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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Allen saying it’s not football related, McDermott saying it was an excused absence, etc.
  2. “it was oft observed that the vanquished, despite tasting the bitter sting of defeat, did oft perceive themselves as victors in their own hearts”
  3. No hysteria from me. I simply called it like it is. You forgot to mention that I was mentioned and quoted numerous times in a magazine this month (not a joke).
  4. Yes it’s difficult. Thankfully for PSE they have an iron grip on the media so they can control the narrative and steer the direction of talk where they want it to go.
  5. Rare misstep on my part. I shouldn’t have written that. I apologize. I try never to insult anyone.
  6. You must be confusing me with another. I do no insult anyone. I am the one always being insulted. Worst I call someone is a “homer” - which just means a fan that rejects logic in favor of fandom.
  7. “A fool says to the wise man, ‘you are an idiot’ though the wise man only wants to show the fool truth”
  8. Correct. And i’m honestly impressed with that astute observation on your part. McDermott didn’t “slip up”. He purposefully said what he said. It was a shot across the bow. It was planned, and the PR plan was in place before the words ever left his mouth.
  9. Sometimes it’s best to laugh at the lemmings. Here is what I posted 16 hours ago. I told them all the script of how this would go down. It is unfolding nearly exactly as I said it would. Why? Because we run PR campaigns at my company. I know how they work. This was extremely predictable.
  10. The funny (or sad) part is that there is no shortage of posters who don’t realize the Bills are lying directly to their face.
  11. This is exactly what I predicted would happen, yesterday. PR team is at work.
  12. You said we overreacted. We didn’t. We reacted appropriately. Even the head coach said he was very concerned. Speaking of straw men, I never said it wasn’t fixable. Which part didn’t you understand? I’ll break it down into a way that someone of your intellect can understand.
  13. Sal and Chris Brown are in a decade long competition for whose nose can be browner.
  14. Glad we can agree that nothing was overdramatized and this all happened and it was not okay. If Diggs gets his act together, that’s good, and it means he rehabilitated his bad behavior (at least for now). But it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen and it doesn’t mean it wasn’t bad. Just like someone who hurts someone in a DWI and then changes their life after coming out prison. Did the court overreact by putting them in prison? No. They rehabilitated their life AFTER what they did terribly wrong.
  15. Good PSE boy. Repeat the company line. Pretend Diggs didn’t blow up on the franchise QB on the sideline. Pretend Diggs didn’t storm out of the stadium before the coaches could even reach the locker room. Pretend Diggs didn’t delete all Bills items from his social media. Pretend Diggs didn’t unfollow the Bills. Pretend Diggs didn’t leave the mandatory OTA’s. Pretend the HEAD COACH didn’t say he is “very concerned”. Pretend, pretend, pretend. Just over reacting!
  16. No. I’m just saying what is being speculated and a posters situation are two different things and not comparable.
  17. That hand shake looks like two people who no longer talk and are awkwardly acknowledging each other. Like saying hello to an ex at the mall a few months after a break up.
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