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Everything posted by BIGFOOTspaceman

  1. JA gets all the blame.....ALL OF IT!!!!! Beane needs to find a way to void this anchor of a contract Allen has. He's dumb and can't audible correctly. Bills absolutely missed the boat on Rosen. But its not to late. Dump Allen, sign Rosen! #gettherightJosh
  2. They should just select the pro bowl team, put them together in Madden, turn injuries off and broadcast the simulation....Id watch that
  3. Just let it die...Flag Football? No thanks.
  4. Maybe if the would let Singletary get into a rhythm, instead of switching RBs every series, maybe the run game would be more effective. It baffles me that they refuse to leave him in.
  5. But Nick Wright will make fun of us 😳
  6. NFL playing into the rivalry narrative.
  7. I guess that works too lol
  8. Cathartic- providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions;
  9. No sarcasm from me on this….After losses this is the first place I go. All the hot takes, analysis, excuses and perspective. I actually end up laughing a lot which makes me feel better. And before anyone else can do it….. LAMP
  10. Well, Brissett would be throwing balls from Cleveland so I doubt the Dolphins would even put him in.
  11. Cool, we can ignore the O-line again for the 10th straight year.
  12. No one does….it doesn’t exist.
  13. Anyone wanna guess the injury report for next week? 🤦‍♂️
  14. I’m inclined to agree. AFC is too stacked this year. It’ll be a literal coin flip in the playoffs
  15. Pat M only needed 13 seconds….Josh had over a minute.
  16. Maybe we can slow down with the. Bills are unstoppable How do you stop the Bills 20-0 Best team ever….. Hello Bills, I’m earth.
  17. Holding in field goal range. Refs got paid.
  18. Absolutely crumbled. Allen not clutch there.
  19. Yes. Let’s get all the way to scoring range and not score
  20. But not a penalty for the hit on Know…..OK NFL
  21. Loss. Horrid game plan offensively and defensively
  22. He can flush that toss sweep as well.
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