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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. You never answered the question. You believe the Bills offered Hall a new contract and he decided to leave for the Jags?
  2. Because I watched some of their games. That is not a good team. Good coach though.
  3. I love the semantics game Allen is playing. They are working on things “internally” that are not football related? LOL.
  4. Your contention is that he interviewed for OC positions and didn’t get one, so he decided to go to a bottom dweller team that not only already had hired an OC but also the head coach acts as a secondary OC, essentially giving Hall zero chance to ever be promoted? And at the same time he left a top tier team that had a brand new OC who could suck and Hall could be promoted? Surely you see how that makes zero sense?
  5. lol exactly its frankly insulting to our intelligence though some will eat it up
  6. Your contention is that both the Super Bowl favorite Bills and bottom dweller Jaguars offered him a contract to coach, and he chose the Jags?
  7. It’s all PR. Now they are doing damage control to re-work the narrative and make it non-football related (even though it is). The Bills PR and Diggs agents will work together to smooth this over in the media and make excuses and the homers will eat it up. Those who know how these things work will see it for what it actually is.
  8. It’s been going on for years. The Chiefs had been hoping Bienemy got hired for HC since 2020. https://brobible.com/sports/article/chiefs-eric-bieniemy-patrick-mahomes-feud/amp/ https://youtube.com/watch?v=qLoHaLfnjJQ
  9. Personal toward the team, yea. What is essentially happening at this point is the Bills and Diggs are working out some things. Now they are doing damage control to re-work the narrative and make it non-football related (even though it is). It’s all PR. The Bills PR and Diggs agents will work together to smooth this over in the media and make excuses and the homers will eat it up. Those who know how these things work will see it for what it actually is.
  10. It’s all PR. The Bills PR and Diggs agents will work together to smooth this over in the media and make excuses and the homers will eat it up.
  11. It just makes no sense. If that were true, McD wouldn’t have said what he said. Which is probably why Allen said there were things we should have done better last year. This is likely the true reason.
  12. He could have just said “We hope to get Stef here soon” and leave it at that. McD purposefully said wha he said. It was a shot across the bow.
  13. No, he wasn’t being sarcastic. He responded to my post and said Stef is a kid to him because he is much older.
  14. I feel like I am very reasonable. I call it like I see it. You never see me bashing players that show up and play well. I only bash players that play poorly or pull crap like Diggs is doing. I answered your questions now answer mine - What with you and dismissing every negative thing and a Bills player or a coach?
  15. If you join the Mensa forum on reddit you will see some very funny (but real) stories just like this one!
  16. Would you like me to conform with the crowd. Everything is great! Everything is fine! What a wonderful team we have! Diggs is only missing because he is out buying the entire team buffalo wings! McD was joking about being concerned.
  17. This issue is not 1 day of OTA’s. It is - Screaming at the franchise QB on the sidelines about something - Taking Bills related stuff off of his social media - Not showing up to voluntaries - Not showing up to mandatories - The HEAD COACH HIMSELF saying that he is very concerned It is amazing to me that the people who trust McD wholeheartedly are brushing off a clear statement from McD stating that he is very concerned. McD rarely says something so harsh. But he did this time. For a reason!
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