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Everything posted by buffalochips

  1. according to rotowire he breaks tackles 21% of the time, and has 52% of yards after contact
  2. can we make Steve Tasker the special teams coach please?
  4. please no more shotgun handoffs. Why not kick it there???
  5. looks like a deer in the headlights, poor kid...
  6. this team looks super today🏆
  7. still the first quarter and the division is already locked up 😝
  8. they are playing the Jets so don't get to excited
  9. uh, GOAT coach??? Let's review, he cheated while his team sucked and then had an all star roster.
  10. That td play was ridiculous! Given the score of both games they should just rest the starters now
  11. nah Bellicheat is trash, as the Dolphins are now demonstrating. Would be much more fun to see him throwing his tablet again in BUFFALO
  12. who coaches and hires the kick returners and why aren't they fired?
  13. sounds good, I would rather have the chargers or raiders in Buffalo anyway. 51-3 😆
  14. they both suck and play not to win so yea
  15. looking forward to a rematch in Nashville without the miracles
  16. he wanted to lose but so do the Ravens...
  17. nice, Bengals lost and so did the Colts. Want to see the Steelers fail as well
  18. Frank Reich better grab a helmet and run the 4 minute offense
  19. Let's go Ravens, another easy playoff win if they get in
  20. have they announced JA and Diggs inactive yet?
  21. they are called the browns for a reason Jags are beasting, at least they didn't beat us this badly
  22. start Turdbisky, we don't need to see Josh Allen run for another 100 yards today. Keep our players healthy, the second string can win this game
  23. he did get fired, by the Jets and every other team he played for
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