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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Love the new stadium renderings. Two thoughts: 1) Wish the roof covered a bit more of the seats. But still nice to have some covering. 2) Love that they put snow/ice in the rendering instead of a sunny summer day background.
  2. In my opinion the aura of the Bills in the early 90’s was greater than it is now. Pre-internet football felt a bit more magical than it is now. My hypothesis is that social media has given us such instant close-up access to the team like never before, at the consequence of there now being little to no mystery. I miss the excitement of waking up and watching ESPN and all the pre-game shows that came on before the game started and hearing all the injuries, inactives, news, and even 1 on 1 player interviews. All those same things exist, but they’re now spread out along the previous 6 days because of the internet. Less magical and a lot of it gets lost in the noise.
  3. You go about life thinking that if someone has an opinion that is “so bad” (which is just another way to say that it is different than what you think), then you should insult that person? Those numbers made him the 22nd paid safety in contract value. It’s actually not. Not even for his age. Harrison Smith at 32 y/on has a larger contract. So does Tyrann Matthieu, and Quandre Diggs, and Jimmy Ward, etc. No it’s not. On a 2 year deal there is no way to avoid dead money other than making him a post June cut - which perhaps they will do. Then his dead money will reduce to $3.5M and we will save $7.5M. Because none of these players have 2 year deals. Do you understand how the cap works and spreading cap hits over years? Something can’t be punitive when it saves you money. It’s not a situation where the dead cap is $7M and they save $2M, so they are in the negative. As it stands, they are POSITIVE $4M. If they make him a post June cut, that positive increases to $7.5M.
  4. Offer stands https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/243157-how-valuable-is-hyde-really/?do=findComment&comment=7986865
  5. And we should see him differently? We should be the lone team that gives up a rookie contract for the 32 year old safety with 1 year left on his deal? Im not so sure. I’m trying to see this from both sides and my opinion could certainly change as the season progresses but as of now…
  6. I think you missed the context of the point. They are not just “disagreeing”. They are insulting, questioning fanhood, mocking intelligence and more. Its actually groupthink combined with pack behavior.
  7. Yep. Beane is surely thinking about this, even if fans don’t want to. In fact I think he was thinking about it when he gave Hyde only a 2 year extension with an out after the 1st year.
  8. If that is the case (and i’m not saying you’re wrong), then how valuable is he really? How valuable is a player that 31 NFL teams would not trade even a 7th rounder for him? How valuable is a player that 31 NFL teams would rather draft a guy they will likely cut, than trade for him?
  9. Yes. And their answers are the right answers. All other answers should be disregarded and the discussion closed. Why keep talking if you already got an “answer” from those that matter? etc
  10. I would not Uber to the game, personally. Unless you want to be dropped off a mile from the stadium and walk the rest. All traffic within a mile of the stadium gets very congested. Photo I took of the traffic going to the game a few weeks ago:
  11. If that’s the case, then how much do you value Hyde over a replacement?
  12. Bingo! What a breath of fresh air. It feels as if the cavalry of reasonable posters have stormed this thread to regain reasonable discussion. As you pointed out, I am not preaching that we must get rid of Hyde. But I think it’s a fair question to ask how much worse we are really without him. If you had asked me before the season how much worse we would be without him, I would have guessed significantly and noticeably worse in many ways. I think many of us can agree that we don’t notice him gone (via broken coverages or bad plays by his replacement) as much as we may have thought we would have. Which is a kudos to Beane for the depth he has has built and the coaching staff for their defensive scheme.
  13. All good posts start with an insult. A 2 year extension that doesn’t put him in the top 20 of safeties money-wise is a “big” extension to you? I don’t personally see it that way. I think it was a moderate extension that gives them an out after 2 years. $7M in dead cap is not a lot. It is offset by regaining $11M in cap space. They save money by trading or cutting him, despite the dead cap. This is called an “out” clause in the NFL and the Bills obviously structured it that way for a reason. They also only gave him a 2 year deal for a reason. I ignored it just like I “ignore” the fact that Hyde’s middle name is Richmond. It’s irrelevant to the discussion for all the reasons I listed above.
  14. How did you come to this conclusion? First i’ve heard this. Only thing i’ve seen is that the Bills are giving up 0.3 more ay/a this year, though that is quite minuscule.
  15. Thank you for this post. Well written and I appreciate that you see how the groupthink on this forum makes it nearly unbearable sometimes.
  16. I see from your profile that you are in Tampa. I have a vacation home in St Pete. I go to the Bills Bar called Buffalo Charlie’s in Dunedin. Feel free to join me some week for a game. Warning, you’ll probably be confused by my Bills tattoo while simultaneously trying to rationalize that i’m a fan of another team. Ps, here is me at the Titans game watching Allen throw a bomb to Diggs. Posted from my Bills twitter account where the goal is to give away free Bills tickets to kids and people who can’t afford to go. It’s all part of my Jets/Fins/Pats fan scheme. Obviously. . .
  17. I guess you would need to re-define what you’re talking about. You said “completely blown coverages”. Then you mention 3rd and 22 but that was not a “completely blown coverage”. Not at all. So are we talking about completely blown coverages or just long plays that we were in position to stop but didn’t? Because if it’s the latter, then there are plenty of examples of those type of plays our defense has given up the last few years. I could start with Hail Murray and go on from there. Well, yeah. The Hill one was a bit more embarrassing though.
  18. Great posts always start with an insult. Let’s see if i’m right. How many times have we seen it since Hyde has been out? Zero times. You mention 3rd and 22 but that was not a “completely blown coverage”. Our defenders were barely a split second late. So are we talking about completely blown coverages or just long plays that we were in position to stop but didn’t? Because if it’s the latter, then there are plenty of examples of those type of plays our defense has given up the last few years. I could start with Hail Murray and go on from there. And hasn’t happened since Hyde has been out. You don’t remember Hill running right past Hyde with 2 minutes left in the KC game last year? I may never forget that “douces” sign be put up with his two fingers as he entered the endzone. I am not pointing this out in an effort to say that Hyde is a bad player. Not at all. I’m simply pointing out that defensive breakdowns against the Chiefs offense is nothing new to this Bills defense (even with Hyde). I could say the same.
  19. “Any fool can know, the point is to understand” - Albert Einstein The single worst part of sport discussion forums is groupthink. On this forum, groupthink coincides with an attack on anyone that gives even the slightest criticism of a current starter, coach, owner, or anyone affiliated with the team. There is no room for understanding, predicting, analyzing and speaking truth to potentials departures. All room is taken up by the “knowing” crowd - those that “know” that another poster is wrong, should post less, etc. Your post above, in a nutshell. Prior to the onslaught of “knowers” bashing my thread, several people had agreed with it. One deleted their post (they were one of the first responses), and another edited their post to say something different. This is because they don’t want to go against the crowd. Groupthink. .
  20. Bingo. Yes - 26.5 year old Hyde was targeted as a foundational guy by McDermott half a decade ago. Not soon-to-be 32 year old Hyde, half a decade later.
  21. It’s the same question. It’s a bummer that my opinions bother you so. Be that as it is, feel free to block me. That way you won’t see my opinions any longer. Go to Account > Ignored Users > Enter My Username > Click Add User .
  22. Thank you for being a fan, but no autographs please.
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