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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Definitely need him back. Especially with Elam barely playing. Rough rookie year for him.
  2. Chris Brown is going to continue to replace Murphy. Same with my brother-in-law. If they get TPA into you quickly then the damage can be very minimal.
  3. Yep. Not ideal. Not because we’re not better than Miami. I just don’t like divisional games. Anything seems to happen in those.
  4. Could the numbers be misleading because there were 2 one seeds per conference for a long time? Or does the data show the same regardless?
  5. There’s a 50% chance the game would be in Buffalo with my idea. There is a 100% chance we would be on the road with this idea:
  6. I’d rather they just flip a coin to decide whether the game would be in Buffalo or KC.
  7. I’m super impressed with how quickly they figured out what the problem was. The physicians mentioned that multiple times during the press conference today. Extremely quick recognition.
  8. We can’t even get the safeties we trade for onto the field! Just kidding around, but yeah if he is still this slow next year, you gotta consider making the move.
  9. NFL executives right now to Goodell trying to decide what to do with the seeding:
  10. “Wallace wishes he would've turned his head around and noticed that safety Jordan Poyer was lined up so far back.” Definitely a shocker to think Wallace was saying Poyer was too deep.
  11. It is. But there is truly no football subject that would cause me to insult an other human being. It’s just not worth it. I’d rather leave the discuss altogether than do that. Have a good day Teef!
  12. Surprised to hear this. I would have assumed the Uber wouldn’t be able to get very close to the stadium.
  13. Do you go around life insulting everyone you meet or just those you feel deserve to be insulted because they don’t agree with you? A disagreement about what happened during 13 Seconds and the typical insults that come from it.
  14. Thanks for keeping us updated. An 8th team would be wild. That basically ensures Miami makes it.
  15. Yeah, players never come outright and say it. They allude to it. It’s been this way since the dawn of the NFL. Actually, more like the last 20 years. Before that, players were a bit more forthcoming with criticism. If reading between the lines is making things up, then there is no point to this forum as most posts are “made up”. This current regime especially tells us nothing and it’s all coach speak. We have to read between the lines and look at tape to determine. And in this case the tape says a whole lot. This is the same fallacy you keep repeating. ”we don’t KNOW for sure” Someone should tell Cover1 and PFF to go out of business since the team didn’t specifically tell them that what they’re analyzing is right or wrong so they can’t know for 100% sure. I have posted numerous screenshots that paint a very clear picture with the same formation on 3 consecutive downs with a timeout in-between and no changes to Levi’s placement but you want to ignore that. It hasn’t gone unnoticed. And then in the exact same situation the following year the coaching staff COMPLETELY changes the defensive alignment. It is so obvious what happened. I average 0.84 positive rep points per post. You average 0.9 positive rep points per post. Practically identical. As far as being argued with a lot, you probably have that perception because you are always looking to argue with me. You and a couple others on here like to pick on my posts but 99% of the rest of the forum doesn’t. And that fact is proven by my positive reputation according to the forum software (much more likes and agreement than dislikes). But because you feel the need to constantly seek out my post and argue with me over petty stuff, it has painted your perception of me negatively. But the stats don’t back up your views. .
  16. Yes, he was saying if he saw Poyer line up deeper than he should have, then Wallace would have changed his alignment to fix Poyers mistake. That’s exactly what he was alluding to even if you don’t want to believe it. What I said above. Wallace is telling you should he have changed his alignment if he knew Poyer made the mistake of going too deep. This comment indicates to me that you didn’t actually read what I wrote, but instead just skimmed it. I didn’t post screen shots of how they should have aligned, I posted screenshots of how they DID align. On multiple plays. And even after a timeout where the coaches had the opportunity to fix Wallace’s alignment if they didn’t like it. That can happen, of course. But the reason we know it didn’t happen in this situation is because of 3 straight plays of the same alignment. If Wallace (or any other defender) was off, then they were off for 3 straight plays. And the Bills called a timeout and apparently didn’t feel like fixing it? We have the evidence! We have 3 straight plays of the same defensive lineup, with a timeout inbetween, and they never changed. The only player to change after the timeout was the CB opposite the field. The proof is there. In full color. I’ll go back to what I said before. In this years game, in nearly the exact same situation (12 seconds left and Chiefs looking to get a field goal before the half). The Bills coaching staff calls for press coverage across the board. No cushion. Did they change the way they defend the last second field goal because they called perfect coverage against the Chiefs last year and 1 player (Wallace) screwed it up? Or maybe, just maybe, did they play it completely different because Wallace was not to blame and it was a terrible coverage to be in at that moment? That’s a bit ironic considering you are constantly going around the board looking for “gotcha” moments. .
  17. Yeah he was passively putting some blame on Poyer for going too deep. On the fateful Kelce catch, Levi and the other CB on the opposite side of the field were lined up almost exactly the same. The CB on the other side was maybe a yard or two more outside (which is worse) than Levi. This tells me that they both played it the exact same way based on the play called. But that’s not all! A minute before this happened, the Chiefs were about to run a play from the same yard marker and McD called timeout. When McD called timeout, Levi was in the EXACT SAME SPOT as the fateful play. If the coaches didn’t want him there, they had a chance during that timeout to move him. They didn’t. You know who did move though? The other CB. On the opposite site. They moved him further back. See the photo above. The entire formation stayed the same pre and post timeout EXCEPT for the CB on the opposite side of the field. Now let’s flash forward to this years game, in nearly the exact same situation (12 seconds left and Chiefs looking to get a field goal before the half). The Bills coaching staff calls for press coverage across the board. No cushion. Did they change the way they defend the last second field goal because they called perfect coverage against the Chiefs last year and 1 player (Wallace) screwed it up? Or maybe, just maybe, did they play it completely different because Wallace was not to blame and it was a terrible coverage to be in at that moment? Im going with the latter. And I think other people would too if they weren’t so stuck in their mindset. Oh well.
  18. No. Ad Hominem is not only saying “you must be wrong because you’re Einstein”, although that can be ONE way to create a personal attack that is ad hominem, it is not even remotely close to the only option. An attack on the perceived failings of an adversary. Both of these quotes by you are examples of Ad Hominem, and are typically used when someone (you) is losing a discussion: “Does Einstein crack you up, or what? This is so hilarious I just can't help pointing out what a shambles it is.” “Do the poor sap even know who he is quoting there?” Both of these are irrelevant digs at another person in order to gain favor in a debate. They don’t further the discussion or help anyone learn. They’re just insults and nothing morse. Educated people see them for what they are, so I did. It weakens your argument. The information in the article came directly from Wallace. You’re attempting to move the goalposts by saying that because the bits I used aren’t all direct quotes that they aren’t from Wallace. But that’s how every good article in the history of mankind has been written. It would be a terrible article if it was just quote after quote after quote. The writer with an exclusive interview gathers all the information directly from the player and relays that information. Sometime in quotes and sometimes in elegant writing from the writer. The non-quote parts are equally from Wallace as the quoted parts, as Wallace is who gave the writer the information. Past tense doesn’t indicate a change of mind… “Thought” in common vernacular is often referring to what a person was thinking at the time but does not mean the person has changed their thinking. “I thought it would be a good idea to check my tire pressure before the long road trip.” Does that mean I changed my mind and now it’s not a good idea to double check tire pressure? Of course not. But it sounds stupid to say “I think it would be a good idea” when referring to something months ago. I did look at it. It doesn’t say what you think it does - at least in the portions that have sound. Hint: This is likely Wallace passing some of the blame onto Poyer. Like: ”why did Poyer line up so far back?” Yes, it is very clear. Wallace thinks: 1) Poyer went too far back 2) He takes the blame for not noticing Poyer went too far back 3) He alludes to the coaches not coaching at the right moment as he said the players should have realized (which means the coaches didn’t relay that information) that they need to adjust for the Chiefs only needing a field goal All comes back to coaching, and it happened on 2 consecutive plays which is why Kelce noticed it and told Mahomes. A whole $50? Good for you.
  19. More Ad Hominem. It was an exclusive interview with Levi Wallace with the information coming directly from Wallace with quotes from Wallace. https://www.golongtd.com/p/dont-let-the-smile-fool-you-why-levi
  20. The research is out there if you ever want to dig into it. Football is definitely not without risk, but neither is any other sport, and some sports show higher rates of head injuries than football (or close to it). I too don’t want to get into a pissing match. Have a good day (genuinely, not sarcastically).
  21. I just texted a buddy who was on that team. It was called “capowera”.
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