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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Or trades for Dean Marlowe who the coaches won't let see the field unless a player literally has a cardiac arrest on the field.
  2. That's crazy. Beane values draft picks like they're plutonium. With Rodgers likely in NY and Miami getting Fangio, Ramsey, and their upcoming draft picks/free agency, I won't be surprised if we are 3rd in the division this season.
  3. That still doesn’t leave them much space, unfortunately.
  4. Beane when this was happening; At least we got Dean Marlowe.
  5. If anyone is ranting, it’s you. I just give my opinion. Calmly and rationally. I get that you love Diggs. I love him too. And Allen. But calling a spade a spade is not a bad thing. People change and situations change.
  6. Some people want to live in objective reality. What is actually happening. Others want to live in a reality they’ve made that is more comfortable to them. Roses and butterflies. Neither choice is wrong, but only one choice is true.
  7. It sounds like you just want to make an excuse for anyone with a Buffalo on their helmet. What’s left to do is be a captain and a teammate. A leader doesn’t abandon their team after a season ending loss because they’re mad. They rise above and are there for their teammates. Reporters who have been following the team for decades said they’ve never seen a player do that before. This is the same guy that stood on the field after the Chiefs playoff loss and wanted to watch them celebrate so he would have extra motivation to win it all next year. He went from that, to now he’s leaving the stadium before the coaches even get to the locker room? You can make excuses if you want but it’s not normal and it’s not a captain move.
  8. Yeah. This is nothing new. He did the same thing in Minnesota.
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  10. Neither has been good the last 2 years. This was expected. Chiefs likely get better by losing these two.
  11. In an effort to get more money out of the Bills and say "if you don't, im gone".
  12. Nah. It doesn't bother me at all to get piled on. When my opinion is counter to the consensus agreement it makes me realize I'm closer to the truth. The public is stupid (ask Vegas).
  13. No. We know he isn't training right now because he is golfing and vacationing with his GF.
  14. I think he was the one who recovered the Allen fumble in the endzone at the end of the Vikings game.
  15. I started a thread on this exact topic but it got deleted for some reason. You're right and I do find it odd that Allen is not training when other top QB' are.
  16. There is proof that something is wrong. Something is off. Something is amiss. No one (that i've seen) is saying that he is definitely leaving. Just that something is "off". Your argument is that this is "not news". But it is. Something is off. He could play another 10 years with the Bills. But that doesnt change the fact that something is not right at this moment.
  17. The board wasn't wrong though. Diggs didn't remove those pictures because he was bored. He removed them to SEND A MESSAGE during contract talks. And he did this today to send a message as well. Ignoring that message is foolhardy, in my opinion.
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