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Everything posted by ArdmoreRyno

  1. So then let's start a list.... Semi-trailer manufactures Moving van manufactures Car manufactures Knives manufactures Plane manufactures Helicopter manufactures Boats manufactures Petroleum companies Alcoholic beverage companies Firearm manufactures Ammonium Nitrate manufactures Cherry producers Apricot producers Plum producers Peach producers Apple producers Pear producers Rice producers Castor oil producers How long should we make this list?
  2. Again, there are a plethora of things that can be used to hurt/kill people. What about the manufactures of ammonium nitrate fertilizer? You can buy 40 lb bags of it at the local feed store. Doesn't take much to turn those into something that can kill hundreds at a time. What about the makers of alcoholic beverages? Those kill FAR MORE than firearms. It's actually 3-4x more deaths. Should people be suing Labatts? I'd love to see the studies to back up your claim on "mentally ill people seek out these products" and gun makers knowing this so they can sell firearms to them. BTW: You continue to ignore points I'm making... like you claiming you nor anyone you know ever having a home broken into thus no need for semi-automatic firearms... when I posted story after story (linked) to times these firearms save lives and protect homes.
  3. You mean the subway station in John Wick 2 where they’re shootings at each other with suppressors and no one blinks due to ZERO noise... it’s not true? lol The same people who think movie guns are real life are the ones who want bans on things like silencers.
  4. Russians are killing Ukrainians with handguns? What? lol and he’s 100% right. A Mossberg 500 with 00 shot would do more damage than an AR in a room.
  5. Once again, I ask questions and you completely avoid them.
  6. As horrible at those people are, it doesn’t remove their 2A rights.
  7. Explain how'd you even begin to do that. A few things... 1. Most people would tell the government to f-off and 2. Most small town LEO and sheriff's in conservative states (like all of middle-America) would also tell the federal gov. to f-off. I know for a FACT, my county sheriff would never be part of a gun 'take back' program. So how are you going to take semi-auto firearms from people? Good luck with that.
  8. Again, you know zero about hunting. Lots of wild hogs stop to allow you to shoot them in the heart. Who cares about the ones who charge you while you're walking through the woods. You ever been to Oklahoma, Texas, etc? Hell, you have to carry when you hunt for f'ing morel mushrooms' because of the hog problems. My brother in law had a hog tusk go through his forearm AFTER he shot it (he was walking back from a deer stand when it charged him, he shot it once with a .45 and it continued to come after him). But you know better. Right? You're an embarrassment.
  9. I'm out for the day. My online arguing is over until 8:00 a.m. CST tomorrow. Take care and Go Bills.
  10. You exclude the rest I see.. LOL My point? I am probably one of the best shooters you'll ever talk to online or offline. I was able to attend sniper school in the Army until they told me I'd have to go through 11C training (I was an 88M) to be allowed to attend. I've been ranked nationally with the AR-15. You skipped everything else I said. Not surprised.
  11. Let me continue to help you... https://www.al.com/news/2020/05/man-shot-to-death-in-madison-county.html https://www.goupstate.com/story/special/2020/05/12/home-intruder-killed-in-buffalo-shooting/41757181/ https://cityofhouston.news/suspect-arrested-charged-in-assault-at-3806-solo-street/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=suspect-arrested-charged-in-assault-at-3806-solo-street https://www.oxygen.com/crime-news/nathan-edwards-fatally-shot-by-elderly-man-during-home-invasion https://www.foxnews.com/us/woman-shoots-male-intruder-toledo-children https://dailycaller.com/2021/07/08/fairfield-california-police-homeowner-fatal-intruder-invasion/ https://abc11.com/rhododendron-lane-break-in-man-shoots-home-invader/6918818/ I could do this ALL DAY LONG. But you haven't had it happen to you.
  12. But you shouldn't be allowed to defend yourself. Nor should anyone else.... just because Gugny hasn't had anyone break into his home and he can kill a wild boar with a pocket knife.
  13. Who gives a sh*t about your life experiences? Just because you and your imaginary friends have never had a break in... that doesn't mean the 2.5+ MILLION houses broken into don't exist. This happened down the road from where I lived a few years ago... but you've never had to deal with it, so others shouldn't have that right. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/03/28/three-burglars-entered-an-oklahoma-home-the-owners-son-opened-fire-with-an-ar-15-deputies-say/
  14. I served in the US Army, competed nationally with the AR-15 platform, I now just do it locally and I hunt. You have absolutely NO CLUE what you are talking about when it comes to firearms and hunting. Zero. So why don't you stick to something you understand. This is something, you don't.
  15. Says someone who has never hunted a wild pig. I love hearing this quote from the uneducated. Do you get your firearm knowledge from The View?
  16. Oh Gawd, here we go. You're incorrect on all accounts. As I said in an earlier post... the AR platform is now one of the most popular, if not THE most popular, hunting platforms in the United States. I hunt with one, my family does, nearly every I know uses them. AR-10's are perfect for deer. AR-15/300AAC Blackout is a must for hunting hogs. I don't want to use a bolt action when firing on a wild boar. I've seen them charge after being shot 3 times. Home defense? No? WTF are you talking about. Are you just a troll? Nearly ever firearm in America is a semi-automatic. Only revolvers, black powder and pump action shotguns aren't. Clearly, you are. And again, you're so wrong on the "only purpose" quote. I competition shoot, I hunt and I have firearms to protect my family.
  17. Why? What's their culpability in this?
  18. Well, just FYI... gun manufactures CAN be sued.
  19. That's what I was worried about. Time to ban hammers... including MC.
  20. AMEN. Most accurate thing said in this entire post.
  21. Same thing with knives or hell, hammers. 443 people were killed by hammers in 2019. That's more than killed by ALL rifles the same year.
  22. Why exactly? Should the people of Nice, France be allowed to sue Renault?
  23. Why not? It has the EXACT same rate of fire as an AR-15.
  24. Soooo.... the woman who's been threatened by her ex, of death, has to prove something before she can go buy a revolver to protect herself? Take a class? Wait a month?
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