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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Impossible not to like Po. Really hoping there is some miracle and we get Hyde back for the playoffs. It feels empty without him back there.
  2. You don't draft a player to be a 3/4 season replacement.
  3. If I were to guess, the Bills would trade Elam for a couple of those names right now.
  4. Knox was open A LOT in this game. He just wasn’t being targeted. Here is one example below. We scored anyway, but it shows that Knox is getting open.
  5. Meanwhile McDuffy in KC Is absolutely locking people down.
  6. Played more than our 1st round pick did haha.
  7. Patriots were without their stud DT and Judon is a liability on the edge.
  8. Poyer had 3 feet down. Myers never secured the ball.
  9. Conspiracy theorists will tell you they keep it ambiguous for a reason. Think about it - we are literally debating what a “step” is!?
  10. I would say: “Dang, the Pats player had 3 feet down. Sucks, but it’s a catch.”
  11. Correction: 3 feet. No, it doesn’t make sense. He is confusing rules and bringing turnover rules into the discussion and they have no place here. Loose ball rules have NOTHING to do with a catch. The rule he quoted is saying if there is a fumble, for example, the recovering player must possess the ball with 2 feet in bounds. I have no idea why he brought that up.
  12. Not sure why you’re quoting loose ball rules here. It has nothing to do with the play. That has to do with turnovers being recovered. Except the rule book specifically mentions a 3rd step being an act common to the game. Literally mentions it.
  13. The rule book is clearly ambiguous on this, likely on purpose, to allow them to adjust as needed. As I showed, the definition of a step in english is just another foot/leg forward. And the league counts toe taps as a foot. So semantics it all you want. He also tucked the ball away too.
  14. Yep. This article is about a different topic but it mentions that the league considers a toe to be a full foot. ”the league interprets the rule to mean that a toe is a foot, as long as the toe is dragged”
  15. Uh, If you’re going by basic english, “step” is just putting one leg in front of the other, which Poyer also did a third time. A toe tap has always been considered a step by the NFL. Thus why toe tap catches count. A 3rd toe tap, a hand down, an elbow down, even a SHIN or ankle on the ground, counts as a catch. Also, saw this in a PFT article on a different topic but shows the leagues thinking: “the league interprets the rule to mean that a toe is a foot, as long as the toe is dragged” To the NFL, a toe tap is a step.
  16. Not just a belief. it’s literally IN the rule book. Surviving the ground doesn’t take effect if a third step is taken.
  17. Literally no where in the rule book does it say that a toe tap is not an additional step. You’re just making that up.
  18. Poyer had 3 feet down. The 3rd step counts as a football move. Once that 3rd step is made, surviving the ground doesn’t exist. See: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/244127-the-ball-did-not-survive-the-ground-rule/?do=findComment&comment=8088395
  19. I think they flat out got the rule wrong. Poyer had 3 feet down on the INT play. Look at the images below. The rule book states a catch is when a player: “a. secures control of the ball in his hands or arms prior to the ball touching the ground; and b. touches the ground inbounds with both feet or with any part of his body other than his hands; and c. after (a) and (b) have been fulfilled, performs any act common to the game (e.g., tuck the ball away, extend it forward, take an additional step, turn upfield, or avoid or ward off an opponent), or he maintains control of the ball long enough to do so.” NOTE: Poyer took the additional step. He had 3 full feet down. If “c” is satisfied, then surving the ground doesn't apply. Again, see the rule book: “If a player, who satisfied (a) and (b), but has not satisfied (c), contacts the ground and loses control of the ball, it is an incomplete pass if the ball hits the ground before he regains control, or if he regains control out of bounds” He satisfied “c” with his third step, so surviving the ground becomes null and void. That’s an INT.
  20. The league could make this a lot simpler if they changed the rule to be: 1) Two feet in bounds 2) Firm grasp of the ball when the two feet are in bounds 3) The ball does not touch the ground when you fall down Enough of the “well the ball slightly moved” stuffed. If they had two feet in bounds with firm grasp of the ball and the ball doesn’t touch the ground when they fall, catch. Why should a ball slightly moving on a players body but never touching the ground matter?
  21. No wide receiver (other than Gabe) on the Bills has below a 67% catch %. Diggs is over 70%. Knox is near 80%. Even McKenzie is near 70%. Gabe is in the 50’s! He is BY FAR the low man on the totem pole. His hands are not good. .
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