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Everything posted by BIGFOOTspaceman

  1. I personally hated Dabolls play calling. When it worked, it was great. He was just so slow in adjusting play calling. Tampa Bay game last year is a perfect example. Changes should have been made in the first half of that game yet, waited until the second half. I thought he was stubborn and tried to force things at times. The Jet sweep all but disappeared last year. Why? Anyway, I suspect Dorsey will be better.
  2. Yes, so let's publicly flog the OP because the thread title wasn't exactly how you would put it. Maybe you should lighten up.
  3. The jersey has been removed and as of 1am, Sat. Aug 22, you could still order it.... I checked myself last night. Seems the writing is on the wall and I am happy this will soon be over.
  4. That was just gross to read, didn't need the mental picture.
  5. I don't buy the fact that other teams knew. I mean, Josh Allen's tweet was all over ESPN and NFL Network right before the draft and that was just a tweet. This guy potentially gang raped a girl, it was supposedly known and not a peep? That's weird. Matt Araiza, though a punter and 6th round pick did have a buzz around him. And nothing? Like I said, seems weird.
  6. I was under the assumption that no team knew before the draft but I could be wrong
  7. McDermott sounded disgusted to even be in this situation
  8. I wouldn't even place a bet on this. I mean, the Bills knew this was coming and kept him. I wouldn't be surprised if the Raiders or Browns picked him up if the Bills cut him.
  9. I gotta know more about Beane going forward with keeping him if they were made aware of this. Excuse my ignorance but are the fans owed a press conference detailing the decision making process here? At least a show of respect to female Bills fans? Our is it really just an "F" you fans, we made a call and you'll have to accept it. This just seems so out of character for this organization.
  10. Here's some harsh truth..... I just don't care what happens to Matt Araiza. There's two people in this world that care about me, my wife and daughter. That's it. If I was just accused of this heinous chit, Matt Araiza wouldn't be on the "Life of BIGFOOTspaceman" message board advocating my innocence. When you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. It's going to be awesome to hear about gang rape allegations all year long at every press conference.
  11. Seriously... I know he has been anointed punt god after one NFL punt but, I have zero attachment to this guy.
  12. Don't get me twisted, I'm right there with you. I'm in the zero distraction camp. Guy has piss poor judgment. I still don't understand why he was drafted in the first place ( if Beane knew about it)
  13. I'm just saying they have more to consider than we do.... Potential Innocence, guilt, optics, branding, etc.
  14. I mean, everyone here has the luxury of taking the wait and see approach. Everyone here can take any position they like, it's their prerogative... It's a different situation for the Bills top brass. I don't envy the position they are in. It's probably not as cut and dry as many are making out to be regardless of their position.
  15. This right here.... This has got to be weighing on Beane and the Pegula's
  16. I'm actually dumbfounded as to why the Bills do not take this route. Just don't punt tonight and grab a serviceable punter... Let Bass punt
  17. I mean, there's so many nuances here... Did he do it, not do it, why is there no criminal charges, nut ball lawyers, STDs, sex outside with Araiza, sex inside with a group.... At the end of the day the Bills have to be concerned with there image and there was so much to learn from the Watson ordeal.
  18. If the Bills cut Araiza tonight, would anyone lose any sleep over this?
  19. Well, in other news, Aaron Donald went all Myles Garret, double fisting helmets on some Bengal players today.... So maybe the Araiza news takes a backseat for a little bit.
  20. As far as professionals go, I agree, Ive never thought Sweeny was any good.
  21. 😂 Seriously..... Isn't there a dedicated member of Bills Mafia willing to fall on the sword here?
  22. Getting info on JD's lawyer makes this look even more sketchy. I mean, this is just nuts.
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