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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Bingo. A fact missed by many posters. I caught on to how ridiculous the drop statistic was when we had Kelvin Benjamin and he was credited with about 1/4 of the drops he actually had.
  2. Yeah, this is the NFL. Not every pass is going to drop into your hands like a floating marshmallow while the defender stands from 10 yards away and gives you encouragement. Its always confused me when people say “it wasn’t a drop, the pass was broken up”. Yes it was. The defenders job is to knock the ball away. The receivers job is to catch theball despite the defender trying to knock the ball away.
  3. Except you can’t. Diggs has about half the drops Davis does, while having WAY more targets.
  4. As has been mentioned numerous times, drop statistics are not an official stat, are completely unreliable, and are subjective to the person counting the drop. They say Davis has 6 drops yet he has closed to 15. They also said Kelvin Benjamin only had a few drops when he had over a dozen. Drop stats have always been awful. Yeah, this is the NFL. Not every pass is going to drop into your hands like a floating marshmallow while the defender stands from 10 yards away and gives you encouragement. Its always confused me when people say “it wasn’t a drop, the pass was broken up”. Yes it was. The defenders job is to knock the ball away. The receivers job is to catch the ball despite the defender trying to knock the ball away. .
  5. Feel free to find 3 straight minutes of Diggs drops from this year. You can’t.
  6. Diggs has no where near as many drops in my remembrance. The official drop stats are a joke. Thanks for reminding me. This wasn’t needed. No idea why people have to resort to this kind of stuff.
  7. Absolutely. We beat every division leader before losing Crowder and Kumerow, didn’t we?
  8. Whether it be Beckham or someone else, we need help. Davis replaced his hands with bricks over the off-season.
  9. You’re flip flopping now. It’s okay to say you don’t understand.
  10. No it wasn’t. It was Jackson and Hamlin. Hamlin took an ugly angle and got blocked, Jackson was manipulated the block and resulted in bad leverage. Then the runner outran Poyer.
  11. Yes. Because a screen pass has blockers and completely changes the angles to which a runner makes a defender miss. A runner can use their blockers as, well, screens, to manipulate the defender.
  12. That was a screen pass. Not a swing pass. Not even remotely the same. He was 1 yard past the sticks and was not moving laterally. He was moving toward Duke Johnson and likely would have collided with him the exact moment the ball arrived. I mentioned that Cook was a couple yards different than Duke. .
  13. Flashback: We were talking about Duke Johnson being "open" against the Vikings and Allen not throwing to him. I said that Duke may not get the first down because a defender was guarding the sticks and the defender would have likely either broken the pass up or stuffed him. You disagreed and thought it would be easy to make the defender miss. Similar situation (though a couple yards longer) happened again, but this time Allen threw it to the RB... and the RB was promptly stopped short of the sticks because he couldnt make the defender miss.
  14. Thats not what I wrote at all. Did you not read my post? This I agree with. It's an advantage for the Dolphins. No doubt about it. But I don't know how anyone can say its a health issue now, when that point was never brought up before it had a roof. That's a bit disingenuous. Seriously, who here was complaining about Miami heat before the stadium retrofit? Anyone? Ever? The heat on the visitors sideline is the same as its been since 1987. The only difference is that the home team is shaded now.
  15. Just want to point out that teams have played on that sideline in that heat in Miami for almost 35 years. This only became a big issue when the Dolphins shaded their sideline. But their shade doesnt amplify the visitors heat. The heat on the visitors side is the same as it always has been.
  16. This guy has 297 posts and I think every one of them is a thread.
  17. Its literally Bills propaganda. You'll never get any real insight from them. But I still love the videos and watch them every week.
  18. You are all focused on the clock, which is not the goal at that point. The goal is just a first down. Only thing that matters is a first down. With a first down, the clock becomes irrelevant. Game is over. You run the ball and get the first down. You don’t risk an interception. You don’t risk a QB getting blindsided and fumbling. You don’t risk a sack. You don’t risk a intentional grounding.
  19. WHY WHY WHY would you attempt a pass on 2nd and 4 when you’re trying to wind down the clock?????
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