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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Titans defense is putting on a clinic. I thought our D was incredible against KC and somehow the Titans D looks even better.
  2. I’ve never heard that before. I hope you’re remember wrong because that’s a bit scary.
  3. We are averaging less than 1 point less per game than last year.
  4. I felt we were closer in 2021 than 2020. I know we were not in the literal sense, but better team and only the Bengals in front of us had we beat KC.
  5. Yeah I was super hopeful that Gabe was going to step up this season and become that legit 1b threat he was in the Chiefs playoff game. Instead he has dropped so many passes that he just seems unreliable as even a #3.
  6. The guy who’s been on the team for years now?
  7. I didn’t notice that at all today. Both INT’s we’re on shorter passes.
  8. Josh is my favorite player (perhaps ever - FJax is in the running too), but Mahomes does seem to have stinkers a bit less often. Allen has had 7 multiple INT games in the last season and a half. Mahomes has 4 in that same time period. Not quite half as often but close to it. Allen also had 9 games with 59% or less completion percentage in the last season and a half. Whereas Mahomes has 4 such games. I still wouldn’t trade Allen for Mahomes though. Allen is Western NY through and through and I love m that. .
  9. I was probably thinking of his in game injury.
  10. And either Tennessee or KC will get another loss tonight. Who should we root for? That’s an interesting thread topic.
  11. Wasnt Milano playing hurt last week?
  12. I agree. Outside of Allen and Diggs, Milano is the only irreplaceable player on this team.
  13. Yes and very much missed. There were several longer developing run plays the Jets ram where I was expecting Milano to come missiling into the backfield and blow it up. Unfortunately it never happened of course.
  14. Phill Simms mentioned on the pregame show that Matt Milano is the heart of the Bills defense and is highly respected. I agree. His instincts are incredible and his tackling is superb. We miss him greatly when he is gone. Milano and Edmunds have each missed 1 game. I feel that Milano’s absence was felt far more significantly than Edmunds. Do you agree or disagree? Thank you. Ps, Im trying to create less threads so i’m hoping this one is okay.
  15. GABE DAVIS. How many passes is he going to drop? It feels like at least 1 per game at this point, if not two.
  16. How many balls is Gabe Davis going to drop? I know it wasn’t easy but he is dropping WAY too many balls.
  17. Josh is in full 2019 mode. Numerous INT’s and near INT’s, and even the deep ball that is underthrown. Come on man, this isn’t good for my anxiety. Snap back into form.
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