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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Yeah i’m getting a lot less people making fun of me for having these opinions now than a few weeks ago. The supporters are dwindling.
  2. No - because 63% of Allen’s dropbacks don’t end in a sack or incompletion. He’s throwing what? 67% for the year? That means there is only a “stuff” (to compare it to the run game) on 33% or so of his pass attempts. Compare that to being stuffed in the run game 63% of the time in the second half. What is more appealing to you - succeeding 67% of the time or failing 63% of the time? You mentioned 3rd and 1. Do you know Singletaries yards per carry on 3rd and 3 or less for the season? 0.7 yards per carry. Less than 1 yard per carry. When you include 2nd AND 3rd down with 3 or less yards to go, his ypc is 1.9 ypc. We are simply not a good running team you. You can call run plays until the cows come home and that’s not going to change.
  3. Yes - when you are getting stuffed 63% of the time, it is a wasted time. The Bills averaged 6.8 yards per play on Sunday. Every time they got stuffed (which was 63% of the time in the second half), they were losing 6.8 yards per play (on an average basis).
  4. What you’re advocating for is to waste downs in the hope that we eventually break a run. That’s just not efficient in my opinion.
  5. I just mentioned this in another thread, but our run blocking is so bad that running the ball is often a waste of a down. We ran the ball 8 times in the second half and 5 of those 8 runs went for 1 yard or less. You can’t put your offense into 3rd and long over and over just because you want to “commit” to the run. I like a good lasagna but I know my wife is not good at making it. She has tried many many times over the past decade. I have no interest in wasting more dinners on lasagna when she cooks other things well.
  6. Dorsey called 8 runs in the second half. 5 of the 8 went for 1 yard or less. You can’t just keep running into brick walls. You’re wasting a down.
  7. That pass so underthrown that it has me wondering whether the UCL is bothering him more than they’re letting on. Carson Palmer said that with his UCL injury, 2 of every 3 passes were normal, but that 3rd pass, it was like it was shot out of the sky - absolutely no velocity on it. That play reminded me of Palmers comments. That pass was not even close to being completed. He underthew that by a good 5 yards.
  8. Florio always points out that NFL network is the nfl’s mouth piece. Wonder if the Bills leaked some info to them.
  9. Context though. Should you go for fourth down if your 3rd string QB is in? No. Why? Context. When the offense is humming, go for it. When your QB is struggling, don’t. Its tough to argue that we win if we kick the field goal. The Vikings got the ball 2 more times in regulation and they scored 2 more touchdowns. They couldn’t have scored more than they did, possession wise. They maxed out on possessions. They would have had to convert both two points conversions just to get it to a tie (assuming we still get that extra Bass field goal).
  10. I don’t mind the lack of running calls. In the 3rd and 4th quarter we ran the ball 8 times. We gained 1 yard or less on 5 of those 8 rush attempts. How many more times should we have wasted a down trying to run the ball? But yeah that QB sneak out of the endzone was just awful.
  11. Wow. All of that points to a lack of leadership. I still can’t believe McDermott didn’t provide answers to the players after that playoff debacle. It’s inconceivable.
  12. Hmm. Perhaps I need to watch it again. At first glance it looked like the play would not have worked even if Saffold did his job.
  13. I mentioned this a few times in the game day thread. Calling more run plays does not automatically equal run success. We simply are not a good run blocking team. Calling 10 more run plays is likely to produce 8 more plays of what you posted. Saffold loses leverage immediately but i’m far more concerned about Morse & Bates double teaming a d-linemen and STILL losing the rep. That’s horrendous. .
  14. I said he might have gotten the first, but it’s definitely not a given. The defender is closer to the marker than Duke is. It would have been close. And that’s assuming Duke makes the catch after the defender pops him. Cook dropped a very similar pass last week due to being hit as he was catching it.
  15. Yeah that wasn’t on Gabe at all. Allen just threw a bad ball.
  16. Expected him to keep running? Huh? He threw it behind him.
  17. The angle is messing with your eyes. Look at the yard markers. Duke was 4 yards from the 1st down marker. Defender was 3 yards. Defender was closer to the first down marker than Duke was. It would have been very very close.
  18. Look at the yard markers. First down is at the 5. Duke is at the 9. Defender is at the 2. The defender was closer to the first down marker than Duke was. The angle of the camera is throwing you off. It would have been very close.
  19. Allen had missed 3 of his past 5 throws and taken a sack and one of the throws was super high and Diggs made an insane catch, before that 4th down play. The offense had scored 3 points in the last 15 minutes of game time. He was struggling. So was the offense. .
  20. Context matters though. I am usually pro-go-for-it. But in the context of the situation, where you have a QB struggling, and you have a chance to go up 2 touchdowns, I think you take the field goal considering the context of this particular situation.
  21. That was Duke Johnson and he had a defender on him and closing fast. It would have probably been a bang-bang play at the first down marker, or Duke would have had to make him miss. He may have even been hit so hard that he doesn’t catch the ball.
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