly scheming guys open (with the help of the players skill of course).
  12. Josh Allen will say it for you. ”Our guys fricking love seeing that. I know people might be making a big deal out of it, but as players, we freaking love seeing that.” That’s the leader of the entire team saying that. Your opinion is in disagreeable with the actual players on the teams. What does that say about how your opinion is actually felt within the locker room? I get that your experience as a Pee Wee coach (you said you coach kids sports, right?) gives you perspective, but does the actual opinion of the players on the team matter to you? Or only your moral high ground? .
  13. Are you under the impression that all those coaches became hot heads after they won a ring? lol I truly don’t think it would be a concern. If a team wanted him, smashing some papers won’t be the decision maker in my opinion. .
  14. Yeah, pretty much. It won’t. - Pittsburgh has a head coach that has literally tripped opponents MID PLAY. - New England has a head coach that has thrown iPad’s, slammed phones, ripped off his head set, and has physically grabbed refs running off the field. - San Francisco and Michigan have hired a head coach that is so known for his temper tantrums that there are entire compilation videos about it. - Syracuse has a head coach that had to be physically restrained from going after a ref I could go on but what’s the point. Teams want to win.
  15. Not only did it not hurt Dorsey, multiple Bills players said they loved it. @GunnerBill just refuses to change his mindset.
  16. whispering “there’s a lot of white people” made me laugh
  17. We actually had a QB sneak sighting last game! I was so proud.
  18. I listened to Murph’s call of the games key plays and like usual was so disappointed. Going from Van Miller to Murph was such a step down that it’s akin to going from Josh Allen to Nate Peterman. Thank you for posting this. Nice to hear a quality radio play by play of this amazing drive.
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