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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Thanks for finding the video. It seems to echo what he said in the article above. Only thing he took blame for was being too deep because he didn’t look at Poyer. I thought by your comment earlier that he admitted more than that. As the article above stated, he says he played it as the coaches drew up and he only wishes he looked at Poyers depth.
  2. That wasn’t a chuck (or a chuck attempt). Tre just extended 1 arm out in press.
  3. He admitted on video? Can you link me? I didn’t see and I can’t find it. Levi’s comments in the article you quoted clearly contradict what you’re stating he said.
  4. I doubt that there will be more than 10% Bills fans there tonight. Cinci is not Miami (as far as crappy fan bases) and parts of Buffalo are still digging out.
  5. I’ve been trying to find where Levi admitted he played the coverage wrong. Does anyone know where he said it? This article and comments by Levi seem to indicate the exact opposite. That he played it as the coaches told him to.
  6. Gotcha. Didn’t realize Levi admitted it. In that case, he must have played it incorrectly multiple times. Kelce saw it.
  7. I don’t know but he seems to recover pretty quickly even when he is fooled. I’m not so sure about that. Bills coverage was the same on both plays, indicating to me that it was how the coaches drew it up. Kelce told Mahomes in the huddle, if they play that coverage again, im running the seam. The Bills did and he did.
  8. I do agree about Edmunds for Kelce. Have Edmunds manhandle Kelce and then pass him off to a CB while Edmunds runs back to the middle of the field that he typically covers.
  9. Never saw that before. Great vid. I noticed it was from 3 seasons ago - Have they done it this year at all?
  10. This is not a complaint, just a question. Trying to learn if perhaps there is a good reason why we don’t. It makes sense to me that if you chuck the opponents receivers, it can disrupt timing routes and timing offenses. It can make a QB hold onto the ball for an extra half second and that can be the difference between a sack and a completion. But the most i’ve seen the Bills defense do is play press. I can’t recall seeing them get physical and chuck the WR. Is there a reason why?
  11. Yeah he looks quite good in NY. Makes you wonder why he couldn’t get on the field here. Not like we have all-stars at WR outside of Diggs.
  12. Come on McD, don’t let Steve body you like that!! haha
  13. It really stinks that Creed Humphrey was taken a pick or two after Boogie. We could have had him. Hindsight is 20/20 though.
  14. That was supposed to be “true”, not “tre”. Slip of the finger!
  15. Tre but every team has a few good players Even during the drought we had Kyle Williams, Stevie Johnson, Jason Peters, Eric Wood, Fred Jackson, Aaron Schobel, Nate Clements, etc. The difference is Allen.
  16. I also wish Beane would pull the trigger on trades more. Wish we got Von in the trade that LA pulled off last year. I think we have a trophy if he did that.
  17. Have to agree… Beane has been good, but his drafting has resulted in more “average” to “about average” players than “great” to “elite” players.
  18. I get it. Its very anti-public-Josh-Allen. You never see him taking those swipes at other players. I like it.
  19. That’s the thing. Simms doesn’t post garbage. He defended Allen when no one else would. He defended the Bills when people were calling the 2020 team a fluke. He has been very pro-Buffalo.
  20. I really respect Chris Simms as he is the anti-average-talking-head-that-vomits-words-out-of-his-mouth type of analyst, so i’m a little concerned. Has Tre been that bad!?
  21. I’m not questioning your intelligence, rather just showing you what actual human beings in his position (athlete) have done. Im assuming you’re not working with a lot of NFL athletes.
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