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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. I was digging this move (he knows the system) until I made the mistake of visiting the Falcons forum. They’re practically doing backflips and popping champagne over trading him. Goodness gracious.
  2. Thank you for sharing your dads story. I know traumatic brain injuries increase dementia risk, but I didn’t realize minor impacts like heading a soccer ball would do the same.
  3. The high school team I played on had to switch to 8 man football, and so did many of the other high schools in the area. A lot of 8 on 8 now.
  4. Not sure what drug addicts you’ve seen, but he looks nothing like what i’ve seen. Agreed. He looks like a completely normal guy. I hope this isn’t a case of prejudice on OP’s side. Here is a photo from the article/video.
  5. 4 of the 6 Bills wins have been by double digits already. Hasn’t seem to have increased the rate of running.
  6. I don’t ever try to cause controversy. You’re just attacking me for no reason. We can agree to disagree. No reason to respond.
  7. The point I made remains the same whether you include receiving touches or not. Adding 4 receiving touches per game split among 3 RB’s is so infinitesimal that it adds no statistical relevance to the discussion. So you’re simply arguing semantics.
  8. Beane said it was the best ACL rehab he has ever seen. Did he mean it was the best ACL rehab he has ever seen Tre White do? That doesn’t make any sense. And I don’t recall Tre’s ACL injury being extra bad or anything. I think Beane was just being complimentary.
  9. Adding receptions increases the total by 4 per game. If Cook is touching the ball 15 times per game, then Singletary and Hines combined would touch the ball 6 times per game (rushing and receiving). It would be the Cook show at RB and Singletary/Hines would just come in a few times per game when he’s tired. I guess we will see what happens but I would be very surprised if Cook quadruples his touches per game by the playoffs.
  10. I think his point was that you made a remark about posters not being doctors, but there is a logical fallacy in that comment, since Beane isn’t a doctor either. It Beane was impressed with Tre’s comeback then he must be downright stupefied by Robert Woods. Woods tore his ACL two weeks before Tre and was back 3.5 months ago (in training and started the first game of the season).
  11. I would be shocked if this happened. Bills RB’s average 17 attempts per game. If Cool is getting 12 to 15 attempts per game then Singletary and Hines combined are only carrying the ball 2 to 5 times per game. I just don’t see that happening.
  12. Literally no part of his body touches the ball...
  13. He has such awareness of game situations too. One example is on the deep pass to Diggs where Allen gets hit hard and is laying on the ground. The second the ball hits Diggs hands, Josh is yelling at the entire offense "go! go! go! go!" and starts sprinting down the field to avoid a delay of game or even a potential challenge of the catch.
  14. I dont think its possible to love Josh Allen more than I do right now.
  15. This is true. Edmunds athletic and physical ability is undeniable. I mentioned it below (from the Ravens game). Not many LB's have the speed and length to cross the field and catch up to an elite runner like Lamar Jackson. Edmunds does. The question becomes - does that size and speed and wingspan make up for his lack of between the tackles run-stopping ability and other imperfect qualities?
  16. Just learned about that stat. Thanks for teaching me something.
  17. I guess I thought that when you said “his tackles generally were near the line of scrimmage” you meant at the line of scrimmage, but maybe you meant that 5 yards or so is near the line of scrimmage. We can agree to disagree on that. Its more accurate, in my opinion, to say he got lucky. He did not even touch the ball. He wasn’t looking at the ball. The ball hit the receivers shoulder pads and bounced off. In my opinion he gets credit for being in position to make a play, but he didn’t actually make the play. He never touched the ball. He never even saw the ball. .
  18. I'll have to watch the game again. From recollection, it seemed like most of his tackles were 5+ yards downfield. Should a player get credit for a PBU when they never turned around and the ball ricochet off the receivers shoulder pads?
  19. Surprised by the naysayers of this move. You are going to love this kid. Great move.
  20. LOVE. THIS. MOVE. Hines is one of the most athletic players in the league and was severely underutilized in Indianapolis. He can make guys miss in a phone booth (to quote Rex Ryan when talking about McCoy) and he can pass catch as good as any RB. He is going to quickly become a fan favorite. Great move Beane. PS, grab him in your fantasy football league if he is available - Allen and Hines are going to shine together.
  21. Just took a gander at the Chiefs forum. They're convinced that the Packers defense found out how to stop Allen & Co and they’re going to copy it in the playoffs
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