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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. This is true. Quickest way to get crapped on is to be realistic.
  2. Largely because I trust Andy Reid and Veach to make that call between Brown/Veach, though I do see the paradox in that and them acquiring Brown in the first place.
  3. I do. Orlando Brown was not good for the Chiefs. Although I must concede I didn't watch all of his snaps and I am going based off of what Chiefs fans have told me for the last 2 years that they have suffered with Orlando Brown.
  4. I am optimistic because this is the best off-season Beane has had in some time (since the Allen draft, actually). That being said, i'm not sure it was enough to bridge the gap between playoff Bills and playoff Cinci/KC. Part of that is we have a coach who has repeatedly shown that he is not great in big moments. The other part of that is, KC also got better. They signed Jawaan Taylor to play LT. They added LB Drue Tranquill. They also added Omenihu which could be an underrated signing at edge. Then there is the division, which will likely be the toughest it has been in a long time. Jets have a dominant defense and beat us last year with Zach Wilson at QB. They added Aaron Rodgers, who even if old, is an incredible upgrade over Zach. Dolphins not only beat us last year but also took us down to the wire, at home, in the playoffs, with a 3rd string QB. So they will be a hard out. And then there is NE, who is not nearly as talented as us, but Belichick game plans always have to be respected.
  5. To be clear, i’m not saying losing Von didn’t hurt. I’m just acknowledging that we were spiraling (and showing huge empty spots in our armor), before he went down.
  6. He averages 1 missed game per year. Diggs averages more missed games per season (across his career) as Hopkins.
  7. Of course not. I mean, any given Sunday and all, but the odds would be slim. And he knows it. Even if he tries to grasp onto those two meaningless regular season victories.
  8. Chiefs were the anti-Bills last season. Bills started strong and then faltered. Chiefs started weak and then got stronger.
  9. Semantics. "Barring injury, if KC gets Hopkings, it's a wrap." Feel better? lol.
  10. Bills had lost 2 of the prior 3 games before Von tore his ACL, Allen had been playing awful (4 TDs and 5 INT in previous four games before Von tore ACL), and Zach Wilson even beat us. Von’s injury didn't change the season. It’s just a convenient excuse. To be fair I almost fell into that same excuse trap, until I really analyzed the season. When you do so, you realize that injuries didn’t derail our season. We were simply not good enough, but I do like what Beane did this off-season.
  11. No, I didn’t act like that. This method of thinking relies on a better team getting injured at multiple important position groups for us to be competitive. ”Who knows? Maybe our less talented team will have a chance because maybe the more talented team gets injured” Loser mentality. And? Im over regular season wins. Don’t care about them. As I said before, i’d trade away a decade of 12-6 for just one SB trophy. When it matters most, the Chiefs have beaten us. Having a coach that repeatedly makes mistakes in big moments is not an anomaly. Its an inevitability.
  12. I am all about the RIGHT NOW. I do not care about 3 years from now, or 5 years from now, or 10 years from now. I don't want to waste Allen's career like the Dolphins wasted Marinos. We need to strike while the iron is hot. All hands on deck right NOW. Allen's career could (in theory) go the way of Cam Newtons and he be out of the league in 5 years. I hope not, of course, but its possible, so we need to go all in NOW. I said it before, but i'd trade a decade of 12-6 for just ONE Super Bowl. That one trophy is worth far more than year after year after year of "good but not good enough". Plus, if KC gets Hopkins, it's a wrap for the AFC.
  13. Welcome to internet message boards. If you're looking for facts only, then a news website may be more suited to you.
  14. If people are worried about Hopkins rapidly declining at 30 years old, then we should all be terrified about Diggs, who turns 30 this year. lol.
  15. With hindsight, you take Jefferson. No question in my mind. Without hindsight, you trade for Diggs. And I loved the Diggs trade. But here's the thing. Diggs didn't teach Allen how to QB. It's not like Diggs came in and gave Allen a masterclass. He just gave Allen a competent WR for the first time in his career. Suddenly Allen had a guy who could beat defenders at every level of the field. Short, middle, and deep. Jefferson would have done the same, but even better.
  16. What signs? Yeah that part of his post was so absurd that I completed ignored it. He is comparing players from the 70's and 80's and saying their decline is attributable to 2012 Randy Moss, but not 2023 Hopkins.
  17. Randy Moss joined the Patriots in his 10th season. Hopkins will be joining whatever team he joins in his 11th season.
  18. Randy Moss was more AJ Green part 2 (through ten seasons) than Hopkins is. Here are the stats for all 3 receivers through 10 seasons (which is where Hopkins is right now). Yeah, two posters can have any conversation they want. With any parameters they want. You're just salty that you didn't read (or comprehend) what we were talking about, and immediately jumped in thinking you had a "got ya" moment. Instead you were served a warm slice of humble pie. Which there is no doubt, considering it was a smooth transition for him in a much worse offense. Jefferson was the #1 in Minnesota his rookie year as well. He is elite and would have been elite in Buffalo too. And I loved the Diggs trade. .
  19. I have a brain that tells me that the best WR in the NFL who was INSTANTLY elite would have done just fine with a top 3 QB (Josh Allen) and an elite offensive mind (Brian Daboll), which is a much better situation than a run first coach (Mike Zimmer) and a middling QB (Cousins). You’re joking, right? Implying that Jefferson would have done worse in our elite offense vs Minnesota? Gotta be kidding me.
  20. Did you purposefully not read the conversation, or did you rush to reply so quickly that you didn’t have time to comprehend it? We were talking about what the Bills should do in HINDSIGHT. What the Bills would do with the information we know NOW (Jefferson being the best WR in the NFL). All you had to do was read before you replied.
  21. At this point, I’d be willing to give Hopkins the money just to keep him away from KC. Having him play for us would just be a bonus. Barring injury, it’s hard for me to imagine KC not representing the AFC in the Super Bowl yet again if they get Hopkins. It’ll be Brady and Moss all over again. Except this time, Brady would have Moss AND Gronk (Kelce).
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