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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Uh, yeah. That was clearly a power move by Diggs to tell the Bills he is willing to move on if they don't give him the money he wants. Magically he got a $100M extension. You thought that was coincidental? lol
  2. This is my guess. He believes the coaching staff is never going to get him a SB. His relationship with Josh may have been a bit soured at the end of the season but my guess is he is more upset at the coaching staff than Josh. Remember what Josh repeated multiple times during the season? I cant force it to Diggs. Gotta make a smart decision. Go to the open guy. Etc. I think the coaching staff was drilling into his head not to feed Diggs when it hurts the team. To someone like Diggs, that could be a negative.
  3. You think it's a non-story to unfollow the team you play for? Some of you are in denial.
  4. No. No it's not normal at all. I've said for weeks now that there is WAY too much smoke for there not to be at least a small fire. Live look at Beane trying to put it out:
  5. Would you trade 3 upcoming losing seasons, for 1 Super Bowl win next year?
  6. PSL money goes to stadiums. It was invented by Stanford in order to fund their new stadium. It’s the entire point of them. Every PSL ever used in the NFL has gone to the stadium. Mostly because g4 loans have PPL as collateral. Which is why the Rams PPL is going toward stadium debt too. Without the taxfunder paid for stadium, the PSL would not even exist! .
  7. They said Fangio was waiting to sign in Miami because he was reviewing several offers. I wonder if the Bills called him.
  8. I’m not really sure you’re reading what i’m writing. I said, the newer stadiums and much superior. Larger, roof, etc. So the least we can do is at least get a semi-roof like Tottenham since we aren’t getting the whole shebang.
  9. Speaking of the standard for NFL stadiums, the new standard for NFL stadiums now is a large multiple higher in quality and coolness and space than what we are getting. Sofi, for example, is 1.5 MILLION more sq feet than the new Bills stadium. Raiders new stadium is half a million sq feet larger. The Vikings stadium is nearly half a million sq feet larger. So my point was Tottenham could at least be the middle ground. Its still not as large as the new stadiums, but it least covers the seats. instead we are getting a slightly upgraded design of a 20 year old stadium design. That is smaller than any new NFL stadium. And doesn't cover the seats. .
  10. NONE of these are recent. They are all decade+ old stadiums. That's what pisses me off the most. We are creating a stadium that is a slightly modern twist of an OLD stadium concept. If you are going to do a modern stadium then AT LEAST do the Tottenham model where every seat is covered. This quasi nonsense is sad.
  11. We have had a lot of crappy weather games that are very important over the last few years. I think that has swayed the mindset. Using an inflation calculator, the Tottenham stadium would be $1.3B now. And that stadium covers all the seats.
  12. Seems kind of petty to not have a nutritionist for each team. It's an extra $70k salary for a $1.4B team. Overall really good rankings though.
  13. Commanders: Treatment of families: F Nutrition: D+ Training Room: F- Locker Room: F- Training Staff: D That's... brutal. Did get an A+ in Strength Staff though.
  14. A year ago we were talking about being the Super Bowl favorites. Now we are talking about a total rebuild. Sigh.
  15. Yes. Your movie ticket purchase is analogous to your game ticket purchase. The movie theater doesn't ask you to pay for the building whether you go to movies or not, then pay to enter the building, and then pay for the movie ticket itself. The comparison is just not even remotely close. PSL's are for stadium recouping costs. “PSLs have always been intended by the NFL to be a funding mechanism for stadium construction or renovation” Stadium attorney Daniel Etna and... "All the PSL money is used for construction on a stadium" - Pegula Vice President Ron Raccuia The Oakland PSL's also go the stadium. "The PSLs.... are supposed to help the city of Oakland and Alameda County repay the $200 million cost to expand the stadium, now known as McAfee Coliseum." Then when they moved to Vegas, the PSL's also go the stadium: "The additional money from personal seating licenses has allowed the team to add additional features to the stadium, more suites, a field-level club, and enhanced internet connections for fans." This is flat out not true. "The PSL money can only be used to cover the team's expenses moving out of Cleveland." "Not one dime (of PSL money) will go to the Modell family." - Art Modell No, that PSL money is going back to the NFL under the g4 loan Kroenke signed to borrow the billion dollars. No he doesn't! He took out a $1 billion dollar g4 loan from the NFL. Your list has all been wrong! You keep ignoring the fact that the Tpegs contribution is being negated by the PSL's. It's not coming from his pocket. It is not coming from ticket sales. It is coming from PSL's that exist only to pay off stadium debt. That is not money coming out of Tpegs wallet. That is money coming from the fans. - The fans pay for the taxpayer part of the stadium - The fans pay for the PSL's - The fans pay for the tickets The actual cash coming from Terry's pocket - irrespective of fans - is about 10%! For example: Let's say I build a roller-skating rink for $100,000. And let's say $60,000 of that comes from taxpayers in the area. And $30,000 comes via a loan that stipulates that it will be paid off via the sale of PSL's that charge other people the right to buy tickets to my rink. How much came form my pocket? The Buffalo news broke this down nicely: "While the Buffalo Bills owners agreed to pay $550 million toward the cost of a new stadium in Orchard Park, that doesn’t mean the Pegulas will be dipping into their own pockets for all of it." Pegula's actual expenditure on this stadium will probably be in the 10% to 15% range.
  16. That was a joke. I was joking that I complain so much that the congressman knows my name. Guess the joke went over your head.
  17. Im just sharing my thoughts on the new stadium and pointing out that it is OUR stadium, not the Bills. The public should have a say, in my opinion.
  18. Oh, trust me! I do. Congressman knows my name.
  19. They do. Through the school board, which is mandated to have public meetings and take comments from the public.
  20. “Just shut up and pay for it” - some people You gotta admit…
  21. Oh i’m known around the town hall meetings
  22. You not doing something doesn’t make it right. Just like someone sucker punching a granny but getting away with it doesn’t make it right. Not sure how you could think you working on publicly funding projects and not having to get public approval somehow makes it right. Taxpayers are absolutely owed a stadium they approve of. We are paying for it. It is OUR stadium. The Bills are leasing it from US. They don’t own it nor maintain it.
  23. None. I’ve also never held public office. But I still have the right to vote for public officials, because… democracy. Yeah the County owned Rich/Ralph stadium but the state will own the new one.
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