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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Yeah that Jacksonville stadium blows ours out of the water.
  2. Nothing said in this video is disgusting. Is there more to this clip or something? If I were to take a random guess, maybe Simms said $10k is a pathetically small donation for an NFL player??
  3. Definitely understandable.
  4. You asked for a link showing Beane showed a little frustration with having to give up a pick. I gave you one. Take your loss and move on. Or don’t. It’s pathetic either way.
  5. Giphy, or attach image? The attach image function is useless because the system limits the size of the photo upload to a tiny file size. But giphy has always worked for me.
  6. Im just no interested in doing your googling work for you. Don’t be lazy. Here is a one time accommodation: Yep.
  7. He mentioned it in multiple press conferences. Onvioisly he came to the conclusion that it was worth it to trade the pick, but he said several times that he didn't want to have to do it.
  8. But he also makes simple catches look difficult.
  9. Im not upset, i’m just calling you out on your BS. Oh, look, another lie. The link to the Saints forum thread is literally in the post with all the quotes. Ya know, the post you didn’t actually read but continue to talk about as if you did.
  10. you’re right. I forgot that he is nonsensical
  11. Yes and he did this year. And anguished over it. So with a choice between signing a WR that costs zero draft pick, and one that costs a draft pick, I think the choice is obvious.
  12. Cowherd is a blowhard but a broken clock is right twice a day, and he is right on this.
  13. Way to not read the post that talked about you not reading posts. I literally said what you lied about IN the post you quoted.
  14. If you’re going to lie, you might as well make up something even more outlandish. How about “Einstein tortured the responses out of the Saints fans!” If you had bothered to be an honest poster and read all the quotes, you would have seen I posted a mix of both positive and negative. But you couldn’t help yourself. Because you’d rather be dishonest and continue your narrative.
  15. Beane all but cried over spending a 4th round pick to move up in the draft so i’d be shocked if he spent a pick on Evan’s when Hopkins is available for just money.
  16. Yeah i’d say posts like “massive overpay”, “Buffalo did us a favor”, and “That is an expensive addition to their Tub Club” are mocking. And if you were being honest, you would admit it as well.
  17. Is this a fact? Do you have a source link or tweet for this info? If so, it would definitely make me feel better about the player. Here you go: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/246447-possible-mckenzie-replacement-bills-sign-deonte-harty-formally-deonte-harris/?do=findComment&comment=8315245
  18. His results are the exact same as 96.875% of the league. The one and only reason to play the season is to win a Super Bowl. Nothing else matters. There are no prizes for making the playoffs, only negatives (lower drafting spot). It's Super Bowl or bust. So far, McBeane has busted. I completely agree and this is why I visit the forum of a new signing previous team to get an inside look at how that player really is. No one knows a players skills, flaws, annoyances, etc more intimately than the fans of the team that he has thrilled/bothered for the past however many years. When you visit a forum and the general feeling is "thank goodness X player is gone", I know it's likely not going to be good. But when you visit their forum and the general consensus is "bummer, really wish we could have kept him", I start to feel really good about what we got.
  19. According to Saints fans who openly mocked us on their forum for signing him, Harty is always injured.
  20. I don’t think McD needs Beane’s permission.
  21. Yeah, Leslie didn’t “step away”. He got shoved out.
  22. Same. There is a reason why he only got a 1 year deal last season and was available in June of this off-season. No problem having him on the team and i’m sure he can contribute, but let’s not pretend he is some prize. This administration has a tendency of signing players after their prime when they have lost a lot of their juice that made them special. Guys like Emmanuel Sanders, Vernon Butler, Mario Addison, etc.
  23. The irony of telling someone who was being playful to lighten up lol.
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