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Everything posted by BIGFOOTspaceman

  1. Can they cut a player whose wife passed away and the funeral is on Sunday and they sure would like to put their loved one to rest? You sure? Any reason?
  2. There is something to be said for putting yourself in these situations.....not saying its her fault at all if this happened. But people lack common sense sometimes. Your 17, I would guess attractive and decided to go to a college party with drunked up hyper hormonal young men. The thought never crossed her mind that she might be putting herself in a bad situation? Again, its not her fault that she got raped, but where is the common sense. Where is the parenting? I could go running through Compton with a bag full of money if I wanted. If I get robbed, its not my fault and the thief should go to jail....But I put my self in that situation.
  3. Lol, I could log on and say "Go Bills" and I'd get a warning point. I don't really worry about it. But are we really saying that he doesn't have a right to pursue an NFL career? Seems like a stretch to me. But generally, don't take me too seriously, I am the village idiot on this board.
  4. Some week nights and definitely on weekends.
  5. Yes, he actually does... Read the constitution sometime. We all have the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If being on a football team fulfills his pursuit of happiness, it is his inalienable right to play football.
  6. This is a very short sighted opinion. People are so quick to take others rights away but if it were you in this situation and you were innocent... You'd be defending the very system of law you are currently disregarding.
  7. Tough spot for the Bills organization.... They could cut him now and stand firmly on the character of the team and have zero tolerance... They'll be respected by fans around the league... But if they do and this is all horse chit, they rushed to judgement and didn't let the legal system run it's coarse. I still say just cut him.
  8. Just give him the standard 11 game suspension and move on, he'll be back before the playoffs. And before any one calls for my head here, this is a dig at the current status quo for the NFL and Watson.... If he did it, just cut him. It's a punter for Pete's sake. Next man up.
  9. What happened to the game... Went to second half now all I have is infomercial 🤷
  10. I think Tre will be back first week in Oct....But what do I know, I'm just an idiot.
  11. I mean, I guess this is a funny joke thing to say... I laughed. But if you honestly believe they didnt have an army of smart people...lawyers, PR people, marketing execs, owners, coaches, etc. pouring over this decision your just fooling yourself. However unlikely... Imagine him winning a couple SB's.... Oh I can see the interviews and love already. Everyone loves a comeback story.
  12. Ok, we will have to agree to disagree. I have just have a different opinion. But judging by the fact the he received a 230 million dollar contract....fully guaranteed, lends weight that people are already dismissing this as an issue. Certainly in the Browns Org. The Browns are working off of past similar instances with other sports stars and making an educated guess on how this will play out. I'm just agreeing that the Browns are guessing correctly.
  13. That's been dead for well over a year now. If the #metoomovement was still a "thing," it would have kicked in by now.
  14. Maybe "forgotten" was an incorrect word choice. How often do people bring up Kobe's rape accusation....Roethlisberger's? Mike Vick's Dog abuse? Adrian Peterson beating his kid? Ray Lewis' murder accusation? All these guys continued to prosper in pro sports after the fact.....after prison in fact. This is just the flavor of the month and at the end of the day, he was never convicted of anything. Not saying it's acceptable. I've seen this before, I'll see it again. Same result. And in some respects, its already happening....new team and contract. Have you seen the Browns fans already cheering him at TC? I'm strictly responding to the point some are making (not necessarily here) that his career is over......It's not.
  15. In some respects what Mike Vick and Kobe did were as bad or worse. Kobe went on to be an all time legend and Mike Vick does commentary now. Not saying it isn't crazy... But for sport stars this stuff never seems to stick.
  16. It will be remembered when it's convenient for other people... Like opposing fans but, generally, this will mostly be forgotten
  17. I bet, in the grand scheme of things, what Watson did will never matter... Roethlisberger, Kobe, Ray Lewis, Adrian Peterson, Mike Vick... The list goes on. Next year, this won't even be a thing. People getting worked up over something that will ultimately be forgiven anyway.
  18. This is offensive. Shouldn't joke about people dying. SMH
  19. And how would he have done this exactly when he split his time with baseball? Play for 30 years? This is exactly my point...Everything with Bo is "if's" and "buts." He never reached his full potential in baseball and football because he split time for each. IMO, he was more interested in selling his brand as a dual sport athlete. It worked, but can't consider him an all time great in either sport.
  20. Your just jumping on the band wagon of the hate on this opinion....I'm not that young....I watched him play. You can hate the opinion but I'll say it again, you have absolute knuckleheads in here saying Tom Brady and Emmitt Smith are overrated....players in the league for a decade plus. Broke records, won Superbowls and MVPs. Bo played for 4 years, never a full season yet what is essentially being said, is that Bo was better than Emmitt Smith, Thurman Thomas, Curtis Martin......Thats insane. I get it, I'm not well liked here so people like to pile on. Not that I care. I don't get caught up in an emotional tizzy with how anonymous posters on TBD feel about me. But just so we are clear; Emmitt Smith = overrated Bo Jackson = One of the best RB's to play the game of Football I'd take him over Edmunds
  21. All this is irrelevant..... Read this whole thread, you'll soon realize Bo Jackson is the GOAT RB. 😂
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