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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Personally, I think thread merging is just a bad idea a lot of times. Not always, but many times it is. No one can keep track of a 30+ page thread with information buried in it. It seems like the rules of common human engagement just gets tossed out of the window when talking online. Imagine talking with a friend in real life and then suddenly a powerful being tells you to stop talking because there are 50 other people already talking about a similar topic. Then he snaps his fingers and your conversation is now part of this huge other conversation and this new massive conversation is not at the same place (topic wise) that yours was and this new massive conversation has already devolved into side topic that you weren’t talking about with your friend, etc. It’s a mess.
  2. I don’t see Spencer’s issues being fixed with time, because his issue is slow feet. When he gets beat around edge, it looks like he’s running in sand. I just don’t see how time fixes speed.
  3. This should be posted in massive bold font all throughout the Bills locker room.
  4. Genuinely surprised at how many people still fall for April Fools!
  5. I also didn’t include comp % down the stretch (which was bad), y/a, etc. You want a full breakdown of every stat. How about the splits? Want those too? If you want to include his 3 rushing TD’s, go for it. But it doesn’t change anything. Listing every stat is pointless when we all know he didn’t play well down the stretch. Unless you think he did?
  6. I also didn’t include comp % down the stretch (which was bad), y/a, etc. If you want to include his 3 rushing TD’s go for it. But it doesn’t change anything. Listing every stat is pointless when we all know he didn’t play well down the stretch. Unless you think he did?
  7. Well yeah if you take away any players bad stretches they’re going to look good lol. But even taking away that stretch, 15 TD’s, 4 INT’s and 5 fumbles isn’t exactly great football or what we expect from Josh. I think we are all just kinda hoping it’s the injury, but that bad stretch started the game before the injury.
  8. Maybe, but, I mean, we watched Brady win 7 SB’s with mostly nobodies at WR. KC traded their HOF WR and won another Super Bowl right after. Im more willing to blame it on his injuries. Brady did always have great lines though. Im a big fan of Allen. Just yesterday I said he will go down as the greatest Bill of all time. But it sure seems fans don’t want to admit he kinda sucked for a good portion toward the middle and end of last season.
  9. Josh playing like poorly down the stretch last year is kind of the elephant in the room that no-one has been willing to bring up. Week 8 to 17 18 passing TD’s and 13 turnovers
  10. i’ll go back and check the tape to make sure, but I’m pretty sure a good 90+ percent of the time McDermott does not have a play sheet in his hand on defense. that’s why the times he does have a play sheet in his hand is so noticeable
  11. Oddly enough, Cinci had no problem with slipping. Our team (the one that is supposedly used to that weather) we’re the ones slipping and sliding.
  12. Right, so you’re assuming the Bills are telling the truth. I don’t assume that. There are numerous reasons to not tell the truth about that, everything from keeping Leslie’s respect in the locker room high, to the flack McD got for admitting he took over play-calling against the Chargers in 2018. Players wouldn’t know who is calling the plays. What happens a lot of times (it actually happened for 4 straight years in KC), is the head coach radios the play to the coordinator, and the coordinator calls it in to the defense. Which likely why you saw both McD and Frazier with play sheets in their hands and the sheet over their mouth. This is how KC got away with saying Bienemy calls plays even though Reid actually calls them. It went Reid > to Bienemy > to players. Did you ever wonder why 95% of the season, McD does NOT have that play sheet in his hand? Only certain times he does?
  13. I know that a lot of Florio’s articles are considered clickbait, but I don’t think that’s fair because he’s not passing off his opinion as fact. He’s just making up scenarios he could potentially see happen. Not ones that necessarily will happen. I really enjoy his writing. It’s much different than anything else you see from reporters. He was a lawyer and he brings a perspective that you don’t see elsewhere and he’s not afraid to consider unpopular situations. That being said, I don’t ever think Belichick will be here. BUT, I do think McDermott is on thinner ice than most people realize. It’s typically a last resort for a coach to fire his coordinator and take over the play calling themselves.
  14. Yep. There’s a reason why many of just buy the individual game tickets from season ticket holders. Less risk (for example if Allen got hurt week 2, the rest of the season tickets is worthless), and we can sit where we choose.
  15. Agreed. The problem is, when we have needed it most, for four years in a row, we have not been able to get that one late game stop in the playoffs. Side note: I think we lose either way, but playing our CB’s 10 yards off of Cinci’s receivers and then watching KC play them the complete opposite way (tight) the following week, I believe, was big egg on Frazier and McD’s face and part of the reason Frazier is not here anymore.
  16. I really respect your opinion as probably the best poster on this site (in my opinion). However you often say things as if you are in the Bills meeting rooms and know it for sure, but you decline to provide proof. Do you have proof that he only called it once? Because as I said, I know he only admitted to it once. But there is a big difference between someone admitting to something only once and it happening only once. I don’t think he was holding a defensive play sheet and speaking into the headset multiple games because he was playing UNO with the guys ipstairsz
  17. I know he only admitted to it once, but I believe it happened several times. There were multiple games where McD toward the end had the defensive play call sheet in his hand and was talking into the headset with the sheet over his mouth. Agreed.
  18. I admittedly wasn’t really paying attention to any of this, but have heard the hoopla in the background of the news for quite some time. I figured it was going to be a huge charge. Then I read today … misdemeanor? They got him on a misdemeanor? Thats it?
  19. Here it is. Are we all going to pretend that in crunch time, with the season on the line, McD wasn’t involved in the defensive play calling? Nonsense! McD was well aware of what defense we were running during 13 seconds (there was even a timeout to adjust), as well as the Bengals atrocity.
  20. A buddy of mine who is a big Panthers fan said it is very similar to what we have seen in Buffalo. He hired Frazier for a reason, and that’s because he’s runs a similar defense to McD. To his point, McD even took over playcalling some games in his tenure year. He also said McD got Edmunds and Milano to replicate what he had in Keuchly and Davis in Carolina. Long story short - he doesn’t think we are going to see much difference.
  21. What that game showed us (and really every game) that the Jets defense is legit. An extremely good defense. So good that they can win 7 games while having a horrendous offense. If they put together just a decent offense. Not great, not spectacular, just DECENT. They are a playoff team. Yep. Watch him have a resurgence this year.
  22. That's fine. But your overall point is that these moves won't make the Jets a threat, right? The same Jets team who BEAT US last year with a terrible QB. Is now adding a QB who, even if he is not as good as he once was, is still quite good. If Rodgers puts up just an AVERAGE offense, the Jets make the playoffs and are a thread. The Jets lost games last year while scoring 3 points, 12 points, 17 points, 3 points (again), 6 points, 12 points (again), and 6 points (again). That's unfathomably bad offense.
  23. Credibility isn't a person. It's formed or removed by the argument made by a person in any individual argument. You called a QB who won 2 of the last 3 league MVP's, "washed up". A QB who was 7th in passing TD's and 11th in yards last year... "washed up". It's absurd on its face. No need to even delve deeper.
  24. He said that OBJ was on his way to SB MVP when he got hurt. A lot could have changed, but he was on pace for over 100 yards and 2 TD's when he got injured.
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