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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. I think I may head to *gag* root for KC. Cinci's cockiness is horrendous.
  2. The clause IS in the lease agreement. It’s there, so they’ve definitely thought about it. It’s just smaller than most cities. There is no downside to lengthening it.
  3. So what is the downside to doing them now? Putting them in the lease agreement?
  4. Im guessing you didn’t read the article I linked. Written by an attorney. I’m also still wondering. What is the downside? What is the negative to adding better preventative measures? What could it hurt?
  5. I don’t read it as a scare attempt. I read it as “hey, we should fix this before it becomes a problem”. Put another way - What is the downside to adding better preventative measures? What could it hurt?
  6. That’s very hard to do because of inheritance tax. His daughter would have to pay in excess of $1 Billion. That’s why most teams aren’t handed down to the kids. Based on what? Not sure if you remember, but it was discussed at that time that the clause Ralph put in did not actually protect the team. It just said the team couldn’t be sold to someone who admitted they planned to move the team. The new owner could simply say they have no intention to move, buy the team, and then still move them after a few years. It was discussed in length here: https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/04/29/newly-discovered-term-in-bills-lease-doesnt-really-change-anything/amp/ Thats why the BEST preventive measure is to add a costly countermeasure to moving.
  7. Based on what would it never happen? You don’t think the Pegula’s could pass away in 20 years and the new owners wouldn’t move the team? Why?
  8. Okay so you just don’t like the topic. I just read the article and there is nothing “hack” about it. They even had an economics professor review the lease and he said it was weak.
  9. The problem is that they saw Hodgins as a #5 WR in the first place. Whereas Daboll saw Hodgins as a #3 WR. So yeah, the Bills weren’t wrong for cutting a #5 WR for a ST starter. They were wrong for thinking so low of Hodgins in the first place.
  10. I didnt read the article. What is trash about it? Did they write incorrect things?
  11. - KC has been to FIVE straight AFC Championship Games. - CInci has been to TWO straight AFC Championship Games and is one game away from TWO straight Super Bowls. And Cinci rebuilt in WAY less time. I don't think its overreacting to say we are falling behind. .
  12. I hope you’re right my friend. That’s what i’m rooting for too.
  13. 4.47 actually. Which is closer to 4.5 than 4.4 but that wouldn’t fit your narrative. 4.47 is slow for a CB. That was always the knock on Tre coming out - he wasn’t super fast. To put it into perspective, if he was in last years (2022) draft, he would have been the 16th fastest CB. Only 5 ran slower - 3 of those went undrafted and 1 was drafted in the 7th round. Getting older and having an ACL injury at one point isn’t relevant to his future play? Er, ok. Studies disagree.
  14. A CB, who was never a speedster, turning 29 next season, coming off of an ACL injury…. I wouldn’t expect him to ever be the Tre we knew again.
  15. We had a healthy defense last playoffs when KC shredded them. I know I can’t speak for everyone, but as for myself, i’m tired of hearing how good the defense is ranked during the season just for them to get smacked in the playoffs. Giving up 31 points to Skylar Thompson and then getting bullied by the Bengals? Hard for me to care about regular season accolades.
  16. They're not even good right now. Every postseason under this current regime has been a defensive failure. Once is luck. Twice is circumstance. Three or more times is a habit.
  17. For me, 13 seconds was WAY worse. I couldnt stop thinking about it for weeks.
  18. Buffalo Range was THE message board back in the day. Thousands of active members, contests, ticket giveaways, etc. It was incredible. Sal Cappaccio (Bills reporter) actually started on the Buffalo Range. He posted there for like a decade, then started doing mini-shows in his basement in Florida, then he got the members of the forum to petition WGR to hire him, and the rest is history. But the owner of that place (Rick) was not a great guy sometimes and just ruined the place. Its a shell of what it once was. Two Bills Drive blows it out of the water now.
  19. There was actually a 10+ page long thread a month or so ago about people saying they were leaving because of mod actions. I stuck up for the mods in that thread but there were definitely people upset about something or another. I honestly think the moderating here is pretty darn good. My only concern with the mods is the mass-merging. They merge everything lol. Just last week a mod merged a guys post about a really cool Bills mural into a thread about jerseys. It is so odd and random haha.
  20. Why yes, I was the most handsome and popular fella over there.
  21. I don’t know anyone thinking Super Bowl before the Bengals game. I thought most of us knew we had serious deficiencies.
  22. Except for the teams who the cap doesn’t seem to matter. Like the Patriots for 2 straight miserable decades. The real answer is that you beat the cap by drafting well. The Bengals have drafted insanely well. The Bills have not.
  23. Thats also the impression I have at this point. Very depressing press conference. He knows we are not good enough and he also knows we don’t have the resources to fix it.
  24. Last offseason? Terron Armstead, Alex Cappa, Laken Tomlinson, Brandon Schlerf, Lael Collins, Ted Karras, Austin Corbett.
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